



  • 書名:商務英語綜合教程(下冊)輔導用書(第二版)
  • 作者:劉玉玲
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2013年5月
  • 定價:16.00
  • ISBN:9787566306746
  • 版次/印次:2/1




Unit 1(1)
Related Technical Terms(1)
Grammar—Adverbial Clause of Time(1)
Key to Exercises(3)
Chinese Version of the Text(5)
Unit 2(7)
Related Technical Terms(7)
Grammar—Adverbial Clause of Place(8)
Key to Exercises(9)
Chinese Version of the Text(10)
Unit 3(13)
Related Technical Terms(13)
Grammar—Adverbial Clause of Manner(14)
Key to Exercises(15)
Chinese Version of the Text(16)
Unit 4(19)
Related Technical Terms(19)
Grammar—Adverbial Clause of Concession(20)
Key to Exercises(22)
Chinese Version of the Text(24)
Unit 5(27)
Related Technical Terms(27)
Grammar—Adverbial Clause of Condition(27)
Key to Exercises(30)
Chinese Version of the Text(31)
Unit 6(33)
Related Technical Terms(33)
Grammar—Adverbial Clause of Reason(34)
Key to Exercises(36)
Chinese Version of the Text(37)
Unit 7(41)
Related Technical Terms(41)
Grammar—Adverbial Clause of Purpose(42)
Key to Exercises(44)
Chinese Version of the Text(45)
Unit 8(49)
Related Technical Terms(49)
Grammar—Adverbial Clause of Result(50)
Key to Exercises(51)
Chinese Version of the Text(53)
Unit 9(55)
Related Technical Terms(55)
Grammar—Adverbial Clause of Comparison(58)
Key to Exercises(60)
Chinese Version of the Text(61)
Unit 10(63)
Related Technical Terms(63)
Key to Exercises(66)
Chinese Version of the Text(67)
Unit 11(71)
Related Technical Terms(71)
Grammar—Subject-Verb Agreement(72)
Key to Exercises(73)
Chinese Version of the Text(75)
Unit 12(77)
Related Technical Terms(77)
Grammar—Emphatical “It”(79)
Key to Exercises(81)
Chinese Version of the Text(83)
Unit 13(85)
Related Technical Terms(85)
Key to Exercises(88)
Chinese Version of the Text(89)

