- 中文名:馬秋剛
- 畢業院校:中國農業大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:動物營養
- 任職院校:中國農業大學
2019.1-至今 中國農業大學動物科技學院教授,博士生導師
2013.1-2018.12 中國農業大學動物科技學院副教授,博士生導師
2008.1-2012.12 中國農業大學動物科技學院副教授,碩士生導師
2005. 2-2006. 3 德國HOHENHEIM大學博士論文研究
2003.1-2007.12 中國農業大學動物科技學院講師
2003. 9-2007.11 中德聯合培養博士生,獲中國農大博士學位
2001.11-2002.12 中國農業大學動物科技學院助教
2001. 1-2001.11 國家糧食局科研院飼料所助理研究員,總經理助理
1999. 7-2000.12 國家糧食局科研院飼料所助理研究員,技術部經理
1996. 9-1999. 7 中國農業大學動物科技學院研究生,獲碩士學位
1992. 9-1996. 7 中國農業大學動物科技學院本科生,獲學士學位
德國Hohenheim大學客座博士生導師;教育部新世紀優秀人才,中國產學研合作創新先進個人,校級教學名師,師恩杯汗套員“我最喜愛的老師”,國家蛋雞產業技術技術體系崗位科學家(營養需要與飼養標準),中國畜牧獸醫學會動物營養分會理事,北京畜牧獸醫學會常務理事兼副秘書長,中國畜牧業協會驢業分會理事兼營養與飼料專家委員會主任,國家驢產業技術創新戰略聯盟營養與飼料專家委員會主任。北京市豐臺區青年聯合會委員。無公害農產品認證評審委員會委員,SCI期刊《Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition》編委,《飼料研究》、《聊城大學學報》和《中國驢產業》雜誌編委。
主講中國農業大學動物科技學院本科生《動物營養學》、全英文課程《ANIMAL NUTRITION & FEEDING》、碩士生《動物科學SEMINAR-C》、《飼料安全與健康養殖》、《家禽鑽故尋照營養與飼養管理(案例)》等課程;主講中國農業大學網路教育學院《動物營養學》、《動物營養與飼料》課程;主講國家開放大學《動物營養學》;參講中國農業科學院《畜禽產品安全生產技術》課程。
馬秋剛, 計迎駝辯成, 趙麗紅, 關舒, 牛天貴. 用於降解黃麴黴毒素B1的粘球菌菌株及其活性蛋白[P].專利號: ZL 200910092920.X.,授權日:2010.9.22
馬秋剛, 雷元培, 計成, 趙麗紅, 高欣. 用於降解黃麴黴毒素的枯草芽孢桿菌及其分泌的活性蛋白.專利號: ZL201010539983.8. 授權日:2012.3.7
馬秋剛,趙麗紅,計成,高欣,范彧,李笑櫻. 一種糞腸球菌ANSE228及其套用.專利號: 201010539988.0. 授權日:2012.7.25
馬秋剛,孫智勇,範文娜. 一種制粒專用維生素預混料及其製備方法。專利號: ZL 201010579636.8 授權日:2013.6.12
馬秋剛,計成,白秀梅. 一種抗熱應激飼料添加劑及其套用.專利號: ZL 201010182085.1. 授權日:2012.7.18
馬秋剛,計成,王宏宇。提高禽蛋中DHA轉化效率及含量的飼料添加劑及其套用,專利號 ZL 201210272498.8授權日:2013.9.4
計成, 馬秋剛,孫智勇,範文娜,曹愛青. 一種畜禽營養補充劑及其製備方法. 專利號:ZL 200910092775.5授權日:2011.9.21
計 成,馬秋剛,孫智勇,範文娜,曹愛青。一種種豬營養補充劑及其製備方法,專利號: ZL 200910092666.3授權日:2011.12.21
計成, 馬秋剛, 高欣, 趙麗紅, 雷元培. 用於降解黃麴黴毒素的枯草芽孢桿菌[P].專利號: ZL 200910242938.3. 授權日:2010.11.3
計成,馬秋剛,雷元培,趙麗紅,高欣. 同時降解玉米赤霉烯酮和纖維素的枯草芽孢桿菌及其套用.專利號: 201010620651.2. 授權日:2012.5.23
計成, 馬秋剛, 高欣,董軍,王強,張艷,黎敏。枯草芽孢桿菌ANSB060的套用。專利號ZL 201010129783.5授權日:2012.11.28
計成,馬秋剛,趙麗紅,李笑櫻。一種高效降解嘔吐毒素的枯草芽孢桿菌及其套用。專利號 ZL201310169636.4,授權日2015.4.8
計成, 關舒, 馬秋剛, 趙麗紅, 王寧, 牛天貴, 梁志宏, 李俊霞. 一種篩選降解黃麴黴毒素B1細菌的方法[P].專利號: ZL 200910087595.8. 授權日:2010.7.28
計成,張建雲,雷元培,馬秋剛, 趙麗紅.枯草芽孢桿菌ANSB0E1及其套用. 專利號ZL 201310676784.5 . 授權日期 2015-8-5
趙麗紅,計成, 馬秋剛,李笑櫻. 單端孢霉烯族毒素生物降解劑及其製備方法.專利號ZL201410419237.3。授權日期2017-6-4
Adaptation of maize-based food-feed-energy systems to limited phosphate resources,中德合作IRTG,2018-2023,動物營養方向中方負責人
主編,《科學自配蛋雞飼料》,2012. 化工出版社;
參編,《動物營養研究與套用》, 1997.中國農業科技出版社。
H. Hamid, J. Y. Zhang, W. X. Li, C. Liu, M. L. Li, L. H. Zhao, C. Ji, Q. G. Ma(通訊). 2019. Interactions between the cecal microbiota and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis using laying hens as the model. Poultry Science,
H. Hamid, L. H. Zhao, G. Y. Ma, W. X. Li, H. Q. Shi, J. Y. Zhang, C. Ji, Q. G. Ma(通訊). 2019.Evaluation of the overall impact of antibiotics growth promoters on broiler health and productivity during medication and withdrawal period. Poultry Science,
Cong Liu, Jianyun Zhang, Meiling Li, Lihong Zhao, Cheng Ji,Qiugang Ma(通訊).2018. Alterations and structural resilience of the gut microbiota under dietary fat perturbations. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 61 (2018) 91–100
