




2001年 中國科學技術大學學士學位(B.S.,Statistics, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC))
2006年 中國科學技術大學博士學位(Ph.D.Statistics, University of Science and Technology of China)


9/2002 - 6/2012,Assistant Professor, University of Science and Technology of China.
7/2012 -- present: Associate Professor, Department of Statistics and Finance, USTC.


1.《高維數據統計分析方法及套用研究》,國家自然科學基金青年基金項目(National Natural Science Foundation for Young Scientists of China),2012.1-2014.12(Grant No.11101397)
2.《高維時空模型理論與套用研究》,國家自然科學基金面上項目(National Natural Science Foundation of China),2016.1-2019.12(Grant No.11571337)




  1. Baisuo Jin,Guangming Pan, Qing Yang, Wang Zhou, On high-dimensional change point problem, Science China Mathematics,2016,59,2355-2378。
  2. Baisuo Jin,Yuehua Wu*,Xiaoping Shi,Consisitenct two-stage multiple change –point detection in linear models, Canadian Journal of Statistics,2016,44(2),161-179.
  3. Cuiling Dong, Changchun Tan*,Baisuo Jin,Baiqi Miao, Inference on the change point estimator of variance in measurement error models,Lithuanian Mathematical Journal,2016,56,471-491.
  4. Yuehua Wu*, Baisuo Jinand Elton Chan,Detection of Changes in Ground-Level Ozone Concentrations via Entropy,Entropy, 2015,17(5), 2749-2763.
  5. Chen Wang, Baisuo Jin, Zhidong Bai*, Krishnan K. Nair, Matthew Harding, Strong Limit of The Extreme Eigenvalues of a Symmetrized Auto-Cross Covariance Matrix,Annals of Applied Probability, 2015, 25(6), 3624-3683.
  6. Baisuo Jin,Cuiling Dong,Changchun Tan*, and Baiqi Miao, Estimator of a change point in single index models,Science in China Series A-Mathematics,2014,57(8),1701-1712.doi:10.1007/s11425-014-4820-4.
  7. Baisuo Jin, Chen Wang, Z. D. Bai*, K. Krishnan Nair, and Matthew Harding, Limiting spectral distribution of a symmetrized auto-cross covariance matrix ,Annals of Applied Probability, 2014, 24(3),1199-1225, DOI:10.1214/13-AAP945.
  8. Baisuo Jin, Yuehua Wu*, BaiqiMiao, Xiaolan L.Wang, and Pengfei Guo, Bayesian spatiotemporal modeling for blending in situ observations with satellite precipitation estimates, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,2014,119,DOI:10.1002/2013JD019648.
  9. Baiqi Miao,Qian Tong,Yuehua Wu & Baisuo Jin*, Selecting and adaptive sequence for computing recursive M-estimators in multivariate linear regression models, Journal of Systems Scinece and Complexity,2013,26(4):583-594.
  10. Miao-Kuan Huang,Mong-Na Huang Lo & Baisuo Jin*, Exact D-optimal designs for a linear log contrast model with mixture experiment for three and four ingredients, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2013,143:1221-1232.
  11. Baisuo Jin*, Xiaoping Shi & Yuehua Wu, A novel and fast methodology for simultaneous multiple structural break estimation and variable selection for nonstationary time series models,Statistics and Computing,2013, 23:221-231.
  12. Biasuo Jin, Yuehua Wu* & Baiqi Miao, Entropy-Based network design using hierarchical Bayesian kriging, Chapter 5 in "Spatio-Temporal Design: Advances in efficient data acquisition" Editors Jorge Mateu & Werner G. Muller, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 2013,103-131.
  13. Biasuo Jin, Yuehua Wu* & Elton Chan, Hierarchical Bayesian spatio-temporal modeling of regional ozone concentrations and respective network design, Journal of Environmental Statistics, 2012,3:1-31,.
  14. Baisuo Jin& Mong-Na Lo Huang*, Construction of Phi_p-optimal designs with minimum experimental run size for a linear log contrast model in mixture experiments, Biometrika,2011, 98:741-747.
  15. Cheng Wang*, Baisuo Jin & Baiqi Miao, On limiting spectral distribution of large sample covariance matrices by VARMA(p,q), Journal of Time Series Analysis,2011,32(5):539-546.
  16. Baisuo Jin,Mong-Na Lo Huang* & Baiqi Miao, Testing for Variance Changes in Autoregressive Models with Unknown Order, Journal of Applied Statistic,2011,38(5), 927-936.
  17. Baisuo Jin*, Cheng Wang, Baiqi Miao & Mong-Na Lo Huang, Limiting spectral distribution of large dimensional sample covariance matrices generated by VARMA, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2009, 100(9), 2112-2125.
  18. Zhidong Bai*, Baiqi Miao & Baisuo Jin, On limit theorem for the eigenvalues of product of two random matrices. J. of Multivariate Analysis, 2007, 98(1), 76-101.
  19. Baisuo Jin*, Baiqi Miao, Wuyi Ye & Zhenxiang.,Wu, Application of spectral distribution of product of large dimensional random matrices in factor analysis.Science in China Series A-Mathematics, 2007,50(9): 1303-1315.
  20. Guangming Pan*, Baiqi Miao & Baisuo Jin, Central limit theorem of random quadratics forms involving random matrices. Statistics and Probability Letters, 2008,78 (6), 804-809.
  21. Guangming Pan*, Baiqi Miao &Baisuo Jin, Some limiting theorems of some random quadratic forms. Satistics & Probability Letters, 2005, 75(3), 151-157.
24.戴靜*,繆柏其,金百鎖,單指標模型參數估計的遞歸算法的大樣本性質,中國科學技術大學學報,2009,Vol.39,No. 3, 261-264.
25.季斆民*,金百鎖,繆柏其, ES自回歸方法在商業銀行流動性風險衡量中的套用,中國科學技術大學學報,2009,Vol.39,No. 3,271-277.
28.潘光明,* 繆柏其, 金百鎖,Further results about large system performance of linear multistage parallel interference cancellation. 中國科學技術大學學報. 2005 35(3) 339-345.
29.金百鎖*, 繆柏其, 潘光明, A note on the convergence rate of the spectral distributions of large sample covariance matrices, 中國科學技術大學學報, 2005 35(60),796-804.
30.金百鎖,* 李麗, 繆柏其, Box-Cox變換在教學評估中的套用,套用機率統計, 2005,21(1),97-100.


季斆民, 金百鎖, 李建倫, 《商業銀行流動性風險度量方法》. 2008, ISBN 978-7-5095-0585-4/F.0478.


