



  • 中文名:宋春橋
  • 畢業院校香港中文大學
  • 職業:科研工作者
  • 職稱:研究員


2014.10~2017.11 美國加利福尼亞大學堡體贈-洛杉磯(UCLA),博士後
2011.08~2014.07 香港中文大學,辨斷喇格地理學專業,博士
2004.09~燥己龍2008.06 武漢大學,地理信息工程專業協探院催,學士




  • 代表論著
Zhu J, Song C*, Wang J, et al. China's inland water dynamics: the significance of water body types [J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020, 117(25): 13876-13878. (TOP)
Ke L, Song C*, Yong B, et al. Which heterogeneous glacier melting patterns can be robustly observed from space? A multi-scale assessment in southeastern Tibetan Plateau[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2020, 242: 111777. (TOP)
Deng X, Song C*, Liu K, et al. Remote sensing estimation of catchment-scale reservoir water impoundment in the upper Yellow River and implications for river discharge alteration[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2020: 124791. (TOP)
Wu Q, Song C*, Liu K, et al. Integration of TanDEM-X and SRTM DEMs and Spectral Imagery to Improve the Large-Scale Detection of Opencast Mining Areas[J]. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12(9): 1451.
Song C*, Sheng Y, Zhan S, et al. Impact of amplified evaporation due to lake expansion on the water budget across the inner Tibetan Plateau[J]. International Journal of Climatology, 2020, 40(4): 2091-2105.
Liu K, Song C*, Ke L, et al. Automatic watershed delineation in the Tibetan endorheic basin: A lake-oriented approach based on digital elevation models[J]. Geomorphology, 2020: 107127. (TOP)
Zhan S, Song C*, Wang J, et al. A global assessment of terrestrial evapotranspiration increase due to surface water area change[J]. Earth's Future, 2019, 7(3): 266-282. (TOP)
Liu K, Song C*, Ke L, et al. Global open-access DEM performances in Earth's most rugged region High Mountain Asia: A multi-level assessment[J]. Geomorphology, 2019, 338: 16-26. (TOP)
Zhang W, Pan H, Song C*, et al. Identifying emerging reservoirs along regulated rivers using multi-source remote sensing observations[J]. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(1): 25.
Luo S, Song C*, Liu K, et al. An effective low-cost remote sensing approach to reconstruct the long-term and dense time series of area and storage variations for large lakes[J]. Sensors, 2019, 19(19): 4247.
Wang J*#, Song C#, Reager J T, et al. Recent global decline in endorheic basin water storages[J]. Nature Geoscience, 2018, 11(12): 926-932. (# Equally contributed). (TOP)
Song C*, Ke L, Pan H, et al. Long-term surface water changes and driving cause in Xiong’an, China: From dense Landsat time series images and synthetic analysis[J]. Science Bulletin, 2018, 63(11): 708-716. (TOP)
Wu Q, Liu K, Song C*, et al. Remote sensing detection of vegetation and landform damages by coal mining on the Tibetan plateau[J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10(11): 3851.
Song C*, Sheng Y, Wang J, et al. Heterogeneous glacial lake changes and links of lake expansions to the rapid thinning of adjacent glacier termini in the Himalayas[J]. Geomorphology, 2017, 280: 30-38. (TOP)
Sheng Y*, Song C, Wang J, et al. Representative lake water extent mapping at continental scales using multi-temporal Landsat-8 imagery[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2016, 185: 129-141. (TOP)
Song C*, Sheng Y*, Ke L, et al. Glacial lake evolution in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau and the cause of rapid expansion of proglacial lakes linked to glacial-hydrogeomorphic processes[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 540: 504-514. (TOP)
Song C, Sheng Y*. Contrasting evolution patterns between glacier-fed and non-glacier-fed lakes in the Tanggula Mountains and climate cause analysis[J]. Climatic change, 2016, 135(3-4): 493-507.
Song C*, Huang B*, Ke L, et al. Precipitation variability in High Mountain Asia from multiple datasets and implication for water balance analysis in large lake basins[J]. Global and planetary change, 2016, 145: 20-29.
Song C*, Ke L, Richards K S, et al. Homogenization of surface temperature data in High Mountain Asia through comparison of reanalysis data and station observations[J]. International Journal of Climatology, 2016, 36(3): 1088-1101.