Xiaoying Li, Yongpeng Guo, Lihong Zhao, Yu Fan , Cheng Ji, Jianyun Zhang, Qiugang Ma(通訊). 2018.Protective effects of Devosia sp. ANSB714 on growth performance, immunity function, antioxidant capacity and tissue residues in growing-finishing pigs fed with deoxynivalenol contaminated diets. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 121 (2018) 246–251
H. Hamid, H. Q. Shi, G. Y. Ma, Y. Fan, W. X. Li, L. H. Zhao, J. Y. Zhang, C. Ji, Q. G. Ma(通訊).2018.Influence of acidified drinking water on growth performance and gastrointestinal function of broilers. Poultry Science. 97:3601–3609.
Xiaoming Sun,Lin Lu,Xiudong Liao, Liyang Zhang, Xi Lin, Xugang Luo*, Qiugang Ma(並列通訊). Effect of In Ovo Zinc Injection on the Embryonic Development and Epigenetics-Related Indices of Zinc-Deprived Broiler Breeder Eggs. Biological Trace Element Research, October 2018, 185(2):456–464
Donghui Shi; Jianchuan Zhou; Lihong Zhao; Xiaoping Rong; Wenqiang Li; Cheng Ji; Qiugang Ma(通訊).2018. Alleviation of mycotoxin biodegradation agent on Zearalenone and Deoxynivalenol toxicosis in immature gilts. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 9:42.
Yu Fan,Laiting Liu, Lihong Zhao, Xinping Wang, Dacai Wang, Churan Huang, Jianyun Zhang, Cheng Ji, and Qiugang Ma(通訊). 2018. Influence of Bacillus subtilis ANSB060 on growth, digestive enzyme and aflatoxin residue in Yellow River carp fed diets contaminated with aflatoxin B1. Food and Chemical Toxicology,113: 108-114
W. X. Li, Y. Q. Chen, L. H. Zhao, Q. G. Ma(通訊), J. Y. Zhang, C. Ji. 2018.No copper supplementation in a corn-soybean basal diet has no adverse effects on late-phase laying hens under normal and cyclic high temperatures. Poultry Science, 97:1352–1360
X. J. Han, P. Qin, W. X. Li, Q. G. Ma(通訊), C. Ji, J. Y. Zhang, and L. H. Zhao.2017.Effect of sodium selenite and selenium yeast on performance, egg quality, antioxidant capacity, and selenium deposition of laying hens. Poultry Science 96:3973–3980
Liyuan Zhang, Qiugang Ma(並列),Shanshan Ma,Jianyun Zhang, RuJia, ChengJi and Lihong Zhao. Ameliorating Effects of Bacillus subtilis ANSB060 on Growth Performance, Antioxidant Functions,and Aflatoxin Residuesin Ducks Fed Diets Contaminated with Aflatoxins. Toxins ,2017 , 9 ,1;doi:10.3390toxins9010001
Tao Liu, Qiugang Ma(通訊), Lihong Zhao, RuJia, Jianyun Zhang, ChengJi and Xinyue Wang.2016. Protective Effects of Sporoderm-Broken Sporesof Gandermalucidum on Growth Performance, Antioxidant Capacity andImmune Function of Broiler Chickens Exposed to Low Level of Aflatoxin B1. Toxins, 8:278; doi:10.3390toxins8100278
Ru Jia,Qiugang Ma(並列),Yu Fan,Cheng Ji,Jianyun Zhang,Tao Liu,Lihong Zhao. 2016. The toxic effects of combined aflatoxins and zearalenonein naturally contaminated diets on laying performance, egg quality and mycotoxins residues in eggs of layers and the protective effect of Bacillussubtilis biodegradation product. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 90(2016):142 -150
