



  • 中文名:電子信息專業英語(第3版)
  • 作者:高立新
  • 出版社:電子工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2022年7月
  • 頁數:220 頁
  • 定價:55 元
  • 開本:16 開 
  • ISBN:9787121377990


本書基於工學結合的教學模式設計內容,內容主要包括電子技術簡介(Introduction to Electronic Technology)、電子器件(Electronic Parts)、電子電路 (Electronic Circuits)、電子儀器設備與測量(Electronic Instruments & Measurement)、電子產品(Electronic Products)、通信系統(Communication System)、計算機技術(Computer Technology)、電子CAD和生產(Electronic CAD & Manufacturing)及電子職業工作(Electronics Occupation)總計9個學習項目。每個學習項目(單元)精選3篇科技文章,包括課文、辭彙、難點注釋和習題。本書注重選用各種不同類型的英文資料,並附有較多的插圖,生動有趣,既可以達到比較好的教學效果,又可以拓寬學生的知識面。為了方便教師教學及提高學生英語的聽說能力,本書免費提供電子教案、PPT、美音外教朗讀錄音(mp3格式)、重點課程教學錄像、實驗實訓視頻及生產現場視頻、設備圖片、演示動畫、專業英語語法習題等多媒體教學資源。


Chapter 1 Introduction to Electronic Technology 電子技術簡介 1-1
Lesson 1 Development of Electronics 電子技術發展史 1-2
Text 1-2
New Words and Technical Terms 1-3
Notes to the Text 1-5
Exercises 1-6
Lesson 2 Singapore Polytechnic 新加坡理工學院 1-7
Text 1-7
New Words and Technical Terms 1-8
Notes to the Text 1-9
Exercises 1-10
Lesson 3 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Program 電氣電子工程專業 1-11
Text 1-11
New Words and Technical Terms 1-12
Notes to the Text 1-14
Exercises 1-14
Grammar 科技英語辭彙詞義的選擇 1-15
Grammar Exercises 1-17
Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation?複習提升評價活頁 1-19
Lesson 1 Development of Electronics 電子技術發展史 1-19
Lesson 2 Singapore Polytechnic 新加坡理工學院 1-20
Lesson 3 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Program
電氣電子工程專業 1-21
Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技術活頁 1-22
Chapter 2 Electronic Parts 電子器件 2-1
Lesson 4 Electronic Components 電子元件 2-2
Text 2-2
New Words and Technical Terms 2-5
Notes to the Text 2-7
Exercises 2-8
Lesson 5 IC Datasheet 集成塊數據表 2-9
Text 2-9
New Words and Technical Terms 2-11
Notes to the Text 2-12
Exercises 2-12
Lesson 6 Microcontroller Unit 微控制器 2-14
Text 2-14
New Words and Technical Terms 2-15
Notes to the Text 2-16
Exercises 2-17
Grammar 科技英語辭彙的構成(一) 2-18
Grammar Exercises 2-22
Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 複習提升評價活頁 2-23
Lesson 4?Electronic Components 電子元件 2-23
Lesson 5?IC Datasheet 集成塊數據表 2-24
Lesson 6?Microcontroller Unit 微控制器 2-25
Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技術活頁 2-26
Chapter 3?Electronic Circuits 電子電路 3-1
Lesson 7 Amplifier 放大器 3-2
Text 3-2
New Words and Technical Terms 3-4
Notes to the Text 3-4
Exercises 3-5
Lesson 8 Power Supply 電源供應器 3-6
Text 3-6
New Words and Technical Terms 3-8
Notes to the Text 3-8
Exercises 3-9
Lesson 9 Digital Circuit 數字電路 3-9
Text 3-9
New Words and Technical Terms 3-12
Notes to the Text 3-12
Exercises 3-13
Grammar 科技英語辭彙的構成(二) 3-13
Grammar Exercises 3-16
Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 複習提升評價活頁 3-19
Lesson 7 Amplifier 放大器 3-19
Lesson 8 Power Supply 電源供應器 3-20
Lesson 9 Digital Circuit 數字電路 3-21
Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技術活頁 3-22
Chapter 4 Electronic Instruments & Measurement 電子儀器設備與測量 4-1
Lesson 10 Multimeter 萬用表 4-2
Text 4-2
New Words and Technical Terms 4-4
Notes to the Text 4-5
Exercises 4-6
Lesson 11 Oscilloscope and Function Generator 示波器和信號發生器 4-7
Text 4-7
New Words and Technical Terms 4-10
Notes to the Text 4-10
Exercises 4-11
Lesson 12 Audio Amplifier Testing 音頻信號放大器測試 4-11
Text 4-11
New Words and Technical Terms 4-13
Notes to the Text 4-14
Exercises 4-14
Grammar 科技英語非謂語動詞 4-15
Grammar Exercises 4-19
Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 複習提升評價活頁 4-21
Lesson 10 Multimeter 萬用表 4-21
Lesson 11 Oscilloscope and Function Generator 示波器和信號發生器 4-22
Lesson 12 Audio Amplifier Testing 音頻信號放大器測試 4-23
Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技術活頁 4-24
Chapter 5 Electronic Products 電子產品 5-1
