《量子力學統計學和聚合物理學中的路徑積分》 是世界圖書出版公司出版的圖書, ISBN是 7506259435
- 書名:量子力學統計學和聚合物理學中的路徑積分
- 作者:H.Kleinert
- ISBN:9787506259439
- 類別:物理學
- 頁數: 891頁
- 定價:84元
- 出版社:世界圖書出版公司北京公司
- 出版時間:2003.06.01
- 裝幀:平裝
- 開本:32
出版社: 世界圖書出版公司; 第1版 (2003年6月1日)
ISBN: 7506259435
條形碼: 9787506259439
Since this book first appeared three years ago,a number of important developments have taken place calling for various extensions to the text.
Chapter 4 now contains a discussion of the features of the xemiclassical quantization which are relevant for multidimensional chaotic systems.
1 Fundamentals
1.1 Classical Mechanics
1.2 Quantum Mechanics
1.3 Dirac's Bra-Ket Formalism
1.4 Boservables
1.5 Quantum Mechanics of General Lagrangian Systems
1.6 Particle on the Surface of a Sphere
1.7 Spinning Top
1.8 Time Evolution Operator
1.9 Properties of the Time Evolution Operator
1.10 Heisenberg Picture of Quantum Mechanics
1.11 Classical and Quantum Statistics
Appendix 1A The Asymmetric Top
Notes and References
2 Path Integrals-Elementary Properties and Simple Solutions
2.1 Path Integral Representation of Time Evolution Amplitudes
2.2 Exact Solution for a Free Particle
2.3 Finite-E Properties of the Free-Paticle Amplitued
2.4 Exact Solution for the Harmonic Oscillator
2.5 Useful Fluctuation Formulas
2.6 Oscillator Amplitude on a Finite Lattice
2.7 Gelfand-Yaglom Formula
2.8 Oscillator Wave Functions
2.9 Path Integrals and Quantum Statistics
2.10 Density Matrix
2.11 Quamtum Statstics of Harmonic Oscillator
2.12 Time-Dependent Harmonic Potential
3.13 Functional Measure in Fourier Space
3.14 Classical Limit
3.15 Calculation Techniques on a Finite Sliced Time Axis Poisson Formula
3 External Sources,Correlations,and Prturbation Theory
4 Semicalssical Time Evolution Amplitued
5 Variational Perturbaion Theory
6 Path Integrals with Topological Constraints
7 Many Particle Orbits-Statistics and Second Quantization
8 Path Integrals in Spherical Coordinates
9 Fixed-Energy Amplitude and Wave Functions
10 Short-Time Amplitude in Spaces with Curvature and Torsion
11 Schrodinger Equation in General Metric-Affine Sapces
12 New Path Integral Formula for Singular Potentials
13 Path Integral of the Coulomb System
14 Solution of Futher Path Ingerals by the Duru-Kleinert Method
15 Path Integrals in Polymer Physics
16 Polymers and Particle Orbits in Multiply Connected Spaces
17 Path Integrals and Tunneling
18 Path Integrals and Nonequilibrium Quantum Statistics
19 Path Integrals for Relativistic Particle Orbits