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2. Haiqun Cao(操海群), Yongde Yue, Rimao Hua, Feng Tang, Rong Zhang, Wei Fan, Haiyan Chen. Determination of imidacloprid, fenitrothion and parathion in Chinese cabbage by HPTLC. Journal of Planar Chromatography, 2005, 18(2):155-158(SCI收錄)
7. Haiqun Cao(操海群), Yongde Yue, Rimao Hua, Feng Tang. photodegradation of octachlorodipropyl ether in solvents and aqueous solutions. 2007.10 Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Pesticide and Environmetnal Safety. 2007:149
13. Cao Haiqun, Yue Yongde, Peng Zhenghua, Hua Rimao, Tang FengEvaluation of extracts from bamboo for biological activity against Culex pipiens pallens.ENTOMOLOGIA SINICA,2004,11(4):267-273