Lihong Zhao, Xiaoying Li, Cheng Ji ,Xiaoping Rong, Shujing Liu, Jianyun Zhang, Qiugang Ma(通訊). 2016. Protective effect of Devosia sp.ANSB714 on growth performance, serum chemistry, immunity function and residues in kidneys of mice exposed to deoxynivalenol. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 92 (2016) 143-149
Qiugang Ma , Yan Li , Yu Fan , Lihong Zhao , Hua Wei , Cheng Ji and Jianyun Zhang. 2015. Molecular Mechanisms of Lipoic Acid Protection against Aflatoxin B1-Induced Liver Oxidative Damage and Inflammatory Responses in Broilers. Toxins 2015, 7, 5435–5447
Yinghui Bao, Chunqi Gao, Wenbo Hao, Cheng Ji, Lihong Zhao, Jianyun Zhang, Tao Liu, and Qiugang Ma(通訊).2015. Effects of Dietary L-carnosine and Alpha-lipoic Acid on Growth Performance, Blood Thyroid Hormones and Lipid Profiles in Finishing Pigs. Asian Australas. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 28(10):1465-1470
Yu Fan, Lihong Zhao, Cheng Ji, Xiaoying Li,Ru Jia, Lin Xi,Jianyun Zhang,Qiugang Ma(通訊). 2015. Protective Effects of Bacillus subtilis ANSB060 on Serum Biochemistry, Histopathological Changes and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities of Broilers Fed Moldy Peanut Meal Naturally Contaminated with Aflatoxins. Toxins 2015 , 7 , 3330-3343; doi:10.3390toxins7083330
R. Jia,Y. H. Bao,Y. Zhang,C. Ji,L. H. Zhao,J. Y. Zhang,C. Q. Gao,and Q. G. Ma(通訊). Effects of dietary α-lipoic acid, acetyl-l-carnitine, and sex on antioxidative ability, energy, and lipid metabolism in broilers. Poultry Science. 2014 Poultry Science 93 :2809–2817
Yan Li, Qiu-Gang Ma(並列), Li-Hong Zhao, Hua Wei, Guo-Xiang Duan, Jian-Yun Zhang, Cheng Ji. Effects of lipoic acid on immune function, antioxidant defense system, and inflammation-related genes expression of broiler chickens fed aflatoxin contaminated diets. Int. J. Mol. Sci.2014. 15: 5649-5662.
Yan Li, Qiugang Ma(並列), Lihong Zhao, Yuqin Guo, Guoxiang Duan, Jianyun Zhang and Cheng Ji. Protective Efficacy of Alpha-lipoic Acid Against AflatoxinB1-induced Oxidative Damage in the Liver. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci.2014. 27: 907-915.
Gao C Q, Ma Q G(並列), Zhao LH, Zhang JY, and Ji C. 2014. Effect of Dietary Phytase Transgenic Corn on Physiological Characteristics and the Fate of Recombinant Plant DNA in Laying Hens. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 27(1):77-82.
Yong Zhang,Ru Jia, Cheng Ji, Qiugang Ma(通訊),Jin Huang,Haicheng Yin, and Laiting Liu.2014. Effects of Dietary Alpha-lipoic Acid and Acetyl-L-carnitine on Growth Performance and Meat Quality in Arbor Acres Broilers。Asian Australas. J. Anim. Sci. 27(7): 996-1002.
Y. Z. Jie, J. Y. Zhang, L. H. Zhao, Q. G. Ma(通訊), C. Ji. 2013. The correlationship between the metabolizable energy content, chemical composition and color score in different sources of corn DDGS. Journal of animal science and biotechnology. 4(1):38.
