

陶懿 ,廈門大學生命科學學院教授,博士生導師,研究方向為植物分子遺傳學。


  • 中文名:陶懿
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1973年4月 
  • 畢業院校:北京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:植物分子遺傳學
  • 職稱:教授


1991-1996,北京大學植物分子及發育生物學 學士學位
1999-2004,斯克利普斯研究所(英文:The Scripps Research Institute,TSRI) 大分子及細胞結構與化學 博士學位
2004-2007,索爾克生物研究所(英文:Salk Institute for Biological Studies,Salk)博士後,導師:Joanne Chory


光不僅是植物進行光合作用的能量源泉,而且是調控植物生長發育的重要環境因子。喜陽植物在遮蔭條件下會誘發避蔭綜合症,其主要症狀是將能量重新分配,用於伸長生長,從而獲得更多的陽光。儘管避蔭反應對單個植株的適應與生存是有利的,但是由於避蔭反應會削弱植物葉片和儲藏器官的發育,因此對提高大面積種植的作 物產量是不利的。此外,避蔭綜合症還會導致植物抗病性的降低,引進進一步的減產。致力於植物對光和遮蔭信號的應答機制的研究。利用模式植物擬南芥遺傳學生物化學分子生物學等方法研究植物調控光反應的分子機制,發掘新的調控基因。


1. Moreno JE, Tao Y, Chory J, Ballaré CL. Ecological modulation of plant defense via phytochrome control of jasmonate sensitivity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.2009 24;106(12):4935-40.
2. Savaldi-Goldstein S, Baiga TJ, Pojer F, Dabi T, Butterfield C, Parry G, Santner A, Dharmasiri N, Tao Y, Estelle M, Noel JP, Chory J. New auxin analogs with growth-promoting effects in intact plants reveal a chemical strategy to improve hormone delivery. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci U S A. 2008 105(39), 15190-5.
3. Tao Y., Ferrer JL. Pojer F., Hong F. Ljung K., Long J.A., Li L., Moreno J.E., Bowman M.E., Ivans L.J., Lim J., Ballare C.L., Sandberg G., Noel J.P., Chory J. Rapid synthesis of auxin via a new tryptophan-dependent pathway is required for the shade avoidance response of plants. Cell, 2008 133:164-176
4. Chen M.*, Tao Y.*,Lim J., Shaw A., Chory J. (2005) Regulation of phytochrome B nuclear localization through light-dependent unmasking of nuclear-localization signals. Curr. Biol. 12; 15(7):637-42.
5. Yin Y., Vafeados D., Tao Y., Yoshida S., Asami T., Chory J. (2005) A new class of transcription factors mediates brassinosteroid-regulated gene expression in Arabidopsis. Cell120(2):249-59.
6. Tao Y., Xie Z., Chen W., Glazebrook J., Chang H.S., Han B., Zhu T., Zou G., Katagiri F. (2003) Quantitative nature of Arabidopsis responses during compatible and incompatible interactions with the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae. The Plant Cell15:317-330.
7. Wu Y., Wood MD., Tao Y.,Katagiri F. (2003) Direct delivery of bacterial avirulence proteins into resistant Arabidopsis protoplasts leads to hypersensitive cell death. The Plant Journal33(1):131-7.
8. Chen W., Provart N.J., Glazebrook J., Katagiri F., Chang H.S., Eulgem T., Mauch F., Luan S., Zou G., Whitham S.A., Budworth P.R., Tao Y.,Xie Z., Chen X., Lam S., Kreps J.A., Harper J.F., Si-Ammour A., Mauch-Mani B., Heinlein M., Kobayashi K., Hohn T., Dangl J.L., Wang X., Zhu T. (2002) Expression profile matrix of Arabidopsis transcription factor genes suggests their putative functions in response to environmental stresses. The Plant Cell 14(3):559-74.
9. Tao Y.*,Yuan F.*, Leister R.T., Ausubel F.M., Katagiri F. (2000) Mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis nucleotide binding site-leucine-rich repeat resistance gene RPS2. The Plant Cell 12(12):2541-2554.