Song C, Ye Q*, Cheng X. Shifts in water-level variation of Namco in the central Tibetan Plateau from ICESat and CryoSat-2 altimetry and station observations[J]. Science bulletin, 2015, 60(14): 1287-1297. (TOP)
Song C*, Ke L*, Huang B, et al. Can mountain glacier melting explains the GRACE-observed mass loss in the southeast Tibetan Plateau: From a climate perspective?[J]. Global and Planetary Change, 2015, 124: 1-9.
Song C*, Huang B*, Ke L. Heterogeneous change patterns of water level for inland lakes in High Mountain Asia derived from multi‐mission satellite altimetry[J]. Hydrological Processes, 2015, 29(12): 2769-2781.
Song C*, Ye Q*, Sheng Y, et al. Combined ICESat and CryoSat-2 altimetry for accessing water level dynamics of Tibetan lakes over 2003–2014[J]. Water, 2015, 7(9): 4685-4700.
Song C, Huang B*, Richards K, et al. Accelerated lake expansion on the Tibetan Plateau in the 2000s: Induced by glacial melting or other processes?[J]. Water Resources Research, 2014, 50(4): 3170-3186. (TOP)
Song C, Huang B*, Ke L, et al. Remote sensing of alpine lake water environment changes on the Tibetan Plateau and surroundings: A review[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2014, 92: 26-37. (TOP)
Ke L, Song C*. Remotely sensed surface temperature variation of an inland saline lake over the central Qinghai–Tibet Plateau[J]. ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing, 2014, 98: 157-167. (TOP)
Song C, Ke L*. Recent dramatic variations of China’s two largest freshwater lakes: Natural process or influenced by the Three Gorges Dam?[J]. Environmental science & technology, 2014, 48(3): 2086-2087. (TOP)
Song C*, Huang B*, Ke L, et al. Seasonal and abrupt changes in the water level of closed lakes on the Tibetan Plateau and implications for climate impacts[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 514: 131-144. (TOP)
Song C, Huang B*, Ke L. Inter‐annual changes of alpine inland lake water storage on the Tibetan Plateau: Detection and analysis by integrating satellite altimetry and optical imagery[J]. Hydrological Processes, 2014, 28(4): 2411-2418.
Song C, Huang B*, Ke L. Modeling and analysis of lake water storage changes on the Tibetan Plateau using multi-mission satellite data[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2013, 135: 25-35. (TOP)
  • 其他論著
《Comprehensive Geographic Information Systems》,Elsevier出版集團,共同主編.
Yi S*, Song C, Heki K, et al. Satellite-observed monthly glacier and snow mass changes in Southeast Tibet: implication for substantial meltwater contribution to the Brahmaputra[J]. Cryosphere, 2020.
Yi S*, Song C, Wang Q, et al. The potential of GRACE gravimetry to detect the heavy rainfall‐induced impoundment of a small reservoir in the upper Yellow River[J]. Water Resources Research, 2017, 53(8): 6562-6578.
Wada, Y. *, Reager, J. T., Chao, B. F., Wang, J., Lo, M. H., Song, C., ... & Gardner, A. S.. Recent changes in land water storage and its contribution to sea level variations[J]. Surveys in Geophysics, 2017, 38(1): 131-152.
Nie, Y *, Sheng, Y, Liu, Q, Liu, L, Liu, S, Zhang, Y, & Song, C. A regional-scale assessment of Himalayan glacial lake changes using satellite observations from 1990 to 2015[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2017, 189: 1-13.
Cui Y, Lin J*, Song C, et al. Rapid growth in nitrogen dioxide pollution over Western China, 2005–2013[J]. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2016, 16(10): 6207.
Ke L, Ding X*, Song C. Heterogeneous changes of glaciers over the western Kunlun Mountains based on ICESat and Landsat-8 derived glacier inventory[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2015, 168: 13-23.
傅新, 宋春橋*, 鐘新科. 藏北高原土壤濕度時空變化分析[J]. 水科學進展, 2012, 23(4): 464-474.
宋春橋, 游松財*, 柯靈紅, 等. 藏北高原植被物候時空動態變化的遙感監測研究[J]. 植物生態學報, 2011, 35(8): 853-863.
宋春橋, 游松財*, 柯靈紅, 等. 藏北高原典型植被樣區物候變化及其對氣候變化的回響[J]. 生態學報, 2012, 32(4): 1045-1055.
