


拓撲不動點理論問題中有一系列的研究工作, 有多篇學術論文發表於國內外重要學術刊物上,多次應邀參加該方面的國際學術會議,研究成果受國內外同行的關注。現主持這一方向的國家自然科學基金北京市自然科學基金理論研究項目。任Zentralblatt fuer Mathematik 數學評論員。同時,在數學基礎理論的套用中亦有研究與開發工作。







2009秋微分拓撲研究生 方向課
2009春 直觀拓撲學本科生 全校公共選修
2009春代數拓撲研究生 公共課
2006秋高等幾何本科生 06 3.4
2006秋微分拓撲研究生 方向課
2006春拓撲學初步 本科生 選修課
2006春 直觀拓撲學本科生 全校公共選修
2006春代數拓撲研究生 基礎課
2005春 直觀拓撲學本科生 全校公共選修
2005春微分幾何本科生 03.2
2005春代數拓撲研究生 基礎課
1998秋高等數學本科生: 中文系98.6


在拓撲不動點理論問題中有一系列的研究工作, 有多篇學術論文發表於國內外重要學術刊物上,多次應邀參加該方面的國際學術會議,研究成果受國內外同行的關注。現主持這一方向的國家自然科學基金北京市自然科學基金理論研究項目。任Zentralblatt fuer Mathematik 數學評論員。同時,在數學基礎理論的套用中亦有研究與開發工作。
Homotopical theory of periodic points of periodic homeomorphisms on closed surfaces Topology Appl. 156 (2009), no. 15, 2527-2536
Erratum: Multiplicative rule of Schubert classes. Invent. Math. 177 (2009), no. 3, 683--684
A new lower bound for the number of roots of maps between graphs Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 33 (2009), no. 1, 17-29
Minimal sets of periods for maps on the Klein bottle J. Korean Math. Soc. 45(2008), No.3, 883 --902
Certain generalizations of $G$-sequences and their exactness Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 45(2008), No.1, 119-131
Nielsen type numbers and homotopy minimal periods for maps on 3-solvmanifolds. Algebr. Geom. Topol. 8 (2008), no. 1, 563-580
三維冪零流形上映射的 Nielsen 型數和同倫最小周期集 中國科學, 38卷, 1期(2008), 21-30
Periodic orbits with least period three on the circle Fixed Point Theory Appl. 2008, Art. ID 194875, 8 pp
On fixed points of stratified maps. Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2(2007), No. 2, 225-240
A unified formula for Steenrod operations in flag manifolds Compositio Math. 143 (2007) 257-270
Homotopy minimal periods for expanding maps on infra-nilmanifolds Journal of the mathematical society of Japan,59 (2007), no.1, 179-184
Algorithm For Multiplying Schubert Classes, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, Vol. 16, No. 6 (2006) 1197-1210
Periodic orbits of least period three on the circle Proceeding of the 4th Sogang geometry and complex analysis symposium, Advanced basic research laboratory, department of mathematics, Sogang University, 2006, 53-61
Reducing the number of fixed points of some homeomorphisms on nonprime 3-manifolds Fixed Point Theory Appl. 2006, Special Issue, Art. ID 25897, 19 pp
Computing cohomology rings of Exceptional Grassmannians Proceeding of the seventh Asian symposium on the computer mathematics (ASCM 2005), Korea Institute for Advanced Study, 2005, 7-9
Relative Nielsen theory Handbook of topological fixed point theory, 659--684, Springer, Dordrecht, 2005.
On the number of roots of maps between graphs Proceeding of the international conference on homotopy theory and related topics, Korea university, 2005, 73-76
The existence and stability of travelling waves with transition layers for some singular cross-diffusion systems Physica D 200(2005), No.3-4, 325-358
The stability of travelling waves with transition layers for some cross-diffusion systems Nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications, GAKUTO Internat. Ser. Math. Sci. Appl., 20, Gakkotosho, Tokyo, 2004, 391-406
A simplified index for roots Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana 3A. Serie Vol. 10 No. 3(2004), 529-533
The Cartan matrix and enumerative calculus J. Sym. Comp. 38(2004) 1119-1144
Periodic points of relative maps Proceeding of the international conference on homotopy theory and related topics, Institute of science and technology, Korea university, 2004, 19-27
A minimum theorem for the relative root Nielsen number Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 19 (2004), no. 1, 159-167
On the Nielsen Numbers of slide homeomorphisms on $3$-manifolds Topology and its Applications, Volume 136, Issues 1-3 , 28 January 2004, 169-188
Estimation of the number of fixed points on the complement Topology and its Applications 37 (1990), 257 -- 265
A relative Nielsen number for the complement Topological Fixed Point Theory and Applications", Lecture Notes in Math. 1411,Springer-Verlag (Berlin) 1989, 189-199


2008年01月至2009年12月 映射周期點及相關問題 國家自然科學基金


