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《綜合商務英語》是2018年中國人民大學出版社出版書籍,作者是 周紅紅、王建榮、王小娟。


  • 書名:綜合商務英語
  • 作者:周紅紅、王建榮、王小娟
  • 出版社:中國人民大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年02月28日
  • 定價:55 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:978-7-300-25148-6
  • 字數:426 千字
  • 印次:1-1






Unit 1 Business Communication
Text A Twelve Secrets of Effective Business Communication
Text B Communicating Effectively for Business
Chinese and International Culture Tour
Case Study
Unit 2 Business Negotiation
Text A The Art of Negotiating
Text B Negotiation Strategy: Seven Common Pitfalls to Avoid
Chinese and International Culture Tour
Case Study
Unit 3 Takeovers and Mergers
Text A Mergers and Acquisitions: Understanding Takeovers
Text B 2017 Bodes Well for Chinese Takeovers
Chinese and International Culture Tour
Case Study
Unit 4 Finance and Banking
Text A On the Way: Chinese Capital’s Journey to the World
Text B Which Is Better: Saving Money or Paying Down Debt?
Chinese and International Culture Tour
Case Study
Unit 5 Stocks and Bonds
Text A Stocks vs. Bonds
Text B Where to Put Your Cash While Savings Rates Are Rock-bottom?
Chinese and International Culture Tour
Case Study
Unit 6 E-commerce
Text A Making the Most of China’s E-commerce Boom
Text B What Does the Store of the Future Look Like?
Chinese and International Culture Tour
Case Study
Unit 7 Risk Management
Text A Risk Management
Text B The Main Types of Business Risk
Chinese and International Culture Tour
Case Study
Unit 8 Corporate Culture
Text A Does Corporate Culture Really Matter?
Text B Risky Rhetoric: When Personal Opinions Damage Corporate Brands
Chinese and International Culture Tour
Case Study
Unit 9 Green Economy
Text A Green Economy
Text B Rise of Personal Solar Power
Chinese and International Culture Tour
Case Study
Unit 10 China’s Economy and the World
Text A A Breath of Fresh Air
Text B How China’s Economy Influences the US
Chinese and International Culture Tour
Case Study
附錄一 Glossary
附錄二 TEM-8 (2015–2017)


