



  • 軟體名稱:百寶箱2
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:64.81MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
第二輯發布! 你可以打開寶箱? 有很多隱藏的技巧在等著你。 - 從任何你想要的寶箱啟動( 1 ) - 各種技巧來解決,比如按鈕,滑塊,小謎題和密碼 - 每個地圖都有美麗的圖形,不同的主題 - 收集寶藏 - 有些寶箱有雙重技巧 - 支持GameCenter的 - 自動保存 1您可以播放在解鎖地圖的任何寶盒。 但是,如果你停留在遊戲中,你可以得到“解鎖所有級別的”附加。 你可以解鎖所有的水平,並與任何寶箱通過購買附加上播放。 【溫馨提示打開寶盒】 - 點擊按鈕或拖動滑塊到螢幕上運行的技巧 - 重要的是要理解技巧是如何工作的,並提示在螢幕上 - 拿起項目和使用它們 - 傾斜或搖晃裝置。直觀的運動控制也解決了遊戲中的一個重要的關鍵 - 把你的集思廣益,找出密碼,測驗或小謎題 嘗試巧妙的技巧上的遊戲吧。 你可以打開所有的箱子,找到珍寶? 你真棒,如果你能解決所有的人!Vol.2 Release!! ! Can you open the treasure boxes! There are lots of hidden tricks waiting for you. - Start from any treasure boxes you want (1) - Various tricks to solve, such as buttons, sliders, mini puzzles and passwords - Each map has beautiful graphics with different themes - Collect treasures - Some treasure boxes have double tricks - Support for GameCenter - Auto save 1 You can play any treasure box on the unlocked maps. However if you're stuck in the game, you can get the "unlock all levels" add-on. You can unlock all the levels and play with any treasure boxes by purchasing the add-on. - Tap the buttons or drag the sliders to run the tricks on the screen - It's important to understand how the tricks work and hints on the screen - Pick up the items and use them - Tilt or shake the device. The intuitive motion controls are also an important key to solve the game - Put your heads together and figure out the passwords, quizzes or mini puzzles Try the ingenious tricks on the game now. Can you open all the boxes and get the treasures You are awesome if you can solve all of them!