  • 承擔科研項目
1. 2018.12~2022.12,漁業水域生境退化與生物多樣性演變機制,國家重點研發計畫項目,課題負責人;
2. 2020.01~2023.12,典型湖泊群水儲量估算模型研究——以青藏高原湖區為例,國家自然科學基金委面上項目,項目負責人;
3. 2019.01~2023.12,美麗中國生態文明建設科技工程,中國科學院A類戰略性先導科技專項,子課題負責人;
4. 2018.12~2022.12,“村鎮建設資源環境承載力測算系統開發”,國家重點研發計畫項目,核心骨幹/項目中心組;
5. 2019.11~2022.10,“亞洲水塔動態變化與影響”,國家第二次青藏高原綜合科學考察研究,核心骨幹.


Liu K, Song C*, Ke L, et al. Automatic watershed delineation in the Tibetan endorheic basin: A lake-oriented approach based on digital elevation models[J]. Geomorphology, 2020: 107127. (TOP)
Zhan S, Song C*, Wang J, et al. A global assessment of terrestrial evapotranspiration increase due to surface water area change[J]. Earth's Future, 2019, 7(3): 266-282. (TOP)
Liu K, Song C*, Ke L, et al. Global open-access DEM performances in Earth's most rugged region High Mountain Asia: A multi-level assessment[J]. Geomorphology, 2019, 338: 16-26. (TOP)
Zhang W, Pan H, Song C*, et al. Identifying emerging reservoirs along regulated rivers using multi-source remote sensing observations[J]. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(1): 25.
Luo S, Song C*, Liu K, et al. An effective low-cost remote sensing approach to reconstruct the long-term and dense time series of area and storage variations for large lakes[J]. Sensors, 2019, 19(19): 4247.
Wang J*#, Song C#, Reager J T, et al. Recent global decline in endorheic basin water storages[J]. Nature Geoscience, 2018, 11(12): 926-932. (# Equally contributed). (TOP)
Song C*, Ke L, Pan H, et al. Long-term surface water changes and driving cause in Xiong’an, China: From dense Landsat time series images and synthetic analysis[J]. Science Bulletin, 2018, 63(11): 708-716. (TOP)
Wu Q, Liu K, Song C*, et al. Remote sensing detection of vegetation and landform damages by coal mining on the Tibetan plateau[J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10(11): 3851.
Song C*, Sheng Y, Wang J, et al. Heterogeneous glacial lake changes and links of lake expansions to the rapid thinning of adjacent glacier termini in the Himalayas[J]. Geomorphology, 2017, 280: 30-38. (TOP)
Sheng Y*, Song C, Wang J, et al. Representative lake water extent mapping at continental scales using multi-temporal Landsat-8 imagery[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2016, 185: 129-141. (TOP)
Song C*, Sheng Y*, Ke L, et al. Glacial lake evolution in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau and the cause of rapid expansion of proglacial lakes linked to glacial-hydrogeomorphic processes[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 540: 504-514. (TOP)
Song C, Sheng Y*. Contrasting evolution patterns between glacier-fed and non-glacier-fed lakes in the Tanggula Mountains and climate cause analysis[J]. Climatic change, 2016, 135(3-4): 493-507.
Song C*, Huang B*, Ke L, et al. Precipitation variability in High Mountain Asia from multiple datasets and implication for water balance analysis in large lake basins[J]. Global and planetary change, 2016, 145: 20-29.
Song C*, Ke L, Richards K S, et al. Homogenization of surface temperature data in High Mountain Asia through comparison of reanalysis data and station observations[J]. International Journal of Climatology, 2016, 36(3): 1088-1101.
Song C, Ye Q*, Cheng X. Shifts in water-level variation of Namco in the central Tibetan Plateau from ICESat and CryoSat-2 altimetry and station observations[J]. Science bulletin, 2015, 60(14): 1287-1297. (TOP)
Song C*, Ke L*, Huang B, et al. Can mountain glacier melting explains the GRACE-observed mass loss in the southeast Tibetan Plateau: From a climate perspective?[J]. Global and Planetary Change, 2015, 124: 1-9.
Song C*, Huang B*, Ke L. Heterogeneous change patterns of water level for inland lakes in High Mountain Asia derived from multi‐mission satellite altimetry[J]. Hydrological Processes, 2015, 29(12): 2769-2781.