Gao C Q, Ji C, Zhang JY, Zhao LH, and Ma Q G(通訊). 2013. Effect of a novel plant phytase on performance, egg quality, apparent ileal nutrient digestibility and bone mineralization of laying hens fed corn-soybean diets. Animal Feed Science and Technology,186: 101-105.
Gao C Q, Ji C, Zhao LH, Zhang JY, and Ma QG(通訊). 2013. Phytase transgenic corn in laying hens nutrition: Residual phytase activity and phytate phosphorus content in the gastrointestinal tract. Poultry Science, 92: 2923-2929.
Ma Q G, Gao C Q, Zhang J Y, Zhang JY, Hao WB, and Ji C. 2013. Detection of transgenic and endogenous plant DNA fragments and proteins in the digesta, blood, tissues, and eggs of laying hens fed with phytase transgenic corn. PLoS ONE, 8(4): e61138.
Gao C Q, Ma Q G(並列), Ji C, Luo XG, Tang HF, Wei YM. 2012. Evaluation of the compositional and nutritional equivalency of phytase transgenic corn to conventional corn in roosters. Poultry Science, 91: 1142–1148.
Q. G. Ma, X. Gao, T. Zhou, L. H. Zhao, Y. Fan, X. Y. Li, Y. P. Lei, C. Ji and J. Y. Zhang.2012.Protective effect of Bacillus subtilis ANSB060 on egg quality, biochemical and histopathological changes in layers exposed to aflatoxin B1. 2012 Poultry Science 91 :2852–2857
X. M. Bai, Q. G. Ma(並列), L. H. Zhao, L. Xi, and C. Ji. 2011. Effects of alpha-lipoic acid supplementation on antioxidative ability and performance of sows and nursing piglets. Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition,Journalof AnimalPhysiology and AnimalNutrition 96 (2012)955–961
P Chen, Q Ma(通訊), C Ji, J Zhang, L Zhao, Y Zhang and Y Jie. Dietary Lipoic Acid Influences Antioxidant Capability and Oxidative Status of Broilers. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2011, 12, 8476-8488
Gao, X., Q. G. Ma(並列), L. H. Zhao, Y. P. Lei, Y. J. Shan, and C. Ji. 2011. Isolation of Bacillus subtilis: screening for aflatoxins B1, M1,and G1 detoxification. European Food Research and Technology(232):957-962.
Yong Zhang, Qiugang Ma(並列), Xiumei Bai, Lihong Zhao, Qiang Wang, Cheng Ji, Laiting Liu and Haicheng Yin. Effects of Dietary Acetyl-L-Carnitine on Meat Quality and Lipid Metabolism in Arbor Acres Broilers. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 2010. 23(12) : 1639 – 1644
Zhantian Sun, Qiugang Ma(並列), Zhongrong Li and Cheng Ji. Effect of partial substitution of dietary spray-dried porcine plasma or fishmeal with soybean and shrimp protein hydrolysate on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and serum biochemical parameters of weanling piglets. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 2009. 22(7):1032-1037.
Q. G. Ma, B. U. Metzler, M. Eklund, C. Ji and R. Mosenthin. The effects of cellulose, pectin and starch on standardized ileal and apparent total tract amino acid digestibilities and bacterial contribution of amino acids in feces of growing pigs. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 2008.21(6):873-882.
主講中國農業大學動物科技學院本科生《動物營養學》、全英文課程《ANIMAL NUTRITION & FEEDING》、碩士生《動物科學SEMINAR-C》、《飼料安全與健康養殖》、《家禽營養與飼養管理(案例)》等課程;主講中國農業大學網路教育學院《動物營養學》、《動物營養與飼料》課程;主講國家開放大學《動物營養學》;參講中國農業科學院《畜禽產品安全生產技術》課程。
馬秋剛, 計成, 趙麗紅, 關舒, 牛天貴. 用於降解黃麴黴毒素B1的粘球菌菌株及其活性蛋白[P].專利號: ZL 200910092920.X.,授權日:2010.9.22
