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王洪福,1981年出生,延邊大學理學院物理系博士生導師,三級教授,國家優秀青年科學基金獲得者,“圖們江學者”特聘教授。吉林省量子計算與量子信息重點實驗室主任、吉林省量子計算與量子信息科研創新團隊帶頭人,東北師範大學兼職教授、兼職博士生導師。 吉林省物理學會常務理事,吉林省光學學會常務理事、光學學會量子光學專業委員會副主任,吉林省儀器儀表學會副理事長。




  • 中文名:王洪福
  • 畢業院校延邊大學 、哈爾濱工業大學 
  • 學位/學歷:博士研究生
  • 專業方向:量子物理學、量子光學、量子計算與量子信息
  • 職稱:教授



5)2015.09--2016.07,東北師範大學量子科學中心,中組部、教育部 “西部之光”訪問學者




5)2020.03--至今,國際雜誌 Quantum Reports 編委





專利名稱:遠距離多節點間分散式量子中繼器;專利號:ZL 2016 2 1273643. 4;證書號第 6382502 號。


3)噪聲環境下腔量子電動力學量子計算與量子相閥榆符射干操控的理論研究,2015.01—2018.12,國家自然科學基金地區基金,62 萬元;


在 Photonics Research、Physical Review Applied、Physical Review B、Physical Review A、Optics Letters、New Journal of Physics、Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy、Optics Express、Physics Letters A、Frontiers of Physics、Quantum Engineering、Fundamental Research 等國內外著名學術期刊上共發表SCI收錄論文195,被引用1870餘次,H-index因子為23。代表性論文如下:
1. Lu Qi, Yu Yan, Yan Xing, Xue-Dong Zhao, Shutian Liu, Wen-Xue Cui, Xue Han, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Topological router induced via long-range hopping in a Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain. Physical Review Research. 2021, 3(2): 023037.
2. Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang Wang, Lu Qi, Yan Xing, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Cavity optomechanical system--a powerful platform for investigating quantum effects. Fundamental Research. 2021, 1(2): 217-219 (Invited Perspectives).
3. Lu Qi, Yan Xing, Xue-Dong Zhao, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, Shi Hu, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Topological beam splitter via defect-induced edge channel in Rice-Mele model. Physical Review B 2021, 103(8): 085129.
4. Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang Wang, Shou Zhang, Shutian Liu, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Double-mechanical-oscillator cooling of breaking the restrictions of quantum backaction and frequency ratio via dynamical modulation. Physical Review A. 2021, 103(3) 033508.
5. Ji Cao, Wen-Xue Cui, X. X. Yi, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Controllable photon-phonon conversion via the topologically protected edge channel in an optomechanical lattice. Physical Review A 2021, 103(2): 023504.
6. Lu Qi, Guo-Li Wang, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Dissipation-induced topological phase transition and periodic-driving-induced photonic topological state transfer in a small optomechanical lattice. Frontiers of Physics 2021, 16(1): 12503.
7. Lu Qi, Guo-Li Wang, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Robust interface-state laser in non-Hermitian micro-resonator arrays. Physical Review Applied 2020, 13(6): 064016.
8. Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Yan Xing, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Enhanced photon blockade via driving a trapped Lambda-type atom in a hybrid optomechanical system. Physical Review A 2020, 102(4): 043705.
9. Ji Cao, X. X. Yi, and Hong-Fu Wang*.Band structure and exceptional ring in a two-dimensional superconducting circuit lattice. Physical Review A 2020, 102(3): 032619.
10. Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*.Photon blockade in a double-cavity optomechanical system with nonreciprocal coupling. New Journal of Physics 2020, 22(9): 093006.
11. Lu Qi, Guo-Li Wang, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Engineering the topological state transfer and topological beam splitter in an even-sized Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain. Physical Review A 2020, 102(2): 022404.
