



  • 中文名:英語綜合練習5
  • 外文名:A Companion to Ehglish
  • 作者:《英語綜合練習5》教材編寫組編 本書編寫組
  • 語言:簡體中文, 英語
  • 出版時間:2006年1月1日
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 頁數:239 頁
  • ISBN:7040162067 
  • 開本:16 開




Unit 1 3amous People 1
Reading 1
Practical reading JeffBezos
Reading for appreciation The First Laay 5
Writing Opening Address 7
Listening and Speaking 9
Grammar Focus Past Perfect Tense 12
Merry Learning 13
Unit 2 Knowledge Economy14
Reading 14
Practical reading The Internet Economy 14
Reading for appreciation Dream Machines 19
Writing Closing Speech 20
Listening and Speaking 22
Grammar Focus Future Perfect Tense 27
Merry Learning 28
Unit 3 Internet cInd Our Cives 29
Reading 29
Practical reading Internet Messaging 29
Reading for appreciation Cyber Begging 33
Writing jP70ast 35
Listening and Speaking 37
Grammar Focus Passive Infinitives 42
Merry Learning 42
Unit 4 eomputer erimes43
Reading 43
Practical reading Who Are the Hackers?43
Reading for apprecition Be Your Own Cyber Watchdog 47
Writing Reply to the Toast 49
Listening and Speaking 51
Grammar Focus Passive V-ing Form 54
Merry Learning 55
Unit 5 Sightseeing in Macao 56
Reading 56
Practical reading Architecture in Macao 56
Reading for appreciation Hello,Macao 61
Writing Letter ofIntroduction 61
Listening and Speaking 64
Grammar Focus Subjunctive Mood(I)68
Merry Learning 69
Moodel'Test 1 70
Unit 6 Multiculturalommunication 80
Reading 80
Practical reading Friendship Amedcan Style 80
Reading for appreciation Upset with Someone or Some~ing?85
Writing Letter of Congratulations 87
Listening and Speaking 89
Grammar Focus Subjuncave Mood(II)92
Merry Learning 93
Unit 7 Man and lature 94
Reading 94
Practical reading Animal Attraction 94
Reading for appreciation A Wing and a Prayer 98
Writing Schedules 100
Listening and Speaking 101
Grammar Focus Agreement ofSubject and Verb(I)105
Merry Learning 106
Unit 8 3amous ehinese Scenic Spots 107
Reading 107
Practical reading Scaling Mt.Tai 107
Reading for appreciation The Great Wall of China 1 1 1
Writing Company Prospectus 113
Listening and Speaking 115
Grammar Focus Agreement ofSubject and veIj,(1I)119
Merry Learning 120
Unit 9 EnvironmentAwareness 121
Reading 121
Practical reading Environmental Countdown 121
Reading for appreci~ion The Man Who Planted Trees 126
Writing Public Service Ads 128
Listening and Speaking 130
Grammar Focus Comparative Degree ofAdjectives 134
Merry Learning 135
Unit 10 My3avorite Product 136
Reading 136
Practical reading Nokia 136
Reading for appreciation Flea Market Shopping 141
Writing Product Advertisement 142
Listening and Speaking 144
Grammar Focus Superlative Degree ofAdjectives 148
Merry Learning 149
Model Test2 150
Kegs&Translations 160
Vocabulary phrases 219




