



  • 書名:英語讀寫教程(下)
  • 作者柏樺
  • ISBN:9787040253191
  • 頁數:433
  • 定價:39.90元
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 出版時間:2008-8
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開
內容簡介,圖書目錄,Unit 1,Unit 2,Unit 3,Unit 4,Ullit 5,Unit 6,Unit 7,Unit 8,Unit 9,Unit 10,Unit 11,Unit 12,Unit 13,Unit 14,Unit 15,Unit 16,




Unit 1

Text 1 The Day ofLove
Structured Writing Choosing and Narrowing a Topic
Applied Writing Application Letter
Text 2 LoveIsJust aThread
Reading Skills A Tip for Speeding Up Your Reading(1)
Text 3 The Apple Tree
Grammar Focus 被動語態

Unit 2

Text 1 VqhatCausestheCulturalDifference
Structured Writing Brainstorming
Applied Writing Resume
Text2 TheChineseTeaCulture
Reading Skills ATipfor SpeedingUpYourReading(2)
Text 3 WhenYouThinkoftheAmericanPopCulture
Grammar Focus 不定式

Unit 3

Text 1 BritishMusic
Structured Writing Grouping
Applied Writing Certificates
Text 2 TheRoleDancingPlaysinaCulture
Reading Skills Guessing the Meaning of Words from Context(1)
Text 3 JazzMusic
Grammar Focus 動名詞

Unit 4

Text 1 Global Warming
StructuredWriting WritingtheTopic Sentence
Applied Writing Recommendation Letter
Text 2 EnvironmentPledgeofGreenOlympicCaranles
Reading Skills Guessing the Meaning of Words from Context(2)
Text 3 WasteTreatment
Grammar Focus 分詞
Test Yourself(Units 1-4)

Ullit 5

Text 1 John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Structured Writing Simple Outlining
Applied Writing Advertisement
Text 2 The People's Princess
Reading Skills Reading for the Main Idea
Text 3 YangLiwei
Grammar Focus 分詞的獨立主格結構

Unit 6

Text 1 History ofthe Hot Balloon
Structured Writing Writing a Paragraph
Applied Writing Public Signs
Text2 DeathIs aNewInvention
Reading Skills Slang
Text 3 Who Is the VictimofScience
Grammar Focus 主謂一致

Unit 7

Text 1 Types ofPersonafities
Structured Writing The Topic Sentence
Applied Writing Condolence and Sympathy
Text2 Jane Eyre——ABeautifulSoul
Reading Skills Spotting Authors’Navigation Aids
Text 3 InsuranceAgent
Grammar Focus 主語從句

Unit 8

Text 1 Mass Media
Structured Writing The Concluding Sentence
Applied Writing Lost and Found
Text 2 Media EfieCtS
Reading Skills Reading Comprehension Question(1)
Text 3 "relevision
Grammar Focus 賓語從句
Test Yourself(Units 5—8)

Unit 9

Text 1 BoostYour Confidence
Structured Writing A Supporof the Controlling Idea
Applied Writing Credit Lerer
Text2 Russian、Flag PlantedUndertheNorthPole
Reading Skills Reading Comprehension Question(2)
Text 3 Spirit ofAdventure
Grammar Focus 表語從句

Unit 10

Text 1 Do Not Get Carried Away、with the GDP
Structured Writing Comparison and Contrast
Applied Writing Trade Dispute
Text2 AsianDevelopmentBank
Reading Skills Figurative Language(1)
Text 3 Why Decry the Wealth Gap
Grammar Focus 同位語從句

Unit 11

Text 1 LearningtoHandleStress
Structured Writing Cause and Effect
Applied Writing Inquiries and Replies
Text 2 ASpeechAboutStress
Reading Skills Figurative Language(2)
Text 3 FeelingStress
Grammar Focus 定語從句

Unit 12

Text 1 Animal Education
Structured Writing Unity and Coherence
Applied Writing Replies tO Inquiries
Text 2 Protection Efforts forBirds in Yunnan
Reading Skills Scanning
Text 3 Why Is Ecological Balance Important
Grammar Focus 狀語從句(一)
TestYourself(Umts 9-12)

Unit 13

Text 1 A Gift ofLife
Structured Writing Narration
Applied Writing Offer
Text2 Drinkto—andfor—Y0amHealth
Reading Skills Skimming
Text 3 Study:ObesityIs“SociallyContagious”
Grammar Focus 狀語從句(二)

Unit 14

Text 1 AReport:TreatFloodsAs SeriouslyAsTerrorism
Structured Writing Description
Applied Writing Acknowledging Orders
Text 2 I-IiroshimaMemories
Reading Skills Extensive Reading
Text 3 Tangshan Earthquake:A Deadly Disaster
Grammar Focus 倒裝

Unit 15

Text 1 Who ShouldTake ResponsibilityforKids’Crimes
Structured Writing Exposition
Applied Writing Bargaining Letter
Text 2 FacingUptoViolenceinAmerica
Reading Skills Intensive Reading
Text 3 Evaluation of Rural Unemployment
Grammar Focus 虛擬語氣(一)

Unit 16

Text 1 A Career Plan
Structured Writing Argumentation
Applied Writing Contracts
Text2 TenTipsforLeaders
Reading Skills A Review of Figurative Language
Text 3 DoYouHavePassionforYourJob
Grammar Focus 虛擬語氣(二)
Test Yourself(Units 13-16)
Appendix 1 The Appreciation of English Articles
Appendix 2 Glossary
Appendix 3 KeystoTestYourself


