



  • 書名:商務英語綜合教程(下冊)(第二版)
  • 作者:劉玉玲
  • ISBN:9787566306739
  • 定價:20.00
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2013.5
  • 開本:185mm×260mm/


【作者】:劉玉玲 主編




Unit 1(1)
Text: Statement at the Opening Plenary Session of the United Nations Summit on
Climate Change(1)
Grammar: Adverbial Clause of Time(7)
Unit 2(11)
Text: Invisible Barriers(11)
Grammar: Adverbial Clause of Place(19)
Unit 3(21)
Text: Business Law—Contract and Agency(21)
Grammar: Adverbial Clause of Manner(27)
Unit 4(29)
Text: Keynote Speech at Economic Dialogue under the Framework of the China-US
Strategic and Economic Dialogues(29)
Grammar: Adverbial Clause of Concession(36)
Unit 5(39)
Text: Product Positioning(39)
Grammar: Adverbial Clause of Condition(45)
Unit 6(49)
Text: A Changing China in a Changing World(49)
Grammar: Adverbial Clause of Reason(56)
Unit 7(59)
Text: Strategies of Transnational Corporations(59)
Grammar: Adverbial Clause of Purpose(66)
Unit 8(69)
Text: International Stock Exchange of UK(69)
Grammar: Adverbial Clause of Result(75)
Unit 9(79)
Text: Development Issues (I)(79)
Grammar: Adverbial Clause of Comparison(87)
Unit 10(89)
Text: Development Issues (II)(89)
Grammar: Revision(96)
Unit 11(99)
Text: Investment Demand(99)
Grammar: Subject-Verb Agreement (104)
Unit 12(107)
Text: Foreign Exchange Trading(107)
Grammar: Emphatical “It”(114)
Unit 13(117)
Text: International Marketing Research and Steps(117)
Grammar: Inversion(123)
Unit 14(127)
Text: Balance of Payments(127)
Grammar: Subjunctive Mood (I)(134)
Unit 15(137)
Text: International Financial System Meets Challenge(137)
Grammar: Subjunctive Mood (II)(144)
Unit 16(147)
Text: Economy Theory and Dumping(147)
Grammar: Revision(153)

