1. R M Hua .(corresponding author). A Multiresidue Method for 20 Pesticides in Radix paeoniae Alba of Chinese Herb by Gas Chromatography with Electron-capture Detection.Bull Environ Contam Toxicol,2010, 84:779-783(SCI)
2. R M Hua Influence of surfactants on the leaching of bentazone in a sandy loam soil. Pest Manag Sci, 2009, 65(8):857-861(SCI)
3. R M Hua Photodegradation rate and products of acetochlor in aqueous solution. Int. Conf. Bioinformatics Biomed. Eng., iCBBBE. 2008, 4455-4462(EI)
4. R M Hua (corresponding author). Separation of Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl biodegradation products by HPLC. J. Planar Chromatography, 2005, 18(1): 85-88(SCI)
5. R M Hua (corresponding author). Biodegradation of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl by bacteria isolated from sludge. Journal of Hazardous Materials , 2005, B118, 247-251(SCI)
6. R M Hua(3)HPLC Determination of Imidacloprid, Fenitrothion and Parathion in Chinese Cabbage. J. Planar Chromatography,2005, 18(2): 151-154(SCI)
7. R M Hua(4)Leaching and degradation of ethametsulfuron-methyl in soil,Chemosphere,2005,60:601-609(SCI)
8. R M Hua(3)Matrix solid-phase dispersion microextraction and determination by GC-NPD detection of pesticide residues in medicinal herbs. J. Int. AOAC,2006,89(2):498-502(SCI)。
9. R M Hua (3) Development of Methods for Determination of the Residues of 15 Pesticides in Medicinal Herbs Isatis indigotica Fort. by Capillary Gas Chromatography with Electron Capture or Flame Photometric Detection. J. Int. AOAC,2005, 88(3): 721~728(SCI)
10.R M Hua(4)HPTLC Determination of Pyrethroid Residues in Vegetables. Journal of Planar Chromatography,2004, 17: 365~368(SCI)