Song C*, Ye Q*, Sheng Y, et al. Combined ICESat and CryoSat-2 altimetry for accessing water level dynamics of Tibetan lakes over 2003–2014[J]. Water, 2015, 7(9): 4685-4700.
Song C, Huang B*, Richards K, et al. Accelerated lake expansion on the Tibetan Plateau in the 2000s: Induced by glacial melting or other processes?[J]. Water Resources Research, 2014, 50(4): 3170-3186. (TOP)
Song C, Huang B*, Ke L, et al. Remote sensing of alpine lake water environment changes on the Tibetan Plateau and surroundings: A review[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2014, 92: 26-37. (TOP)
Ke L, Song C*. Remotely sensed surface temperature variation of an inland saline lake over the central Qinghai–Tibet Plateau[J]. ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing, 2014, 98: 157-167. (TOP)
Song C, Ke L*. Recent dramatic variations of China’s two largest freshwater lakes: Natural process or influenced by the Three Gorges Dam?[J]. Environmental science & technology, 2014, 48(3): 2086-2087. (TOP)
Song C*, Huang B*, Ke L, et al. Seasonal and abrupt changes in the water level of closed lakes on the Tibetan Plateau and implications for climate impacts[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 514: 131-144. (TOP)
Song C, Huang B*, Ke L. Inter‐annual changes of alpine inland lake water storage on the Tibetan Plateau: Detection and analysis by integrating satellite altimetry and optical imagery[J]. Hydrological Processes, 2014, 28(4): 2411-2418.
Song C, Huang B*, Ke L. Modeling and analysis of lake water storage changes on the Tibetan Plateau using multi-mission satellite data[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2013, 135: 25-35. (TOP)
  • 其他論著
《Comprehensive Geographic Information Systems》,Elsevier出版集團,共同主編.
Yi S*, Song C, Heki K, et al. Satellite-observed monthly glacier and snow mass changes in Southeast Tibet: implication for substantial meltwater contribution to the Brahmaputra[J]. Cryosphere, 2020.
Yi S*, Song C, Wang Q, et al. The potential of GRACE gravimetry to detect the heavy rainfall‐induced impoundment of a small reservoir in the upper Yellow River[J]. Water Resources Research, 2017, 53(8): 6562-6578.
Wada, Y. *, Reager, J. T., Chao, B. F., Wang, J., Lo, M. H., Song, C., ... & Gardner, A. S.. Recent changes in land water storage and its contribution to sea level variations[J]. Surveys in Geophysics, 2017, 38(1): 131-152.
Nie, Y *, Sheng, Y, Liu, Q, Liu, L, Liu, S, Zhang, Y, & Song, C. A regional-scale assessment of Himalayan glacial lake changes using satellite observations from 1990 to 2015[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2017, 189: 1-13.
Cui Y, Lin J*, Song C, et al. Rapid growth in nitrogen dioxide pollution over Western China, 2005–2013[J]. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2016, 16(10): 6207.
Ke L, Ding X*, Song C. Heterogeneous changes of glaciers over the western Kunlun Mountains based on ICESat and Landsat-8 derived glacier inventory[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2015, 168: 13-23.
傅新, 宋春橋*, 鐘新科. 藏北高原土壤濕度時空變化分析[J]. 水科學進展, 2012, 23(4): 464-474.
宋春橋, 游松財*, 柯靈紅, 等. 藏北高原植被物候時空動態變化的遙感監測研究[J]. 植物生態學報, 2011, 35(8): 853-863.
宋春橋, 游松財*, 柯靈紅, 等. 藏北高原典型植被樣區物候變化及其對氣候變化的回響[J]. 生態學報, 2012, 32(4): 1045-1055.
  • 承擔科研項目
1. 2018.12~2022.12,漁業水域生境退化與生物多樣性演變機制,國家重點研發計畫項目,課題負責人;
2. 2020.01~2023.12,典型湖泊群水儲量估算模型研究——以青藏高原湖區為例,國家自然科學基金委面上項目,項目負責人;
3. 2019.01~2023.12,美麗中國生態文明建設科技工程,中國科學院A類戰略性先導科技專項,子課題負責人;
4. 2018.12~2022.12,“村鎮建設資源環境承載力測算系統開發”,國家重點研發計畫項目,核心骨幹/項目中心組;
5. 2019.11~2022.10,“亞洲水塔動態變化與影響”,國家第二次青藏高原綜合科學考察研究,核心骨幹.




