

《英語語言教學理論與實踐》是2015年8月21日譯林出版社出版的圖書,作者是David Nunan。


  • 書名:英語語言教學理論與實踐
  • 作者:David Nunan
  • 出版社:譯林出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年8月21日
  • ISBN:9787544703970 


外語課程的改革可以分為三個層面:一是巨觀的、戰略性的計畫, 如確定教學理念與設計課程目標、評價目標等;二是策略性層面(Candlin,1984),即根據不同的地區差異與教學條件設計不同的教學實施大綱,其中包括對教學內容進行選擇與排序,選擇適當的材料,以及根據不同的教學需求採用適當的教學方法和教師培訓等; 最後是操作層面(Markee, 1997),即教師與學習者如何根據班級的學生實際情況進行日常教學的活動,包括材料的補充與選擇。
可以說,自外語新課程實施以來,課程的教育教學理念、課程目標、教學材料等的確與以前的大綱有所不同,但是,教學方法、教學資源、教師職業發展等方方面面策略性層面與操作層面的變化卻沒有人們期待的那么明顯。課程改革的理念和原則,經過幾年的宣傳和培訓,雖然已經廣為人知,但如何在教學實踐中全面落實這些理念與原則,成為各級教育行政部門和外語教師面臨的大問題。我個人認為,在課程實施中,最困難的還不是教師教育教學理念的轉變,而是各級教育部門、教師培訓者,包括相關的教育出版部門在課程策略性層面、操作層面上多為一線教師想一想,他們在課程實施中最缺乏什麼。一線教師是真正在比賽場地上奔跑的核心隊員(key players)。他們需要什麼樣的營養和技能?他們需要什麼樣的技術支持?


1. 引言:明確本章主題。
2. 背景:概述相關主題的理論、研究及教學實踐。
3. 原則:描述本章主題的核心原則,並舉例說明。
4. 課堂技巧和任務:列舉課堂教學過程實例。
5. 課堂教學:讀者被帶入多樣化的課堂,觀摩上述原則的實際運用。
6. 結束語:總結本章要點。


Neil Anderson is on the faculty of the Department of Linguistics and English Language at BrighamYoungUniversityinProvo,Utah,USA. His research and teaching interests include second language reading, language learning strategies, and learning and teaching styles. Professor Anderson is a past president of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL).
Kathleen M. Bailey is Professor of Applied Linguistics in the TESOL-TFL Program at the Monterey Institute of International Studies inMonterey,California,USA. She has taught English inKorea, theU.S., and Hong Kong, and has worked with language teachers inArgentina,Australia,Brazil,Czechoslovakia,Italy,Japan,Poland,Singapore,Thailand, Trinidad, andUruguay.
Ken Beatty is Senior Lecturer for Information Technology in the Division of Languages at City University of Hong Kong inChina, where he has taught for ten years. He previously taught at universities and schools inCanadaandChina. His publications include English as a second language (ESL) and computer textbooks, Web sites, and CD-ROMs.
Phil Benson is Assistant Professor at theUniversityofHong KonginChina, where he has taught English and Applied Linguistics for more than ten years. He has also taught English in secondary schools and private institutes inAlgeria,Japan,Kuwait,Malaysia, andSeychelles. He has published widely on the subject of autonomy in language learning. His research interests also include the use of information technology in language learning and lexicography.
Geoff Brindley is Associate Professor of Linguistics atMacquarieUniversity,Sydney,Australia. He has worked as an English as a second and foreign language (ESL/EFL) teacher, teacher trainer, researcher, test developer, and administrator. He is the author and editor of a wide variety of publications on language assessment, second language acquisition, and language curriculum development.
Donna Brinton is Lecturer in the Department of Applied Linguistics & TESL at theUniversityofCalifornia,Los Angeles, where she also serves as Academic Coordinator of the university's English as a Second Language (ESL) courses. She has co-authored several ESL textbook series, produced multimedia instructional materials, and coauthored or co-edited five professional texts. These texts mirror her areas of academic interest in content‐based instruction, English for specific purposes, and practical phonetics. She has also conducted teacher in-services in countries as diverse asIsrael,Mozambique,Thailand, andUzbekistan.
Mary Ann Christison is Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Linguistics Department at theUniversityofUtah,Salt Lake City,Utah,USA. She is the author of over 70 published articles on second language teaching and research. She served as International TESOL President from 1997-1998.
Kathleen Graves is a teacher educator at the School for International Training,Brattleboro,Vermont,USA. She is interested in helping teachers develop a reflective practice so they can work in partnership with their learners. She has written two books based on teachers' experiences with developing courses and materials.
Marc Helgesen teaches at Miyagi Gakuin Women's College,Sendai,Japan. He has published widely in the area of listening and, along with Steve Brown, is author of the Active Listening series (Cambridge University Press).
Michael McCarthy is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Nottingham, England and Adjunct Professor of Applied Linguistics atPennsylvaniaStateUniversity,State College,Pennsylvania,USA. He has published widely in the areas of discourse analysis, vocabulary, and the grammar of spoken English.
John Murphy is Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Applied Linguistics/ESL department atGeorgiaStateUniversity,Atlanta,Georgia,USA. His recent teacher development book was co-edited with Patricia Byrd and is titled Understanding the Courses We Teach: Local Perspectives on English Language Teaching (UniversityofMichigan Press).
S. P. Nation is Professor of Applied Linguistics at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He has taught inFinland,Indonesia,Japan,Thailand, and theU.S.His special interests are language teaching methodology and vocabulary learning.
David Nunan holds concurrent Chairs at the University of Hong Kong, China andNewportAsiaPacificUniversity,Newport Beach,California,USA. He is also Senior Academic Advisor to GlobalEnglish, an Internet based English language provider inSan Francisco,California,USA. He has written over 100 books and articles on curriculum development, task-based language learning, teacher education, and classroom-based research.
Maggie Sokolik received her Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from theUniversityofCalifornia,Los Angeles. She currently teaches writing and directs the English as a Second Language Workshop at theUniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley,USA. She has written several textbooks on reading and writing, and conducts teacher education workshops in many locations around the world.
Steve Walsh is Director of Teacher Education and Lecturer in ELT at the Queen'sUniversity of Belfast,Northern Ireland. He has published in the area of discourse analysis in English Language Teaching.


