



  • 書名:中等職業教育示範專業規劃教材(電子信息類):電子類專業實用英語
  • 頁數:179頁
  • 出版社:機械工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2008年8月1日
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16
一:基本信息,二:內容介紹,三:目錄,Unit 1,Unit 2,Unit 3,Unit 4,Unit 5,Unit 6,Unit 7,Unit 8,Unit 9,Unit 10,Unit 11,Unit 12,Unit 13,Unit 14,Unit 15,Unit 16,


正文語種: 簡體中文
ISBN: 9787111246176
條形碼: 9787111246176
商品尺寸: 25.8 x 17.8 x 1 cm
商品重量: 299 g
品牌: 機械工業出版社





Unit 1

Dialogue A New Classmate
Passage Electronics in Our Lives
Read More Electricity&Electronics
Grammar 主謂語的一致(I)

Unit 2

Dialogue Going to Zhongshan Library
Passage Current and Voltage
Read More DC&AC
Grammar 主謂語的一致(Ⅱ)

Unit 3

Dialogue Going Shopping
Passage Electronic Elements
Read More Ordering Components
Grammar 正確使用英語時態(I)

Unit 4

Dialogue Party
Passage Integrated Circuits
Read More Circuits
Grammar 正確使用英語時態(Ⅱ)

Unit 5

Dialogue Buying a Muhimeter
Passage Instruments and Testing
Read More Model PNH201 Multimeter
Grammar 非謂語動詞(I)——動詞不定式

Unit 6

Dialogue Talking about Films
Passage Modulation
Read More ADSL Modem
Grammar 非謂語動詞(Ⅱ)——分詞

Unit 7

Dialogue Meeting a Friend
Passage Amplifier
Rcad More Transformer
Grammar 非謂語動詞(Ⅲ)——動名詞

Unit 8

Dialogue Talking about Family
Passage Radio Transceiver
Rcad More Microwavc Oven
Grammar 簡單句

Unit 9

Dialogue At a Travel Agency
Passage Television
Read More Description of the 8 Inch Waterproof LCD TV
Grammar 被動語態

Unit 10

Dialogue Going to the Cinema
Passage Digital Camera
Read More Build Up Your Vocabulary
Grammar 複合句(I)——定語從句

Unit 11

Dialogue Leaving a Message
Passage DVD
Read More Graphics Cards
Grammar 複合句(Ⅱ)——狀語從句

Unit 12

Dialogue Making a Telephone Call
Passage Mobile Phones
Read More About Mobile Phones
Grammar 構詞法

Unit 13

Dialogue Inquiring about Bluetooth Mobile Phone
Passage Bluetooth Wireless Technology
Read More Terms Related to Bluetooth Wireless Technology
Practical English Introducing Oneself

Unit 14

Dialogue Interview
Passage ThirdGeneration Wireless(3 G Wireless)
Read More Interesting English SMS Trend
Practical English Writing Notes

Unit 15

Dialogue Surfing
Passage Computer
Read More Multimedia Personal Computer
Practical English Resume

Unit 16

Dialogue Discussing Modem and ISDN
Passage The Internet
Read More The Jobs of ISOC
Practical English Email
Appendix A Phonetics(語音知識)
Appendix B Vocabulary(辭彙表)
Appendix C Special Terms and Abbreviations(專業術語及縮寫)
Appendix D Translations of the Texts and Keys to the Exercises(課文參考譯文及部分練習答案)


