



  • 中文名:非英語專業專科用:英語1
  • 作者:於忠喜 晨梅梅
  • 出版社:南京師範大學出版社 
  • 出版時間:2011年8月1日
  • 頁數:282 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787811015478
  • 外文名:Intergrative English
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語




Unit 1 How Do You Extend a wekome and Greetings?
Ⅰ.Working on Information
Dialogues A.How Do You Do?
B.Welcome to Shanghai
Passage Good Manners
Ⅱ.Using Words
Ⅲ.Integrated Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ.Grammar Proiect
一般現在時(Present Indefinite Tense)
一般過去時(Past Indefinite Tense)
一般將來時(Future Indefinite Tense)
Ⅴ.Language Practice
Ⅵ.Supplementary Reading
It Was Only a Greeting
Unit 2 How Do YoU Make Introductions?
Ⅰ.Working on Information
Dialogues A.Have a Glass of Wine
Passage I am from Taiwan
Ⅱ.Using Words
Ⅲ.Integrated Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ.Grammar Project
現在時行時(Present Continuous Tense)
過去進行時(Past Continuous Tense)
Ⅴ.Language Practice
Ⅵ.Supplementary Reading
Finer Points in introduction
Unn 3 How Do You Ask fbr and Give Directions?
Ⅰ.Working on Information
Dialogues A.How Far Is It from Here?
B.Where Do You Want to Go?
Passage A Poor Sense of Direction
Ⅱ.Using Words
Ⅲ.Integrated Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ.Grammar Proiect
連繫動詞(Linking Verbs)
Ⅴ.Language Practice
Ⅵ.Supplementary Reading
Different People Give Different Directions
Unit 4 HoW Do You Make Telephone Calls?
Ⅰ.Working on Information
Dialogues Asking about a Telephone Number
B.Making an Appointment
Passage Effective Telephone Communication
Ⅱ.Using Words
Ⅲ.Integrated Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ.Grammar Protect
Ⅴ.Language Practice
Ⅵ.Supplementary Reading
Unit 5 Travelling
Ⅰ.Working on Information
Dialogues A.What Can I Do for You?
B.Leaving the Airport
Passage Travel Arrangements
Ⅱ.Using Words
Ⅲ.Integrated Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ.Grammar Proiect
人稱代詞(Personal Pronouns)
物主代詞(Possessive Pronouns)
Ⅴ.Language Practice
Ⅵ.Supplementary Reading
She Gave Me 200 Dollars for You!
Unit 6 Job Hunting
Ⅰ.Working on Information
Dialogues A.Anything in Particular That Attracts You?
B.Is It Still Available?
Passage Tricks in Job Hunting
Ⅱ.Using Words
Ⅲ.Integrated Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ.Grammar Protect
情態動詞(Modal Verbs)
Ⅴ.Language Practice
Ⅵ.Supplementary Reading
Finding a Job
Unit 7 A Job Interview
Ⅰ.Working on Information
Dialogues A.Li Ming Is Being Interviewed
B.When Would You Like Me to Start Working?
Passage How to Take an Interview
Ⅱ.Using Words
Ⅲ.Integrated Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ.Grammar Proiect
祈使句(Imperative Sentencc)
Ⅴ.Language Practice
Ⅵ.Supplementary Reading
Advantages of a Job Interview
Unit 8 What Do You Know about My Hmetown?
Ⅰ.Working on Information
Unit 9 Celebrating Holidays
Unit 10 Making Reservations
Unit 11 How to Invite a Friend
Unit 12 At a Restaurant
Unit 13 At a Post Office
Unit 14 Shopping
Unit 15 Transportation


