
呂東英、陳顯波主編的這本《英語(含學習指導手冊)》遵循思想性、科學性、趣味性、靈活性及開放性原則,共15課,每課分為聽、說、讀三項基本技能訓練,內容根據職業院校學生的文化程度、英語水平及日常生活中應該注意的行為規範所確定,兼顧文化知識及禮儀和行為規範等文化素養的融合。書後附錄收錄國際音標及常用語法。隨書附指導手冊一本,主要內容包括課文翻譯,聽力材料及講解,課後練習題答案,以及十篇教育隨筆(英漢對照)。 本教材可作為職業院校學前教育專業教材,適用於三年高職、三年中專、五年中專等職業教育的公共英語課程教學,也可作為幼兒英語教育機構的教師培訓教材。


  • 書名:職業院校學前教育專業規劃教材:英語
  • 出版社:機械工業出版社
  • 頁數:183頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:機械工業出版社
  • 作者:呂東英
  • 出版日期:2014年7月8日
  • 語種:簡體中文
  • ISBN:9787111465973
Lesson 1 Greetings and Introductions(問候與介紹)
Part Ⅰ Listening
Part Ⅱ Speaking
Section A Learn to Say
Section B More Fantastic Sayings
Section C Communication Activities
Part Ⅲ Reading
Text A Greetings
Text B Introductions
Part Ⅳ Fun TimePlay a Game
Lesson 2 Colors(顏色)
Part Ⅰ Listening
Part Ⅱ Speaking
Section ALearn to Say
Section BMore Fantastic Sayings
Section CCommunication Activities
Part Ⅲ Reading
Text A Why Are School Buses Yellow?
Text B Colors and Life
Part Ⅳ Fun TimePlay a Game
Lesson 3 Weather and Climate(天氣與氣候)
Part Ⅰ Listening
Part Ⅱ Speaking
Section A Learn to Say
Section B More Fantastic Sayings
Section C Communication Activities
Part Ⅲ Reading
Text A Wind and Clouds
Text B Weather and Climate
Part Ⅳ Fun TimePlay a Game
Lesson 4 Numbers(數字)
Part Ⅰ Listening
Part Ⅱ Speaking
Section A Learn to Say
Section B More Fantastic Sayings
Section C Communication Activities
Part Ⅲ Reading
Text A Numbers around the World
Text B How to Teach Numbers in Kindergarten
Part Ⅳ Fun TimePlay a Game
Part Ⅰ Listening
Part Ⅱ Speaking
Section ALearn to Say
Section BMore Fantastic Sayings
Section CCommunication Activities
Part Ⅲ Reading
Text A Guess How Much I Love You
Text B Family in America
Part Ⅳ Fun TimePlay a Game
Lesson 6 Festivals(節日)
Part Ⅰ Listening
Part Ⅱ Speaking
Section A Learn to Say
Section B More Fantastic Sayings
Section C Communication Activities
Part Ⅲ Reading
Text A Halloween
Text B Festivals
Part Ⅳ Fun TimePlay a Game
Lesson 7 Revision (複習課)(Lesson 1- Lesson6 )
Lesson 8 Diet and Health(飲食與健康)
Part Ⅰ Listening
Part Ⅱ Speaking
Section A Learn to Say
Section B More Fantastic Sayings
Section C Communication Activities
Part Ⅲ Reading
Text A How to Have a Healthy Diet
Text B Fast Food
Part Ⅳ Fun TimePlay a Game
Lesson 9 Body and Sports(身體與運動)
Part Ⅰ Listening
Part Ⅱ Speaking
Section A Learn to Say
Section B More Fantastic Sayings
Section C Communication Activities
Part Ⅲ Reading
Text A Sports
Text B The Boss of the Body
Part Ⅳ Fun TimePlay a Game
Lesson 10 Interests and Hobbies(興趣與愛好)
Part Ⅰ Listening
Part Ⅱ Speaking
Section A Learn to Say
Section B More Fantastic Sayings
Section C Communication Activities
Part Ⅲ Reading
Text A Computers and the Internet
Text B Different Countries, Different Hobbies
Part Ⅳ Fun TimePlay a Game
Lesson 11 Animals(動物)
Part Ⅰ Listening
Part Ⅱ Speaking
Section A Learn to Say
Section B More Fantastic Sayings
Section C Communication Activities
Part Ⅲ Reading
Text A Animals
Text B How Do Animals Catch Their ZZZ?s?
Part Ⅳ Fun TimePlay a Game
Lesson 12 Fairy Tales(童話故事)
Part Ⅰ Listening
Part Ⅱ Speaking
Section A Learn to Say
Section B More Fantastic Sayings
Section C Communication Activities
Part Ⅲ Reading
Text A The City Mouse and The Country Mouse
Text B The Deer at The Pond
Part Ⅳ Fun TimePlay a Game
Lesson 13 Transport(交通)
Part Ⅰ Listening
Part Ⅱ Speaking
Section A Learn to Say
Section B More Fantastic Sayings
Section C Communication Activities
Part Ⅲ Reading
Text A Getting around in Beijing
Text B The Causes of Traffic Congestion in Big Cities
Part Ⅳ Fun TimePlay a Game
Lesson 14 Music and Movies(音樂與電影)
Part Ⅰ Listening
Part Ⅱ Speaking
Section A Learn to Say
Section B More Fantastic Sayings
Section C Communication Activities
Part Ⅲ Reading
Text A Emil Chau—Singing from the Heart
Text B Movies
Part Ⅳ Fun TimePlay a Game
Lesson 15 Revision(複習課)(Lesson 8-Lesson14 )
附錄A 國際音標
附錄B 常用語法


