FLEMMING We'll get you whatever you want. (to agents) Get that other kid. We might need him. BEAVIS/CORNHOLIO Do you have any oleo? Heh heh. BORK (on a radio) This is Bork. We need some T.P. and some...(to Flemming) What's he say?
ANGLE BEHIND AGENTS. Butt-Head is brought in by two agents. BUTT-HEAD Whoa, this rules! Can I have a gun too? Huh huh huh.
ON BEAVIS. He continues to babble, making the agents nervous. BEAVIS/CORNHOLIO You must bow down to the Almighty Bunghole. (Beavis) Heh heh, this is cool. (Cornholio, chanting) Bungholio-o-o-o-o-o! FLEMMING (to Bork) He's jerkin' us off. I think we're gonna have to take him out. Get ready to fire on my orders... (on bullhorn) This is your last chance. Give us the unit now...
BEAVIS/CORNHOLIO (Beavis) Why does everyone wanna see my schlong? (Cornholio, chanting) I am the one-and-only-almighty-bungholiooo! FLEMMING (to agents) OK boys. Get ready to fire on the count of three. (on bullhorn) I'm gonna give you three seconds...
FLEMMING (on bullhorn) Thrr... Suddenly Tom Anderson throws open his camper door, holding Beavis' pants.
TOM And take yer damn pants with ya...! (noticing) What in the hell...? BORK (pointing) THE PANTS!!! He's got the unit! Suddenly all guns are on Anderson. FLEMMING (through bullhorn) Drop the pants! Now! TOM Wait a minute. I ain't the one... IN SLOW MOTION:
A S.W.A.T. TEAM GUY lunges at Tom, grabbing the pants.