12. Li-Na Zheng, Lu Qi, Liu-Yong Cheng, Hong-Fu Wang*, and Shou Zhang. Defect-induced controllable quantum state transfer via topologically protected channel in flux qubit chain. Physical Review A 2020, 102(1): 012606.
13. Lu Qi, Yan Xing, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Topological phase induced by distinguishing parameter regimes in cavity optomechanical system with multiple mechanical resonators. Physical Review A 2020, 101(5): 052325.
14. Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang Wang, Shou Zhang, Shutian Liu, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Strong mechanical squeezing in a standard optomechanical system by pump modulation. Physical Review A 2020, 101(5): 053836.
15. Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Xue Han, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*, Enhanced photon blockade in an optomechanical system with parametric amplification. Optics Letters 2020, 45(9): 2604-2607.
16. Lu Qi, Guo-Li Wang, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Controllable photonic and phononic topological state transfers in a small optomechanical lattice. Optics Letters, 2020, 45(7): 2018-2021.
17. Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang Wang, Shou Zhang, Shutian Liu, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Engineering of strong mechanical squeezing via the joint effect between Duffing nonlinearity and parametric pump driving. Photonics Research 2019, 7(11): 1229-1239.
18. Lu Qi, Yu Yan, Guo-Li Wang, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Bosonic Kitaev phase in a frequency-modulated optomechanical array. Physical Review A 2019, 100(6): 062323.
19. Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Distinguishing photon blockade in a PT -symmetric optomechanical system.Physical Review A2019, 99(4): 043818.
20. Xue Han, Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Wen-Xue Cui, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Mechanical squeezing beyond resolved sideband and weak-coupling limits with frequency modulation. Physical Review A 2019, 100(3): 033812.
21. Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Optomechanical cooling beyond the quantum backaction limit with frequency modulation. Physical Review A 2018, 98(2): 023816.
22. Yan Xing, Lu Qi, Ji Cao, Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Hong-Fu Wang*, Ai-Dong Zhu, and Shou Zhang, Spontaneous PT-symmetry breaking in non-Hermitian coupled-cavity array, Physical Review A 2017, 96(4): 043810. (PRA Kaleidoscope
23. Qi Guo, Shuqin Zhai, Liu-Yong Cheng, Hong-Fu Wang, and Shou Zhang. Counterfactual quantum cloning without transmitting any physical particles. Physical Review A 2017, 96(5): 052335.
24. Shi-Lei Su, Qi Guo, Hong-Fu Wang, and Shou Zhang. Simplified scheme for entanglement preparation with Rydberg pumping via dissipation. Physical Review A 2015, 92: 022328.
25. Shi-Lei Su, Xiao-Qiang Shao, Hong-Fu Wang, and Shou Zhang. Scheme for entanglement generation in an atom-cavity system via dissipation. Physical Review A2014, 90(5): 054302.
26. Qi Guo, Liu-Yong Cheng, Li Chen, Hong-Fu Wang, and Shou Zhang. Counterfactual distributed controlled-phase gate for quantum-dot spin qubits in double-sided optical microcavities. Physical Review A 2014, 90(4): 042327.
27. Qi Guo,Juan Bai, Liu-Yong Cheng, Xiao-Qiang Shao, Hong-Fu Wang, Shou Zhang. Simplified optical quantum-information processing via weak cross-Kerr nonlinearities. Physical Review A 2011, 83(5):054303
