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  • 中文名:牛俊
  • 出生日期:1980年7月
  • 畢業院校:香港大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:水與環境工程
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學


3.區域農業 – 水資源 – 環境的關聯效應



1. 2006.09–2010.08,香港大學,水與環境工程,工學博士
2. 2003.09–2006.07,河海大學,水文學及水資源,工學碩士
3. 1999.09–2003.07,西北農林科技大學,農業水利工程,工學學士


1. 2014.06–今,中國農業大學,水利與土木工程學院, 副教授
2. 2011.04–2014.05,香港大學,土木工程系,博士後研究員
3. 2010.09–2011.03,香港大學,土木工程系,研究助理


1. 擔任國際SCI期刊Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (2016年IF: 2.629) 副主編
2. 美國地球物理聯合會(AGU)會員、亞洲大洋洲地球科學學會(AOGS)會員、國際水文科學協會(IAHS)會員、國際水利與環境工程學會 (IAHR)會員
3.先後擔任期刊Journal of Hydro-environment Research, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Journal of Hydrology, Hydrological Sciences Journal, ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Earth Interactions, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Sustainability, Environmental Modelling & Software, Advances in Meteorology, Global and Planetary Change, Water Resources Research, Hydrology Research, Climate Research, Agricultural Water Management, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering等國際SCI期刊審稿人
4. 國際會議分會場主持人5次、組委會成員1次,其中3次在亞洲大洋洲地球科學學會(AOGS)年會上召集水文科學 – 農區水文過程(Hydrological Processes in Agricultural Lands)分會場



1. 灌區多尺度水熱碳循環過程模擬及對節水調控的回響機制(國家自然科學基金面上項目51679233,2017.01–2020.12),主持
2. 氣候變化下西北內陸河流域作物水分生產力模擬研究(中國農業大學青年教師創新項目2017QC150,2017.01–2017.09),主持
3. 西北內陸河流域灌溉影響下的水文水資源回響研究(中國農業大學青年教師創新項目2016QC059,2016.01–2016.06),主持
4. 華南珠江流域21世紀中末期水文過程變化情勢研究(國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目51309198,2014.01–2016.12),主持
5. Study on impacts of climate change on the water resources of Hong Kong (香港水務署WSD諮詢項目,2014.02–2015.06), Project manager & Co-investigator
6. Enhancing a hydrological model simulation capacity and evaluating reservoir influences on water resources over the Pearl River basin, South China (香港大學 Small Project Fund 201209176068,2013.05–2014.04),主持
7. 甘肅內陸河區高效節水灌溉技術研究與集成套用(國家重點研發計畫2016YFC0400207),參加
8. Impacts of climate change and urbanization on hydrologic processes over Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta in South China (香港特別行政區GRF HKU 710910E),參加
9. Dominant hydrological processes for floods and droughts over the Pearl River basin at different temporal and spatial scales (香港特別行政區GRF HKU 7117/06E),參加
10. Assuring Hong Kong’s water supply: Learning the lessons of the 1963 drought (香港特別行政區RGC HKU 7022-PPR-2),參加
11. 南水北調河北省配套工程現代化研究(河北省項目),參加
12. 松花江流域暴雨洪水相似性查詢系統及資料庫系統開發(松遼水利委員會項目),參加
13. 關中灌區改造項目(世界銀行貸款項目CNPE51888),參加


