



  • 中文名:陳瑞川
  • 畢業院校:廈門大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:生命科學
  • 職務:廈門大學生命科學學院博士生導師
  • 任職院校:廈門大學生命科學學院
  • 職稱:教授


1983, BS, East China University of Science and Technology;
2000, Ph.D, Xiamen University;
2002-2005, Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of California at Berkeley, Visiting Scholar;
2008 to present, School of Life Sciences, Xiame.


真核基因的轉錄表達是通過一系列複雜而精緻的機制來完成的。近年來在轉錄延伸及其調控機制研究上的重大突破得益於正性轉錄延伸因子b (P-TEFb)的發現及其功能的研究。P-TEFb是由CDK9及其調節亞基CyclinT組成的具有激酶活性的基本轉錄延伸因子。是調控真核基因轉錄由起始狀態進入延伸階段的必需因子,參與絕大多數基因的轉錄表達。同時,P-TEFb也是人類愛滋病毒轉錄複製的必需因子之一。新近報導表明P-TEFb活性異常與心肌肥大有直接的關係、與腫瘤的發生和發展也有密切的關係。因此,P-TEFb活性調控分子機制機制的研究及其重要,近年已成為該研究領域的主要熱點。我們的主要研究目標是揭示P-TEFb活性調控的分子機制,並尋找調控其活性的細胞信號途徑,及其對HIV複製、心肌肥大和腫瘤細胞生長與分化的影響。
Consisting of Cdk9 and cycling T, P-TEFb plays key roles both in the expression of most cellular genes and in pathogenesis, such as HIV replication, cardiac hypertrophy and carcinogenesis. Since 2002, we have identified both positive and negative regulators that can alternately interact with P-TEFb to control its activity and affect transcription. Recent study revealed that PP2B and PP1 could cooperatively disrupt inactive complex to release P-TEFb for transcription in response to Ca2+ signaling. Currently, we are performing structure-function analyses of the P-TEFb-containing complexes to study the mechanisms by which P-TEFb activity can be positively modulated. The second direction is revealing the signal and molecular mechanism of regulating the recruitment of active P-TEFb complex. We are also trying to identify more signaling pathways that control the formation and disruption of the P-TEFb complexes and the involvement of these pathways in cell growth/differentiation, HIV replication and other diseases.


代表性論文(Selected Publications)
1.Xiangming Hu, Xiaodong Lu, Feng Ding, Nanping Ai, Zhenhua Cao, Yannan Li, Jiangfang Liu, Kai Liu, Huiping Wang, Chao Zhou, Shanwen Wu, Aidong Han, Runzhong Liu and Ruichuan Chen#. Histone crosstalk between H3S10ph and H4K5ac/K8acregulates Brd4 activation for inducible gene expression.NUCLEIC ACIDS RESSEARCH,2013(in revision)
2.Nanping Ai, Xiangming Hu, Feng Ding, Bingfei Yu, Huiping Wang, Xiaodong Lu, Kai Zhang, Yannan Li, Aidong Han, Wen Lin, Runzhong Liu and Ruichuan Chen.Signal-induced Brd4 release from chromatin is essential for its role transition from chromatin-targeting to transcriptional regulation.NUCLEIC ACIDS RESSEARCH,2011; 39(22): 9592-96043.Ruichuan Chen, Min Liu, Kai Zhang, Qiang Zhou. Isolation and functional characterization of P-TEFb-associated factors that control general and HIV-1 transcriptional elongation.METHODS. 2011;53(1):85-90
4.Yuhua Xue., Zhiyuan Yang., Ruichuan Chen. and Qiang Zhou. A capping independent function of MePCE in stabilizing 7SK snRNA and facilitating the assembly of 7SK snRNP.NUCLEIC ACIDS RESSEARCH, 2010, 38(2):360-369
5.Ruichuan Chen, Min Liu, Huan Li, Yuhua Xue, Wanichaya N. Ramey, Nanhai He, Nanping Ai, Haohong Luo, Ying Zhu, Nan Zhou and Qiang Zhou#. PP2B and PP1alpha cooperatively disrupt 7SK snRNP to release P-TEFb for transcription in response to Ca2+ signaling.GENES & DEVELOPMENT, 2008 May 15; 22(10):1356-68
6.Matjaz Barboric, Jasper H.N. Yik, Nadine Czudnochowski, ZhiyuanYang, Ruichuan Chen, Xavier Contreras, Matthias Geyer, B. Matija Peterlin and Qiang Zhou. Tat competes with HEXIM1 to increase the active pool of P-TEFb for HIV-1 transcription.NUCLEICACIDSRESEARCH, 2007, 35(6):2003-12
7.Ruichuan Chen and Qiang Zhou. HIV Tat and the control of transcriptional elongation (Review, 2006). Gene Expression and Regulation, Chapter 14;HEPC and Springer Press, pp239-256
8.Wen-Jun He, Ruichuan Chen, Zhiyuan Yang and Qiang Zhou. Regulation of two key nuclear enzymatic activities by the 7SK small nuclear RNA.Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol.2006, 71; 301-11
9.Jasper H. N. Yik, Ruichuan Chen, Andrea C. Pezda, and Qiang Zhou. Compensatory contributions of HEXIM1 and HEXIM2 inmaintaining the balance of active and inactive P-TEFb complexes for control of transcription.JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 2005, 280(16):16368-76.
10.Zhiyuan Yang, Jasper H. N. Yik, Ruichuan Chen, Moon Kyoo Jang, Keiko Ozato, and Qiang Zhou. Recruitment of P-TEFb for stimulation of transcriptional elongation by bromodomain protein Brd4.MOLECULAR CELL, 2005, 19(4):535-545
11.Ruichuan Chen, Zhiyuan Yang, and Qiang Zhou. Phosphorylated P-TEFb is tagged for inhibition through association with 7SK snRNA.JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 2004;279(6), 4153-4160.
12.Jasper H. N. Yik*, Ruichuan Chen*, Andrea C. Pezda, Craig S. Samford, and Qiang Zhou. A human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Tat-like arginine-rich RNA-binding domain is essential for HEXIM1 to inhibit RNA polymerase II transcription through 7SK snRNA-mediated inactivation of P-TEFb.MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY,2004; 24 (12): 5094-5105(*共同第一作者)
13.Jasper H. N. Yik*, Ruichuan Chen*, Rieko Nishimura, Jennifer L. Jennings, Andrew J. Link and Qiang Zhou. Inhibition of P-TEFb (CDK9/cyclin T) kinase and RNA polymerase II transcription by the coordinated actions of HEXIM1 and 7SK snRNA.MOLECULAR CELL, 2003;12(4), 971-982.(*共同第一作者)
主持在研基金項目(Ongoing grants)