28. Xiao-Qiang Shao, Hong-Fu Wang, Li Chen, Shou Zhang, Yong-Fang Zhao, Kyu-Hwang Yeon. One-step implementation of the 1→3 orbital state quantum cloning machine via quantum Zeno dynamics. Physical Review A 2009, 80(6), 062323
29. Hong-Fu Wang, Shou Zhang. Linear optical generation of multipartite entanglement with conventional photon detectors. Physical Review A 2009, 79(4): 042336.
30. Hong-Fu Wang*, Ai-Dong Zhu, Shou Zhang, and Kyu-Hwang Yeon, Optically controlled phase gate and teleportation of a controlled-NOT gate for spin qubits in quantum dot-microcavity coupled system, Physical Review A 2013, 87(6): 062337.
31. Hong-Fu Wang*, Ai-Dong Zhu, Shou Zhang, Kyu-Hwang Yeon. Simple implementation of discrete quantum Fourier transform via cavity quantum electrodynamics, New Journal of Physics 2011, 13(1): 013021
32. Hong-Fu Wang*, Ai-Dong Zhu, and Shou Zhang. One-step implementation of a multiqubit phase gate with one control qubit and multiple target qubits in coupled cavities. Optics Letters, 2014, 39(6): 1489-1492.
33. Hong-Fu Wang*, Shou Zhang, Ai-Dong Zhu, X. X. Yi, Kyu-Hwang Yeon. Local conversion of four Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen photon pairs into four-photon polarization-entangled decoherence-free states with non-photon-number-resolving detectors, Optics Express. 2011, 19(25): 25433-25440.
34. Hong-Fu Wang*, Ai-Dong Zhu, and Shou Zhang, Physical optimization of quantum error correction circuits with spatially separated quantum dot spins, Optics Express 2013, 21(10): 12484-12494.
35. Xiao-Qiang Shao, Hong-Fu Wang, Li Chen, Shou Zhang, Yong-Fang Zhao, Kyu-Hwang Yeon. Converting two-atom singlet state into three-atom singlet state via quantum Zeno dynamics. New Journal of Physics 2010, 12(2): 023040.
36. Lu Qi, Yan Xing, Hong-Fu Wang*, Ai-Dong Zhu, and Shou Zhang. Simulating Z2 topological insulators via a one-dimensional cavity optomechanical cells array. Optics Express 2017, 25(15): 17948-17959.
37. Yu-Mu Liu, Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang Wang, Tie Wang, Ming-Hua Zheng, Hong-Fu Wang*, Ai-Dong Zhu, and Shou Zhang. Ground-state cooling of rotating mirror in double-Laguerre-Gaussian-cavity with atomic ensemble. Optics Express. 2018, 26(5): 6143-6157.
38. Yan Xing, Lu Qi, Ji Cao, Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai,Wen-Xue Cui, Hong-Fu Wang*, Ai-Dong Zhu, and Shou Zhang. Controllable photonic and phononic edge locolization via optomechanically induced Kitaev phase. Optics Express. 2018, 26(13): 16250-16264.
39. Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang Wang, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Qubit-assisted squeezing of the mirror motion in a dissipative optomechanical cavity system. Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 2019, 62(7): 970311.(ESI高被引論文1%
40. Lu Qi, Yan Xing, Ji Cao, Xin-Xin Jiang, Cheng-Shou An, Ai-Dong Zhu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Simulation and detection of the topological properties of a modulated Rice-Mele model in a one-dimensional circuit-QED lattice. Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 2018, 61(8): 080313.
41. Zhi-Xin Yang, Liang Wang, Yu-Mu Liu, Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Ground state cooling of magnomechanical resonator in PT-symmetric cavity magnomechanical system at room temperature. Frontiers of Physics 2020, 15(5): 52504.
42. Yang Jiao, Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Optical nonreciprocal response and conversion in a Tavis-Cummings coupling optomechanical system. Quantum Engineering 2020, 2(2): e39





