胡衛兵,工學博士,二級教授,碩士生導師,全國優秀教師,國務院政府津貼專家,《化學與生物工程》雜誌編委。獲湖北省高等學校教學成果貳獎一項、湖北省科技進步三等獎一項、恩施州科技進步貳等獎二項、恩施州科技進步叄等獎二項;指導的碩士研究生中有兩人獲國家獎學金;多篇論文獲湖北省自然科學優秀論文貳等和叄等獎;主持國家自然科學基金二項(No. 20871044, No. 21461008)、湖北省國際合作項目一項(2006CA014)、湖北省自然科學基金項目二項(2012FFB01103,2008CDZ006)、恩施州重點項目等項目15項,已在國內外重要期刊如《Chemistry of Materials》、《Nanotechnology》、《Materials Chemistry and Physics》、《Applied Physics A》、《Ceramics International》、《中國科學B》上發表研究論文80餘篇,SCI、EI檢索論文30餘篇;鑑定成果5項。發表在《Applied Physics A》上的成果《Generation of hollow crystalline tungsten oxide fibres》已被《Science》、《Angew. Chem. Int. Ed》、《Advanced Materials》、《Advanced Functional Materials》、《J. Mater. Chem》等多種國外權威期刊它引近100次。是《Electrochimica Acta》、《Materials Chemistry and Physics》、《Analytical Methods》、《Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology》、《Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters》、《Indian Journal of Science and Technology》、《Journal of Materials Research》、《NANO》等國外期刊的審稿人。
1.Yan Wu, Chenxi Hu, Meng Huang, Nannan Song ,Weibing Hu,
Highly enhanced electrochemical responses of rutin by nanostructured Fe2O3/RGO composites, Ionics, Ionics (2015) 21:1427–1434《SCI》收錄
2.HU Wei-Bing,SONG Nan-Nan, HUANG Meng, FENG Fu, TIAN Da-Ting, ZHOU Hong-Yan, SONG Xin-Jian,Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a New Complex [Cu(C14H9O3)2(C5H5N)2(C2H5OH)2],Chinese J. Struct. Chem.,2014, 33(5), 753–756《SCI》收錄
3.Yan Wu, Meng Huang,Nannan Song,Weibing Hu, Electrochemical detection of guaiacol in bamboo juice based on the enhancement effect of RGO nanosheets, Anal. Methods, 2014, 6, 2729-2735《SCI》收錄
4.Meng Huang, Yan Wu,Weibing Hu,A facile synthesis of reduced graphene oxide-wrapped WO3nanowire composite and its enhanced electrochemical catalysis properties,Ceramics International 40 (2014) 7219–7225《SCI》收錄
7.Wanyun Qu, Xiaoyong Xiong,Weibing Hu, Pan Zhang, Qi Luo, Shenghui Zhang,Surface enhancement of WO3nanowires toward the oxidation and electrochemical detection of honokiol in traditional Chinese medicine,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,100 (2012) 103-106.《SCI》收錄
8.Weibing Hu, Zhicai Cui, Yuanzhu Mi. 3-D MnNb2O6nanogears from 1-D Nb2O5nanorods,Materials Chemistry and Physics,133 (2012) 599–604.《SCI》收錄
9.Feng Fu,LI Yun-Pan,ZHOU Hong-Yan,TIAN Da-Ting,HU Wei-Bing,Synthesis and Crystal Structure of 10-(3,4-Dichlorophenymethylidyne)-9,10-dihydrofluorene,Vol. 30, No. 8,1111–1114《SCI》收錄
10.Weibing HuX.L. Nie and Y.Zh. Mi.Controlled synthesis and structurecharacterization of nanostructured MnWO4Materials Characterization,61(2010)85–89(Impact factort:1.416).《SCI》收錄
11.Weibing Hu, Dating Tian, Yuanzhu Mi, Guanghua Nie,Yimin Zhao, Zhuli Liu, Kailun Yao. Synthesis and characterization of In2O3nanocube via a solvothermal-calcination route,Materials Chemistry and Physics118 (2009) 277–280《SCI》收錄
12.Hu Weibing, Liu Zuli,Tian Dating, Zhang Shengmin,Yimin ZHAO, Yao Kailun,Morphological Evolution of Nb2O5in aSolvothermalReaction: From Nb2O5Grains to Nb2O5Nanorods and Hexagonal Nb2O5Nanoplatelets.《Jounal of Wuhan Uiversity of Technology-Materrials Science》,24(2),32(2009)《SCI》收錄
14.Weibing Hu,Yimin Zhao, Zuli Liu, Charles W. Dunnill, Duncan H. Gregory, and Yanqiu Zhu.Nanostructural Evolution: From One-Dimensional Tungsten Oxide Nanowires to Three-Dimensional Ferberite Flowers ,Chemistry of Materials,20(17), 5657–5665, 2008, (Impact factor:5.368)ISSN: 0897-4756《SCI》收錄
18.Y.M. Zhao,W. B. Hu, Y. D. Xia, E. F. Smith, Y. Q. Zhu, C. W. Dunnill and D. H. Gregory,Preparation and characterization of tungsten oxynitridenanowires,Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 4436 - 4440 (Impact factor:4.883)
32.W.B.Hu,Y.Q.Zhu,etal.,Generation of Hollow Crystalline Tungsten Oxide Fibes《Applied Physics A》,70,231(2000).(Impact factor:1.857)
33.W.B.Hu,Y.Q.Zhu,etal.,A Novel Chemical Route to SiO2Nanowires《Science in China B》45(4),389(2002),《SCI》收錄
34.HU Weibing,ZHU Yanqiu,etal.,Generation of Multi-hollow Crystalline Mo Fibes《Science in China B》44(2),203(2001),《SCI》收錄
35.HU Weibing,YANG Feng,etal.,A newly-Proposed Topological Index and It’s Applicatoion《Jounal of Wuhan Uiversity of Technology-Materrials Edition》,12(3),41(1997),《SCI》收錄
36.HU Weibing,ZHANG Shengming,etal.,Theoretical Analysis of Catalytic Hydrodenation Mechanism on Pd\D3520《Jounal of Wuhan Uiversity of Technology-Materrials Edition》,11(4),32(1996),《EI》收錄
38.Y.Q.Zhu,W.B.Hu, etal.,A Simple Route to Silicon-Based Nanostructures《Advanced Materials》11,(10),884(1999),《SCI》收錄
39.Y.Q.Zhu,W.B.Hu, etal.,SiC-SiOx Heterjunction in Nanowires《J.Mater.Chem》,9,1(1999),《SCI》收錄
40.Y.Q.Zhu,W.B.Hu, ,etal., Microscopy Study of the GrowthProcess and Structural Features of Silicon Oxide Nanoflowers《Chemistry of Materials》,11,297(1999),《SCI》收錄
41.Y.Q.Zhu,W.B.Hu, ,etal.,Advances in the Creation of Filled Nanotubes and Novel Nanowires《MRS BULLETIN 》,8(24),43(1999)《SCI》收錄