Jtirgen Gausemeier, Jan BerssenbrOgge, Michael Grafe, Sascha Kahl and Helene Wassmann
From Space to the Forest and to Construction Sites: Virtual Testbeds0
Pave the Way for New Technologies
Jiirgen Rol3mann
Collaborative Virtual Assembly Operation Simulation and Its
Dengzhe Ma, Xijin Zhen, Yong Hu, Dianliang Wu, Xiumin Fan and Hongmin Zhu
Integration of Realtime Ray Tracing into Interactive Virtual Reality
Hilko Hoffmann, Dmitri Rubinstein, Alexander LOftier,
Michael Repplinger and Philipp Slusallek
Instantreality —— A Framework for Industrial Augmented and Virtual
Reality Applications
Johannes Behr, Ulrich Bockholt and Dieter Fellner
Interactive Simulation Data Exploration in Virtual Environments
Marc Wolter, Thomas Beer, Philippe Cerfontaine, Bernd Hentschel and Torsten
Digital Olympic Museum and Sports Simulation
Zhigeng Pan, Ruwei Ytm
Research on Key Technologies of Full Mission Navigation Simulation
Yong Yin, Yicheng Jin, Hongxiang Ren, Xiufeng Zhang, Xiuwen Liu and Junsheng Ren
Virtual Assembly Environment for Product Design Evaluation and Workplace Planning
Xiumin Fan, Rundang Yang, Dianliang Wu and Dengzhe Ma
Numerically Controlled Virtual Models for Commissioning, Testing and Training
Marco Schumann, Michael Schenk and Eberhard Bluemel
Virtual Reality Boosting Automotive Development
Mangqin Jiang
Potentials of Innovative Technologies within the Scope of Complex
Products and Services
Frank Thielemann
From Immersive Engineering to Selling and Teaching
Martin Zimmermann, Andreas Wierse