3)基於光子和原子的量子計算與量子糾纏網路,吉林省科學技術獎-自然科學三等獎 ;
5)吉林省自然科學學術成果二等獎 3項(2013、2014、2015)
6)吉林省自然科學學術成果三等獎 1項(2012人)



專利名稱:遠距離多節點間分散式量子中繼器;專利號:ZL 2016 2 1273643. 4;證書號第 6382502 號。


3)噪聲環境下腔量子電動力學量子計算與量子相干操控的理論研究,2015.01—2018.12,國家自然科學基金地區基金,62 萬元;


在 Photonics Research、Physical Review Applied、Physical Review B、Physical Review A、Optics Letters、New Journal of Physics、Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy、Optics Express、Physics Letters A、Frontiers of Physics、Quantum Engineering、Fundamental Research 等國內外著名學術期刊上共發表SCI收錄論文195,被引用1870餘次,H-index因子為23。代表性論文如下:
1. Lu Qi, Yu Yan, Yan Xing, Xue-Dong Zhao, Shutian Liu, Wen-Xue Cui, Xue Han, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Topological router induced via long-range hopping in a Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain. Physical Review Research. 2021, 3(2): 023037.
2. Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang Wang, Lu Qi, Yan Xing, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Cavity optomechanical system--a powerful platform for investigating quantum effects. Fundamental Research. 2021, 1(2): 217-219 (Invited Perspectives).
3. Lu Qi, Yan Xing, Xue-Dong Zhao, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, Shi Hu, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Topological beam splitter via defect-induced edge channel in Rice-Mele model. Physical Review B 2021, 103(8): 085129.
4. Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang Wang, Shou Zhang, Shutian Liu, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Double-mechanical-oscillator cooling of breaking the restrictions of quantum backaction and frequency ratio via dynamical modulation. Physical Review A. 2021, 103(3) 033508.
5. Ji Cao, Wen-Xue Cui, X. X. Yi, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Controllable photon-phonon conversion via the topologically protected edge channel in an optomechanical lattice. Physical Review A 2021, 103(2): 023504.
6. Lu Qi, Guo-Li Wang, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Dissipation-induced topological phase transition and periodic-driving-induced photonic topological state transfer in a small optomechanical lattice. Frontiers of Physics 2021, 16(1): 12503.
7. Lu Qi, Guo-Li Wang, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Robust interface-state laser in non-Hermitian micro-resonator arrays. Physical Review Applied 2020, 13(6): 064016.
8. Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Yan Xing, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Enhanced photon blockade via driving a trapped Lambda-type atom in a hybrid optomechanical system. Physical Review A 2020, 102(4): 043705.
9. Ji Cao, X. X. Yi, and Hong-Fu Wang*.Band structure and exceptional ring in a two-dimensional superconducting circuit lattice. Physical Review A 2020, 102(3): 032619.
10. Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*.Photon blockade in a double-cavity optomechanical system with nonreciprocal coupling. New Journal of Physics 2020, 22(9): 093006.
11. Lu Qi, Guo-Li Wang, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Engineering the topological state transfer and topological beam splitter in an even-sized Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain. Physical Review A 2020, 102(2): 022404.
12. Li-Na Zheng, Lu Qi, Liu-Yong Cheng, Hong-Fu Wang*, and Shou Zhang. Defect-induced controllable quantum state transfer via topologically protected channel in flux qubit chain. Physical Review A 2020, 102(1): 012606.
13. Lu Qi, Yan Xing, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Topological phase induced by distinguishing parameter regimes in cavity optomechanical system with multiple mechanical resonators. Physical Review A 2020, 101(5): 052325.
14. Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang Wang, Shou Zhang, Shutian Liu, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Strong mechanical squeezing in a standard optomechanical system by pump modulation. Physical Review A 2020, 101(5): 053836.
15. Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Xue Han, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*, Enhanced photon blockade in an optomechanical system with parametric amplification. Optics Letters 2020, 45(9): 2604-2607.
16. Lu Qi, Guo-Li Wang, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Controllable photonic and phononic topological state transfers in a small optomechanical lattice. Optics Letters, 2020, 45(7): 2018-2021.
17. Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang Wang, Shou Zhang, Shutian Liu, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Engineering of strong mechanical squeezing via the joint effect between Duffing nonlinearity and parametric pump driving. Photonics Research 2019, 7(11): 1229-1239.
18. Lu Qi, Yu Yan, Guo-Li Wang, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Bosonic Kitaev phase in a frequency-modulated optomechanical array. Physical Review A 2019, 100(6): 062323.
19. Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Distinguishing photon blockade in a PT -symmetric optomechanical system.Physical Review A2019, 99(4): 043818.
