



  • 中文名:空中乘務情境英語
  • 作者:范曄、鄒海鷗、彭征宇、胡元群
  • 出版時間:2018年1月
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787302491644
  • 定價:48 元


《空中乘務情境英語》分為 Regular On-board Service 和 Special On-board Service 兩部分,按照客艙服務標準流程和特殊旅客服務的要求,設計了 7 大情境,包含 27 個子任務。
《空中乘務情境英語》編寫遵循 “深化產教融合,強化業務實踐”的原則,引導學生有的放矢地分類認知任務,學習常用對話,熟悉高頻語句,掌握專業辭彙,同時合理增加拓展知識和案例分析,擴展和延伸了專業知識學習的廣度與深度。同時,致力於讓學生領會崗位職業標準,感悟吸收航空產業文化,輕鬆使用英語口語應對空乘服務中的各類常規服務、特殊服務、個性化服務,提高學習效率,保證學習質量,促進學生套用能力的可持續發展。


Regular On-board Service
SCENE 01 Boarding Service
Task 01 Greetings and Seating Directions ( FCY ) / 002
Task 02 Seating ( Confirm, Switch ) / 007
Task 03 Assisting with Overhead Storage / 012
Task 04 Lost and Found / 017
SCENE 02 Prior to Take-off
Task 05 Welcome Announcement and Safety Check Announcement / 023
Task 06 Safety Demonstrating / 028
Task 07 Electronic Device / 033
Task 08 Final Safety Check ( Announcement, Seatbelts, Electronicdevices, Overhead storage, and Smoking Restrictions) / 038
SCENE 03 Cruising
Task 09 Greetings and Airline Introduction / 042
Task 10 On-board Entertainment / 047
Task 11 Beverage Service / 052
Task 12 Meals / 057
Task 13 Duty Free Sales / 062
SCENE 04 Landing
Task 14 Landing Announcement, Farewell and Greeting / 067
Task 15 Transit / Connecting and Stopover Announcement / 072
Special On-board Service
SCENE 05 Passengers with Special Needs
Task 16 Expectant Passengers / 080
Task 17 Passengers with Infants / 085
Task 18 UM / 089
Task 19 Disabled Passengers / 093
Task 20 Senior Passengers / 097
Task 21 Sickness / 101
SCENE 06 First Class Service
Task 22 First Class Service 1(Prior to Take-off) / 106
Task 23 First Class Service 2(Cruising) / 111
Task 24 First Class Service 3(Prior to Land) / 119
SCENE 07 Dealing with Emergencies
Task 25 Delay / 123
Task 26 Security Tips of Different Emergency / 128
Task 27 Dealing with Different Situations / 134


