


  • 中文名:肖明
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:教師
  • 學位/學歷:教授
  • 專業方向:生物領域
  • 性別:男


駐院項目名稱: 豬瘟病毒基因組複製調節機理的研究
現任任職: 上海師範大學 生命與環境科學學院 生物系 教授
研究方向:微生物分子生物學, 生物信息學, 微生物與植物的相互關係,分子病毒學


豬瘟病毒基因組3’非編碼區結構與功能關係的研究 ,起止年月為2002年1月至2004年12月
豬瘟病毒基因組複製調節機理的研究 ,起止年月為2007年1月至2009年12月
互花米草入侵性在九段沙濕地的表達機理、入侵的生態後果及受損濕地的生態修復技術(04DZ19304), 起止年月為2004年9月至2007年8月.
螢光假單胞菌phl D基因功能的研究


1. 肖明, 張楚瑜. (2000)生物信息學Blocks和Motifs方法在病毒研究中的套用. 武漢大學學報.
2. Xiao, M., Zhi, Z. Z. & Zhang, C. Y. (2001). Qualitative, quantitative and structural analysis of non-coding regions of classical swine fever virus genome. Chinese Science Bulletin .
3.Xiao, M., Zhang, C. Y., Pan, Z. S., Wu, H. X. & Guo, J. Q. (2002). Classical swine fever virus NS5B-GFP fusion possesses an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity. Archives of Virology。
4. Xiao, M., Zhi, Z. Z., Jueping, L. & Zhang, C. Y. (2002). Prediction of recognition sites of classical swine fever virus genomic replication with information analysis. Molecular Biology 36, 34-43.
5. Xiao, M., Zhi, Z. Z., Jueping, L., & Zhang, C. Y. (2002). A new method based on entropy theory for genomic sequence analysis. Acta Biotheortica, 50, 155-165
6. Xiao, M., Wang, Y., Chen, J. & Li, B. (2003). Characterization of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity of CSFV NS5B proteins expressed in Escherichia coli. Virus Genes 7, 67-74.
7. Xiao, M., Chen, J. & Li, B. (2003). RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity of classical swine fever virus NS5B protein expressed in natural host cells. Acta Virologica 47, 17-26
8. Xiao, M., Gao, J., Wang, W., Wang, Y., Chen, J., Chen, J. & Li, B. (2004). Specific interaction between the classical swine fever virus NS5B protein and the viral genome. European Journal of Biochemistry 271, 3888–3896.
9. Xiao, M., Gao, J., Wang, Y., Wang, X., Lu, W., Zhen, Y., Chen, J. & Li, B. (2004). Influence of a 12-nt insertion present in the 3'untranslated region of classical swine fever virus HCLV strain genome on RNA synthesis. Virus research 102, 191–198.
10. Xiao, M., Lu, W., Chen, J., Wang, Y., Zhen, Y., Chen, J. & Li, B. (2004). The necessary site for initiation of RNA synthesis in 3’noncoding region of classical swine fever virus genome. Molecular Biology 38, 343-351.
11. Xiao, M., Li, H., Wang, Y., Wang, X., Wang, W., Peng, J., Chen, J. & Li, B. (2006). Characterization of the N-terminal domain of classical swine fever virus RNA-dependent RNA polymeras. Journal of General Virology 87, 347-356.
12. Nie M, Bao K, Xiao M, Chen J M, Luo J L, Zhang W Q, Chen J K, Li B. 2006 Differentiation of Fusarium spp. by Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. Annals of Microbiology, 56, 399-401
13. Nie M, Luo J L, Xiao M, Chen J M, Bao K, Zhang W Q, Chen J K, Li B. 2007, Structural Differences between Fusarium Strains Investigated by FT-IR Spectroscopy. Biochemistry (Moscow), 72, 61-67.
14. Luo J.,Bao K., Nie M, Zhang W Q, Xiao M., Li B. 2007. Cladistic and phenetic analysis of relationships among Fusarium spp. in Dongtan wetland by morphology and isozymes. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 35, 410-420.
15. Wang, Y., Xiao, M., Chen, Jun., Zhang, W., Luo, J., Bao, K., Nie, M., Chen, J. Li, Bo. (2007). Mutational analysis of the GDD sequence motif of classical swine fever virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerases. Virus Genes 34, 63–65.
16. Luo, M., Jiang, L., Huang, Y., Xiao, M., Li, B. & Zou, G. (2004). Effects of Citral on Aspergillus flavus Spores by Quasi-elastic Light Scattering and Multiplex Microanalysis Techniques. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 36, 277-283.
17. Jin, L.,Gu, Y., Xiao, M., Chen, J.& Li, Bo. (2004). The history of Solidago canadensis invasion and the development of its mycorrhizal associations in newly-reclaimed land. Functional Plant Biology 31, 979-986.
18. 肖明.( 2003).生物信息學及其在病毒研究中的套用.上海師範大學學報,32:96-102
19. 曾雅梅,肖明,張楚瑜. (2003). NS3蛋白在黃病毒科病毒生命活動中的作用.中國病毒學,18: 508-512
20. 陸文蔚, 肖明. (2003). 細菌產生的抗菌肽.上海師範大學學報, 增刊,105-110.
21.王曉輝,姜安璽, 肖明. (2003). 甲硫醚優勢降解菌株的篩選和脫臭性能的初步研究.上海師範大學學報, 增刊,130-134.
22.王偉, 肖明. (2005). 假單胞菌嗜鐵素介導的鐵攝取. 生物學雜誌. 22,11-15
23. 曾雅梅,陸文蔚,肖明 (2005).SARS冠狀病毒複製酶起始結合位點的預測.上海師範大學學報,34,66-71.
24.李懷波, 任占沛, 肖明. (2005). 拮抗油菜菌核病病原菌的螢光假單胞菌的分離和篩選. 中國農學通報.21,334-337
25.聶明, 周傳雲,肖明. (2005).保健蒲公英核奶的研製. 食品開發與研製, 26,144-147.
26. 聶明,張偉瓊,彭珺,魏新林,肖明. (2005).鈍頂螺旋藻表面微觀形貌的原子力顯微鏡研究. 生物技術, 15 (6),57-59.
27. 王偉,彭珺,張琳,肖明. (2006) 螢光假單胞菌株SE-6產鐵載體的發酵條件.上海師範大學學報, 35,24-27.
28.包衍羅江蘭,張偉瓊,聶明,肖明. (2006) 互花米草根際鐮刀菌的分離鑑定及致病性測定.雜草科學, 2, 6-9.
29. 張舒蕾, 肖明. (2006) 從基因組3’非編碼區看黃病毒科各成員的進化關係 生物學通報, 41,10-12