發表中英文學術論文60餘篇,其中SCI檢索23 篇,EI收錄19篇,CPCI–S收錄4篇;第一作者SCI 論文13 篇,在Journal of Hydrology, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 等SCI期刊上發表ESI前10%論文8篇;參編書籍章節4 章,其中2章為水文學手冊《Handbook of Applied Hydrology》第二版中章節;國際會議學術報告27次。
期刊論文 (IF: 2016年影響因子)
[1]Niu, J., Kang, S.Z., Zhang, X.T., Fu, J., 2018. Vunlnerability analysis based on drought and vegetation dynamics. Ecological Indicators, doi : 10.1016j.ecolind.2017.10.048. (SCI; IF: 3.898)
[2]Zou, M.Z., Kang, S.Z., Niu, J., Lu, H.L., 2018. A new technique to estimate regional irrigation water demand and driving factor effects using an improved SWAT model with LMDI factor decoposition in an arid basin. Journal of Cleaner Production. (SCI; IF: 5.715)
[3]Shi, H.Y., Chen, J., Wang, K.Y., Niu, J., 2018. A new method and a new index for identifying socioeconomic drought events under climate change : A case study of the East River basin in China. Science of The Total Environment, 616-617, 363–375. (SCI; IF: 4.900)
[4]Zou, M.Z., Niu, J., Kang, S.Z., Li, X.L., Lu, H.L., 2017. The contribution of human agricultural activities to increasing evapotranspiration is significantly greater than climate change effect over Heihe agricultural region. Scientific Reports, 7, 8805, doi: 10.1038s41598-017-08952-5. (SCI; IF: 4.259)
[5]Niu, J., Chen, J., Sun, L.Q., Sivakumar, B., 2017. Time-lag effects of vegetation responses to soil mositure evolution : a case study in the Xijiang basin in South China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, doi: 10.1007s00477-017-1492-y. (SCI; IF: 2.629)
[6]Cheng, L., Niu, J., Liao, D., 2017. Entropy-based investigation on the precipitation variability over the Hexi Corridor in China. Entropy, 19(12), 660. (SCI; IF: 1.821)
[7]Niu, J., Chen, J., Wang, K.Y., Sivakumar, B., 2017. Multi-scale streamflow variability responses to precipitation over the headwater catchments in southern China. Journal of Hydrology, 551, 14–28. (SCI; IF: 3.483)
[8]Li, X.J., Kang, S.Z., Niu, J., Du, T.S., Tong, L., Li, S.E., Ding, R.S., 2017. Applying uncertain programming model to improve regional farming economic benefits and water productivity. Agricultural Water Management, 179, 352–365. (SCI; IF: 2.848)
[9]Li, X.L., Tong, L., Niu, J., Kang, S.Z., Du, T.S., Li, S.E., Ding, R.S., 2017. Spatio-temporal distribution of irrigation water productivity and its driving factors for cereal crops in Hexi Corridor, Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 179, 55–63. (SCI; IF: 2.848)
[10]Niu, J., Chen, J., Wang, K.Y., Sivakumar, B., 2017. Coherent modes in multi-scale variability of precipitation over the headwater catchments in the Pearl River basin, South China. Hydrological Processes, 31, 948–955. (SCI; IF: 3.014)
[11]Li, X.L., Zhang, X.T., Niu, J., Tong, L., Kang, S.Z., Du, T.S., Li, S.E., Ding, R.S., 2016. Irrigatation water productivity is more influenced by agronomic practice factors than by climatic factors in Hexi Corridor, Northwest China. Scientific Reports, 6, 37971, doi: 10.1038srep37971. (SCI; IF: 4.259)
[12]Niu, J., Chen, J., 2016. A wavelet perspective on variabilities of hydrological processes in conjunction with geomorphic analysis over the Pearl River basin in South China. Journal of Hydrology, 542, 392–409. (SCI; IF: 3.483)
[13]Wang, F., Niu, J., 2016. The implication of climate signal for precipitation in the Heihe River basin, Northwest China. Advances in Meteorology, 2016,1078617. (SCI; IF: 1.277)
[14]Niu, J., Chen, J., Sun, L.Q., 2015. Exploration of drought evolution using numerical simulations over the Xijiang (West River) basin in South China. Journal of Hydrology, 526, 68–77. (SCI; IF: 3.483)
[15]Niu, J., Chen, J., Sivakumar, B., 2014. Teleconnection analysis of runoff and soil moisture over the Pearl River basin in southern China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18, 1475–1492. (SCI; IF: 4.437)
[16]Chen, J., Niu, J., Sivakumar, B., 2014. Daily anomalous high flow (DAHF) of a headwater catchment over the Pearl River basin in South China. Journal of Hydrology, 519, 284–294. (SCI; IF: 3.483)
[17]Niu, J., Chen, J., 2014. Terrestrial hydrological responses to precipitation variability in Southwest China with emphasis on drought. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59(2), 325–335. (SCI; IF: 2.222)
[18]Niu, J., Sivakumar, B., 2014. Study of runoff response to land use change in the East River basin in South China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 28(4), 857–865. (SCI; IF: 2.629)
[19]Niu, J., Sivakumar, B., Chen, J., 2013. Impacts of increased CO2 on the hydrologic response over the Xijiang (West River) basin, South China. Journal of Hydrology, 505, 218–227. (SCI; IF: 3.483)
[20]Niu, J., Sivakumar, B., 2013. Scale-dependent synthetic streamflow generation using a continuous wavelet transform. Journal of Hydrology, 496, 71–78. (SCI; IF: 3.483)
[21]Niu, J., 2013. Precipitation in the Pearl River basin, South China: Scaling, regional patterns, and influence of large-scale climate anomalies. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 27(5), 1253–1268. (SCI; IF: 2.629)
[22]Chen, J., Li, Q.L., Niu, J., Sun, L.Q., 2011. Regional climate change and local urbanization effects on weather variables in Southeast China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 25, 555–565. (SCI; IF: 2.629)
[23]Niu, J., Chen, J., 2010. Terrestrial hydrological features of the Pearl River basin in South China. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 4, 279–288. (SCI; IF: 1.429)
[24]Chen, J., Shi, H., Sun L., Niu, J., 2016. Yangtze River basin. In Vijay P. Singh (Eds.), Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Second Edition, Chapter: 100, McGraw-Hill.
[25]Chen, J., Shi, H., Sun L., Niu, J., 2016. Yellow River basin. In Vijay P. Singh (Eds.), Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Second Edition, Chapter: 101, McGraw-Hill.
[26]Chen, J., Niu, J., Sun L., 2013. Water Resources of Mainland China. In Roger Pielke Sr. (Eds.), Climate Vulnerability: Understanding and Addressing Threats to Essential Resources, Vol.5, 195–211, Elsevier, doi: 10.1016B978-0-12-384703-4.00527-X.
[27]陳驥,牛俊. 大尺度水文模型VIC,現代水文模擬與預報技術(李致家,孔凡哲,王棟等編著),河海大學出版社,2010,171–189.


為本科生主講《工程項目管理與實務》、《Hydrological Modelling Approaches and Applications》, 參與本科生《現代水利工程新進展》、《工程水文學》,研究生《生態水文學》,和核心通識選修課《中國水問題與科學應對》的課程教學。


