“麥棉產量形成過程中光合物質同化分配及其調節的研究”,獲山東省教委科技進步一等獎。在《Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science》、《PHOTOSNTHETICA》、《BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM》、《植物學報》、《作物學報》等學術刊物上發表小麥高產優質高效栽培理論與技術的論文35篇。目前作為第2主持人主持“十五”國家科技攻關課題“無公害優質小麥生產關鍵技術集成與產業化示範”(2002BA516A12)。賀明榮教授
11.王振林、尹燕枰、賀明榮,Postanthesis allocation of photosynthates and grain growth in wheat cultivars as affected by source/sink change, Biologia Plantarum, 1998.2
12.王振林、尹燕枰、賀明榮,Source-sink manipulation effects on postanthesis photosynthesis and grain getting on spike in winter wheat, Photosynthetica, 1998.3
13.王振林、尹燕枰、賀明榮,Effects of source/sink manipulation on net photosynthetic rate and photosynthate partitioning during grain filling in winter wheat, Biologia plantarum, 1997.3
14.王振林、尹燕枰、賀明榮,Planting density effects on assimilation and partitioning of photosynthates during grain filling in the late-sown wheat, Photosynthetica, 1997.2
15.王振林、尹燕枰、賀明榮,Allocation of photosynthate and grain growth of two wheat cultivars with different potential grain growth in response to pre-and postanthesis shading, J. Agronomy and Crop Scionce,2003