Lesson 13 Television 電視機 5-2
Text 5-2
New Words and Technical Terms 5-3
Notes to the Text 5-5
Exercises 5-6
Lesson 14 Vehicle Navigation System 汽車導航定位系統 5-7
Text 5-7
New Words and Technical Terms 5-8
Notes to the Text 5-9
Exercises 5-10
Lesson 15 Product Manual 產品說明書 5-11
Text 5-11
New Words and Technical Terms 5-13
Notes to the Text 5-14
Exercises 5-15
Grammar 科技英語定語從句及翻譯技巧 5-16
Grammar Exercises 5-18
Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 複習提升評價活頁 5-19
Lesson 13 Television 電視機 5-19
Lesson 14 Vehicle Navigation System 汽車導航定位系統 5-20
Lesson 15 Product Manual 產品說明書 5-21
Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技術活頁 5-22
Chapter 6 Communication System 通信系統 6-1
Lesson 16 Modulation and Demodulation 調製與解調 6-2
Text 6-2
New Words and Technical Terms 6-3
Notes to the Text 6-5
Exercises 6-6
Lesson 17 Communication Channel and Multiplexing 通信信道和多路復用 6-6
Text 6-6
New Words and Technical Terms 6-9
Notes to the Text 6-11
Exercises 6-12
Lesson 18 Mobile Phone 行動電話 6-13
Text 6-13
New Words and Technical Terms 6-15
Notes to the Text 6-17
Exercises 6-17
Grammar 科技英語名詞性從句、狀語從句及翻譯技巧 6-18
Grammar Exercises 6-20
Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 複習提升評價活頁 6-23
Lesson 16 Modulation and Demodulation 調製與解調 6-23
Lesson 17 Communication Channel and Multiplexing 通信信道和多路復用 6-24
Lesson 18 Mobile Phone 行動電話 6-25
Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技術活頁 6-26
Chapter 7 Computer Technology 計算機技術 7-1
Lesson 19 Computer Hardware 計算機硬體 7-2
Text 7-2
New Words and Technical Terms 7-4
Notes to the Text 7-4
Exercises 7-5
Lesson 20 Operating System 作業系統 7-6
Text 7-6
New Words and Technical Terms 7-8
Notes to the Text 7-9
Exercises 7-10
Lesson 21 Computer Network 計算機網路 7-11
Text 7-11
New Words and Technical Terms 7-12
Notes to the Text 7-13
Exercises 7-14
Grammar 科技英語時態、被動語態及翻譯技巧 7-15
Grammar Exercises 7-17
Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 複習提升評價活頁 7-19
Lesson 19 Computer Hardware 計算機硬體 7-19
Lesson 20 Operating system 作業系統 7-20
Lesson 21 Computer Network 計算機網路 7-21
Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技術活頁 7-22
Chapter 8 Electronic CAD & Manufacturing 電子CAD和生產 8-1
Lesson 22 Electronics Design Process 電子設計流程 8-2
Text 8-2
New Words and Technical Terms 8-4
Notes to the Text 8-5
Exercises 8-5
Lesson 23 Circuit Simulation 電路仿真 8-6
Text 8-6
New Words and Technical Terms 8-8
Notes to the Text 8-9
Exercises 8-9
Lesson 24 PCB Assembly and Production Process 印製電路板組裝和生產流程 8-11
Text 8-11
New Words and Technical Terms 8-13
Notes to the Text 8-14
Exercises 8-15
Grammar 科技英語強調句型和倒裝句型 8-16
Grammar Exercises 8-18
Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 複習提升評價活頁 8-19
Lesson 22 Electronics Design Process 電子設計流程 8-19
Lesson 23 Circuit Simulation 電路仿真 8-20
Lesson 24 PCB Assembly and Production Process 印製電路板組裝和生產流程 8-21
Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技術活頁 8-22
Chapter 9 Electronics Occupation 電子職業工作 9-1
Lesson 25 Electronics Engineering Career 電子工程職業 9-2
Text 9-2
New Words and Technical Terms 9-3
Notes to the Text 9-4
Exercises 9-4
Lesson 26 Employment Advertisement 招聘廣告 9-5
Text 9-5
New Words and Technical Terms 9-7
Notes to the Text 9-8
Exercises 9-8
Lesson 27 Resume and Job Application Email 簡歷和應聘電子郵件 9-9
Text 9-9
New Words and Technical Terms 9-12
Notes to the Text 9-14
Exercises 9-14
Introduction to Technical Paper Writing 科技論文寫作簡介 9-15
Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 複習提升評價活頁 9-19
Lesson 25?Electronics Engineering Career 電子工程職業 9-19
Lesson 26?Employment Advertisement 招聘廣告 9-20
Lesson 27?Resume and Job Application Email 簡歷和應聘電子郵件 9-21
Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技術活頁 9-22
Reference 參考文獻 R-1


