從事資產定價研究約7年,在《International Finance Review》、《New Mathematical and Natural Computation》、《Journal of Financial Transformation》、《》《運籌與管理》、《管理學報》、《管理評論》、《資本市場》等國際、國內刊物共發表論文30篇,並多次受邀參加國際金融會議,包括:獲2009年度美國金融協會(AFA) Travel Grant,參加第69屆美國金融年會(舊金山);2010年金融與公司治理年會(墨爾本),Cass商學院2009年度金融年會(倫敦),2009年國際計算金融學年會(悉尼),2008年亞洲金融工程年會(香港)等。范先生還獲得過“挑戰杯”一等獎、“京東方杯”一等獎等多項學術獎勵。
· 1. FAN Wei,YUAN Xinyi. Call Warrants in China’s Securities Market: Pricing Biases and Investors Confusion [J]. New Mathematics and Natural Computation, forthcoming, 2011. Second International Workshop on Intelligent Finance, July, 2007.
· 2. FAN Wei, YAN Zhufei. On the Pricing and Hedging of Volatility-linked Notes[C]. 69th American Finance Association(AFA) Annual Conference Travel Grant, San Francisco, Jan. 2009; 15th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, Sydney, July, 2009; 2010 Finance and Corporate Governance Conference, Melbourne, April 2010.
· 3. FAN Wei. On the Operational Risk Transformation of Foreign VCs in Mainland China [C].2 Financial Conference of Cass Business School, London, 2010, April: 3-7.
· 4. FAN Wei, Qingbin Meng, Liu Yang, Lingqing Xing and Sihai Fang. Introduction of Margin Trading and Short Selling in China’s Securities Market-Starting from the Disordered Warrant Prices[M].Short Seller Book, McGraw-Hill Press, forthcoming, 2011.
· 5. YUAN Xinyi, FAN Wei, and LIU Qiang. China’s Securities Markets: Challenges, Innovations, and the Latest Developments [J].International Finance Review. 2007, 8:245-262.
· 6.LIU Qiang, Songping-Zhu, and FAN Wei. The Puzzle of Warrants Trading below their Intrinsic Values in China’s A-Share Market, submitted.
· 7. FAN Wei. On the Relationship between Call Option Price and the Probability of the Call ending in-the-money [A]. “京東方杯”學生科技創新大賽一等獎,2006.