

  • 書名:空中乘務專業系列教材:英語語音教程
  • 出版社:西南交通大學出版社
  • 頁數:244頁
  • 開本:16
  • 定價:24.00
  • 作者:倪賢祥 劉宇
  • 出版日期:2012年8月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • ISBN:7564319577, 9787564319571
  • 品牌:西南交通大學出版社







Ⅰ. English Phonetics
Ⅱ. gnglish Spelling and Sounds
Ⅲ. Phonetic Transcription
Ⅳ. Model of English Pronunciation
Ⅴ. Articulators
CHAPTER ONE Individual Sounds of English
Unit 1 Classification of English Phonemes
1.1 Phonemes and Their Allophones
1.2 Classification of English Phonemes
Unit 2 Front Vowels
Unit 3 Central Vowels
Unit 4 Back Vowels
Unit 5 Diphthongs
5.1 Closing Diphthongs
5.2 Centring Diphthongs
Unit 6 Plosives
6.1 Bilabial Plosives
6.2 Alveolar Plosives
6.3 Velar Plosives
Unit 7 Fricatives
7.1 Labio-Dental Fricatives
7.2 Dental Fricatives
7.3 Alveolar Fricatives
7.4 Palate-Alveolar Fricatives
7.5 Glottal Fricative
Unit 8 Palate-Alveolar Affrieates
Unit 9 Nasals
9.1 Bilabial Nasal
9.2 Alveolar Nasal
9.3 Velar Nasal
Unit 10 Lateral
Unit 11 Aporoximants
11.1 Post-Alveolar Approximant
11.2 Palatal Approximant
11.3 Labial-Velar Approximant
Unit 12 Consonant Clusters
12.1 Consonant Clusters at the Beginning of Words
12.2 Consonant Clusters at the End of Words
CHAPTER TWO Sound Changes in Connected Speech
Unit 13 Strong and Weak Forms
Unit 14 Linking
Unit 15 Elision and Contraction
15.1 Elision
15.2 Contraction
Unit 16 Assimilation
16.1 Historical Assimilation
16.2 Contextual Assimilation
Chapter Three Stress Patterns
Unit 17 Word Stress
17.1 Concept of Stress
17.2 Degrees of Stress
17.3 Kinds of Stress
17.4 General Rules for Stress Placement
17.5 Word Stress
17.6 Compound Nouns
17.7 Word Class Pairs
17.8 Additional Practices
Unit 18 Sentence Stress
18.1 Stressed Words
18.2 Unstressed Words
CHAPTER FOUR Intronation
Unit 19 Intonation(1)
19.1 Falling and Rising Tones
19.2 Tails
19.3 Question Tags
19.4 Cleft Sentences
19.5 Questions(1)
19.6 Questions(2)
Unit 20 Intonation(2)
20.1 Repeat Questions
20.2 Comparisons and Contrasts
20.3 Requests and Reservation
20.4 Attitude Words and Phrases(1)
20.5 Attitude Words and Phrases(2)
Appendix Ⅰ Differences in Pronunciation between British English and American English
Appendix Ⅱ English Syllable Structure
Appendix Ⅲ Tense-Lax Vowel Alternations in Stressed Syllables of Base Forms and Derived Words


