



  • 書名:電子與通信專業英語(第3版)
  • 作者:李霞、王娟
  • 出版社:電子工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2014年
  • ISBN:9787121237614 




Part I Fundamentals 1
Unit 1 2
Text Preface to Modern Engineering Mathematics 2
Grammar 科技英語的語法特點 6
Reading Material Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 10
Unit 2 15
Text Simulation of Random Variables 15
Grammar 專業英語辭彙的構成 20
Reading Material The Central Limit Theorem 25
Unit 3 29
Text Circuit Analysis Using the Ideal Operational Amplifier 29
Grammar 數量的表示 35
Reading Material Digital System Design Hierarchy 39
Unit 4 44
Text Signals, Linear Systems, and Convolution 44
Grammar 常用介詞及其用法 49
Reading Material System Identification — The Easy Case 54
Unit 5 59
Text Radio Frequency and Microwave Applications 59
Grammar As的用法 65
Reading Material Basic RF Building Blocks 69
Part II Electronic Engineering 73
Unit 6 74
Text Introduction to Digital Signal Processing 74
Grammar 動詞非謂語形式 79
Reading Material Data Compression Standards 83
Unit 7 88
Text Introduction to Digital Image Processing 88
Grammar 被動語態及其譯法 93
Reading material Introduction to Medical Imaging 97
Unit 8 104
Text Spoken Language System Architecture 104
Grammar 否定的表示 109
Reading Material Infotainment Invades the Auto 114
Unit 9 119
Text Radio Frequency and Human body 119
Grammar 狀語從句 124
Reading material RF Application Trends and Technology Choices 128
Unit 10 135
Text A Hybrid ASIC and FPGA Architecture 135
Grammar 名詞性從句 140
Reading material Microelectronic Assembly for Implantable Medical Devices 144
Part III Telecommunications 149
Unit 11 150
Text Introduction to Digital Communication Systems 150
Grammar 定語從句 156
Reading Material DSL — Digital Subscriber Line 160
Unit 12 166
Text Principles of Wireless System 166
Grammar 虛擬語氣 173
Reading Material 4G Mobile 177
Unit 13 182
Text Optical Fiber Communication — Introduction 182
Grammar 句子成分的強調、倒裝、分隔和省略 188
Reading Material WiMAX — Broadband Wireless Access 193
Unit 14 198
Text The Internet and TCP/IP 198
Grammar 科技英語常見語法錯誤 205
Reading Material Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) 209
Unit 15 214
Text Introduction to the Internet of Things 214
Grammar 科技英語翻譯基本技巧 219
Reading Material Cloud Computing 223
Part IV Application-oriented Guidance 229
Unit 16 Navigation to Science and Technology Literature Retrieve 230
Unit 17 How to Write Abstracts of Scientific Papers 244
Unit 18 Making Presentations in English 254
附錄A 電子與通信工程常用縮略語 266
附錄B 常用數學符號及公式的讀法 273
附錄C 參考譯文 275
附錄D 部分習題參考答案 316
參考文獻 320