20. Xue Han, Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Wen-Xue Cui, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Mechanical squeezing beyond resolved sideband and weak-coupling limits with frequency modulation. Physical Review A 2019, 100(3): 033812.
21. Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Optomechanical cooling beyond the quantum backaction limit with frequency modulation. Physical Review A 2018, 98(2): 023816.
22. Yan Xing, Lu Qi, Ji Cao, Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Hong-Fu Wang*, Ai-Dong Zhu, and Shou Zhang, Spontaneous PT-symmetry breaking in non-Hermitian coupled-cavity array, Physical Review A 2017, 96(4): 043810. (PRA Kaleidoscope
23. Qi Guo, Shuqin Zhai, Liu-Yong Cheng, Hong-Fu Wang, and Shou Zhang. Counterfactual quantum cloning without transmitting any physical particles. Physical Review A 2017, 96(5): 052335.
24. Shi-Lei Su, Qi Guo, Hong-Fu Wang, and Shou Zhang. Simplified scheme for entanglement preparation with Rydberg pumping via dissipation. Physical Review A 2015, 92: 022328.
25. Shi-Lei Su, Xiao-Qiang Shao, Hong-Fu Wang, and Shou Zhang. Scheme for entanglement generation in an atom-cavity system via dissipation. Physical Review A2014, 90(5): 054302.
26. Qi Guo, Liu-Yong Cheng, Li Chen, Hong-Fu Wang, and Shou Zhang. Counterfactual distributed controlled-phase gate for quantum-dot spin qubits in double-sided optical microcavities. Physical Review A 2014, 90(4): 042327.
27. Qi Guo,Juan Bai, Liu-Yong Cheng, Xiao-Qiang Shao, Hong-Fu Wang, Shou Zhang. Simplified optical quantum-information processing via weak cross-Kerr nonlinearities. Physical Review A 2011, 83(5):054303
28. Xiao-Qiang Shao, Hong-Fu Wang, Li Chen, Shou Zhang, Yong-Fang Zhao, Kyu-Hwang Yeon. One-step implementation of the 1→3 orbital state quantum cloning machine via quantum Zeno dynamics. Physical Review A 2009, 80(6), 062323
29. Hong-Fu Wang, Shou Zhang. Linear optical generation of multipartite entanglement with conventional photon detectors. Physical Review A 2009, 79(4): 042336.
30. Hong-Fu Wang*, Ai-Dong Zhu, Shou Zhang, and Kyu-Hwang Yeon, Optically controlled phase gate and teleportation of a controlled-NOT gate for spin qubits in quantum dot-microcavity coupled system, Physical Review A 2013, 87(6): 062337.
31. Hong-Fu Wang*, Ai-Dong Zhu, Shou Zhang, Kyu-Hwang Yeon. Simple implementation of discrete quantum Fourier transform via cavity quantum electrodynamics, New Journal of Physics 2011, 13(1): 013021
32. Hong-Fu Wang*, Ai-Dong Zhu, and Shou Zhang. One-step implementation of a multiqubit phase gate with one control qubit and multiple target qubits in coupled cavities. Optics Letters, 2014, 39(6): 1489-1492.
33. Hong-Fu Wang*, Shou Zhang, Ai-Dong Zhu, X. X. Yi, Kyu-Hwang Yeon. Local conversion of four Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen photon pairs into four-photon polarization-entangled decoherence-free states with non-photon-number-resolving detectors, Optics Express. 2011, 19(25): 25433-25440.
34. Hong-Fu Wang*, Ai-Dong Zhu, and Shou Zhang, Physical optimization of quantum error correction circuits with spatially separated quantum dot spins, Optics Express 2013, 21(10): 12484-12494.
35. Xiao-Qiang Shao, Hong-Fu Wang, Li Chen, Shou Zhang, Yong-Fang Zhao, Kyu-Hwang Yeon. Converting two-atom singlet state into three-atom singlet state via quantum Zeno dynamics. New Journal of Physics 2010, 12(2): 023040.
36. Lu Qi, Yan Xing, Hong-Fu Wang*, Ai-Dong Zhu, and Shou Zhang. Simulating Z2 topological insulators via a one-dimensional cavity optomechanical cells array. Optics Express 2017, 25(15): 17948-17959.
37. Yu-Mu Liu, Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang Wang, Tie Wang, Ming-Hua Zheng, Hong-Fu Wang*, Ai-Dong Zhu, and Shou Zhang. Ground-state cooling of rotating mirror in double-Laguerre-Gaussian-cavity with atomic ensemble. Optics Express. 2018, 26(5): 6143-6157.
38. Yan Xing, Lu Qi, Ji Cao, Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai,Wen-Xue Cui, Hong-Fu Wang*, Ai-Dong Zhu, and Shou Zhang. Controllable photonic and phononic edge locolization via optomechanically induced Kitaev phase. Optics Express. 2018, 26(13): 16250-16264.
39. Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang Wang, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Qubit-assisted squeezing of the mirror motion in a dissipative optomechanical cavity system. Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 2019, 62(7): 970311.(ESI高被引論文1%
40. Lu Qi, Yan Xing, Ji Cao, Xin-Xin Jiang, Cheng-Shou An, Ai-Dong Zhu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Simulation and detection of the topological properties of a modulated Rice-Mele model in a one-dimensional circuit-QED lattice. Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 2018, 61(8): 080313.
41. Zhi-Xin Yang, Liang Wang, Yu-Mu Liu, Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Ground state cooling of magnomechanical resonator in PT-symmetric cavity magnomechanical system at room temperature. Frontiers of Physics 2020, 15(5): 52504.
42. Yang Jiao, Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang*. Optical nonreciprocal response and conversion in a Tavis-Cummings coupling optomechanical system. Quantum Engineering 2020, 2(2): e39





3)基於光子和原子的量子計算與量子糾纏網路,吉林省科學技術獎-自然科學三等獎 ;
5)吉林省自然科學學術成果二等獎 3項(2013、2014、2015)
6)吉林省自然科學學術成果三等獎 1項(2012人)