馬秋剛, 雷元培, 計成, 趙麗紅, 高欣. 用於降解黃麴黴毒素的枯草芽孢桿菌及其分泌的活性蛋白.專利號: ZL201010539983.8. 授權日:2012.3.7
馬秋剛,趙麗紅,計成,高欣,范彧,李笑櫻. 一種糞腸球菌ANSE228及其套用.專利號: 201010539988.0. 授權日:2012.7.25
馬秋剛,孫智勇,範文娜. 一種制粒專用維生素預混料及其製備方法。專利號: ZL 201010579636.8 授權日:2013.6.12
馬秋剛,計成,白秀梅. 一種抗熱應激飼料添加劑及其套用.專利號: ZL 201010182085.1. 授權日:2012.7.18
馬秋剛,計成,王宏宇。提高禽蛋中DHA轉化效率及含量的飼料添加劑及其套用,專利號 ZL 201210272498.8授權日:2013.9.4
計成, 馬秋剛,孫智勇,範文娜,曹愛青. 一種畜禽營養補充劑及其製備方法. 專利號:ZL 200910092775.5授權日:2011.9.21
計 成,馬秋剛,孫智勇,範文娜,曹愛青。一種種豬營養補充劑及其製備方法,專利號: ZL 200910092666.3授權日:2011.12.21
計成, 馬秋剛, 高欣, 趙麗紅, 雷元培. 用於降解黃麴黴毒素的枯草芽孢桿菌[P].專利號: ZL 200910242938.3. 授權日:2010.11.3
計成,馬秋剛,雷元培,趙麗紅,高欣. 同時降解玉米赤霉烯酮和纖維素的枯草芽孢桿菌及其套用.專利號: 201010620651.2. 授權日:2012.5.23
計成, 馬秋剛, 高欣,董軍,王強,張艷,黎敏。枯草芽孢桿菌ANSB060的套用。專利號ZL 201010129783.5授權日:2012.11.28
計成,馬秋剛,趙麗紅,李笑櫻。一種高效降解嘔吐毒素的枯草芽孢桿菌及其套用。專利號 ZL201310169636.4,授權日2015.4.8
計成, 關舒, 馬秋剛, 趙麗紅, 王寧, 牛天貴, 梁志宏, 李俊霞. 一種篩選降解黃麴黴毒素B1細菌的方法[P].專利號: ZL 200910087595.8. 授權日:2010.7.28
計成,張建雲,雷元培,馬秋剛, 趙麗紅.枯草芽孢桿菌ANSB0E1及其套用. 專利號ZL 201310676784.5 . 授權日期 2015-8-5
趙麗紅,計成, 馬秋剛,李笑櫻. 單端孢霉烯族毒素生物降解劑及其製備方法.專利號ZL201410419237.3。授權日期2017-6-4
Adaptation of maize-based food-feed-energy systems to limited phosphate resources,中德合作IRTG,2018-2023,動物營養方向中方負責人
主編,《科學自配蛋雞飼料》,2012. 化工出版社;
參編,《動物營養研究與套用》, 1997.中國農業科技出版社。
H. Hamid, J. Y. Zhang, W. X. Li, C. Liu, M. L. Li, L. H. Zhao, C. Ji, Q. G. Ma(通訊). 2019. Interactions between the cecal microbiota and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis using laying hens as the model. Poultry Science,
H. Hamid, L. H. Zhao, G. Y. Ma, W. X. Li, H. Q. Shi, J. Y. Zhang, C. Ji, Q. G. Ma(通訊). 2019.Evaluation of the overall impact of antibiotics growth promoters on broiler health and productivity during medication and withdrawal period. Poultry Science,
Cong Liu, Jianyun Zhang, Meiling Li, Lihong Zhao, Cheng Ji,Qiugang Ma(通訊).2018. Alterations and structural resilience of the gut microbiota under dietary fat perturbations. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 61 (2018) 91–100
Xiaoying Li, Yongpeng Guo, Lihong Zhao, Yu Fan , Cheng Ji, Jianyun Zhang, Qiugang Ma(通訊). 2018.Protective effects of Devosia sp. ANSB714 on growth performance, immunity function, antioxidant capacity and tissue residues in growing-finishing pigs fed with deoxynivalenol contaminated diets. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 121 (2018) 246–251
H. Hamid, H. Q. Shi, G. Y. Ma, Y. Fan, W. X. Li, L. H. Zhao, J. Y. Zhang, C. Ji, Q. G. Ma(通訊).2018.Influence of acidified drinking water on growth performance and gastrointestinal function of broilers. Poultry Science. 97:3601–3609.
Xiaoming Sun,Lin Lu,Xiudong Liao, Liyang Zhang, Xi Lin, Xugang Luo*, Qiugang Ma(並列通訊). Effect of In Ovo Zinc Injection on the Embryonic Development and Epigenetics-Related Indices of Zinc-Deprived Broiler Breeder Eggs. Biological Trace Element Research, October 2018, 185(2):456–464
Donghui Shi; Jianchuan Zhou; Lihong Zhao; Xiaoping Rong; Wenqiang Li; Cheng Ji; Qiugang Ma(通訊).2018. Alleviation of mycotoxin biodegradation agent on Zearalenone and Deoxynivalenol toxicosis in immature gilts. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 9:42.
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