



  • 書名:通信與電子信息工程專業英語
  • 作者:聶敏、暢志賢
  • 出版社:電子工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2012年1月1日
  • 頁數:292 頁
  • 定價:35.00
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787121153822, 7121153823 
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語


《通信與電子信息工程專業英語》是高等學校電子信息類教材之一。《通信與電子信息工程專業英語》選材廣泛,內容新穎,由淺入深,涉及通信系統基礎理論、光通信、微波與衛星通信、量子通信、移動通信、多媒體通信、雷射技術、納米技術、有線電視、計算機網路、電話交換、天線與智慧型天線、計算機斷層掃描、人工智慧、磁共振成像感測器網路電力線通信、數據壓縮、電子顯微鏡、虹膜技術等,旨在通過擴展學生的專業辭彙量,提高其閱讀、理解專業文獻資料的能力。全書共18個單元,其中前17單元是課堂教學內容,第18單元屬於高級閱讀內容,教師可根據教學計畫靈活取捨。 《通信與電子信息工程專業英語》可作為通信工程、電子信息、廣播電視、信息安全、物聯網等專業的本科生或研究生教材,也可作為通信工程技術人員的培訓教材和參考書。


Unit 1 Basics of Communication 1
Text A 1
A Mathematical Theory of Communication 1
Text B 4
Information Theory 4
Expanding reading 7
Channel Capacity 7
Unit 2 Modulation Technology 11
Text A 11
Modulation Technology 11
Text B 18
PCM 18
Expanding reading 21
An Introduction to Sampling Theory 21
Unit 3 Mutiple Access 25
Text A 25
Mutiple Access 25
Text B 29
Multiplexing 29
Expanding reading A 32
Communication Antenna 32
Expanding reading B 39
Unit 4 Switching technology 46
Text A 46
Circuit Switching 46
Text B 50
Packet Switching 50
Expanding reading 53
Asynchronous Transfer Mode 53
Unit 5 Computer Network 60
Text A 60
LAN 60
Text B 65
Computer Networks 65
Expanding reading 67
Wide Area Networks 67
Unit 6 Network Protocol 70
Text A 70
TCP/IP architectural model 70
Text B 74
Voice over IP 74
Expanding reading 78
IPv4 & IPv6 78
Unit 7 Digital Compression Technologies 83
Text A 83
Video and Audio Compression 83
Text B 86
Coding of Text, Voice, Image, and Video Signals 86
Expanding reading 90
Unit 8 Multimedia 94
Text 94
Multimedia 94
Expanding reading A 96
Multimedia Communication Systems 96
Expanding reading B 102
Streaming media 102
Unit 9 IPTV 110
Text 110
IPTV Overview 110
Expanding reading A 113
CATV 113
Expanding reading B 121
UWB 121
Unit 10 Data Telecommunication Network 124
Text A 124
ISDN 124
Text B 130
Public switched telephone network 130
Expanding reading 134
Internet 134
Unit 11 Optic Fiber Communication 137
Text A 137
Optical Fiber 137
Text B 140
Wavelength-division Multiplexing 140
Expanding reading 146
Synchronous digital hierarchy 146
Unit 12 Mobile Communication 153
Text A 153
Global Systems for Mobile Communications 153
Text B 157
Handover 157
Expanding reading 161
Evolution of 2G Systems to 3G Systems 161
Unit 13 The Third Generation 165
Text A 165
Spread spectrum 165
Text B 168
CDMA 168
Expanding reading A 170
UMTS and IMT-2000 170
Expanding reading B 174
Introduction of LTE technology 174
Unit 14 Satellite Communication 178
Text A 178
Satellite Systems 178
Text B 182
GPS 182
Expanding reading A 186
Microwave communication systems 186
Expanding reading B 193
RFID 193
Unit 15 WPAN 196
Text A 196
Wireless Personal Area Networks 196
Text B 201
ZigBee 201
Expanding reading 205
Home RF 205
Unit 16 Power Line Communication 208
Text A 208
Introduction to PLC 208
Text B 213
Power Line Communication 213
Unit 17 Future Technologies and Applications 218
Unit 18 Advanced Reading 222
1. Smart Antenna 222
2. Green Radio 228
3. Laser 233
4. Iris Recognition 241
5. Electron Microscope 247
6. Wireless Sensor Networks 253
7. Nanotechnology 258
8. Quantum Communications 267
9. X-ray Computed Tomography 276
10. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 280
11. Artificial Intelligence 287
References 291


