- 中文名:王利兵
- 別名:無
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:呼和浩特
- 出生日期:1981年
- 職業:科研工作者
- 畢業院校:中國林業科學研究院
2007.09-2010.07 中國林業科學研究院 博士 森林培育
2004.09-2007.07 內蒙古農業大學 碩士 水土保持與荒漠化防治
2000.09-2004.07 內蒙古農業大學 學士 水土保持與荒漠化防治
2019.07-宙府臭記現在 研究員 中國林業科學研究院林業研究所
任林木遺傳育種國家訂院尋重點實驗室木本油料種質創新研究組組長(青年PI)、國家林業局文冠果工程中心技術研究中心技術委員會委員、美國油脂化學學會會員、國家自然基金通訊評審專家、教育部學位與研究生教育發展中心、北京市科委專家庫成員及《Bioresource Technology》、《Applied Energy》、《Industrial Crops and Products》、《林業科學》、《北京林業大學學報》等國內外學術期刊的審稿專元芝戒囑家;任陝西省林業科學院副院長(掛職),兼任陝西省林業科學院治沙研究所學術所長。
4、中國林科院優秀青年創新人才培育計畫“水肥耦合對山杏油脂產量及品質的調控機制” 2017-2019;
[3]2017年入選國家林業局第四批 “百千萬人才工程”省部級人選;
1)套用木本油料加工特性精準預測模型,篩選出文冠果、山杏是北方乾旱區值得開發利用的油料樹種(Guo et al, 2015; Yu et al, 2017)。構建的模型截止2019年,已有57次在SCI收錄論文“Material and methods”部分中直接套用,節省了研究者大量人力、時間及費用,於2014年、2018年榮獲《燃料化學學報》優秀論文獎及特別貢獻獎,2016年獲第六屆梁希青年論文獎三等獎,2019年獲貴州省自然科學獎二等獎;
3)闡明木本油料種子油脂累積規律(Fan et al, 2016),從而篩選出山杏優良無性系5個、授權文冠果新品種10項,完成新品種“中石4號”染色體水平全基因組組裝(Bi et al, 2019),並根據文冠果自交不親和、山杏產量低下的特點,創建了文冠果品種選承戲棕擇與交配親和性查詢和山杏現有低產林分類經營管理系統,為文冠果、山杏的豐產栽培、科技扶貧奠定良好基礎。
[1]Ma Yunxia,Bi Quanxin,Li Gangtie,Liu Xiaojuan, Fu Guanghui, Zhao Yang, Wang Libing*.Provenance variations in kernel oil content, fatty acid profile and biodiesel properties of Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge in northern China. Industrial Crops and Products 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2020.112487
[2]Mai Yiying, Huo Kaisen, Yu Haiyan, Zhou Nan, Shui Lanya, Liu Yang, Zhang Chengxin, Niu Jun*, Wang Libing*. Using lipidomics to reveal details of lipid accumulation in developing Siberian apricot (Prunus sibirica L.) seed kernels. GCB Bioenergy 2020 DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12693.
[3]Yu Dan, Liu Xiaojuan, Cui Yifan, Bi Quanxin, Zhao Yang, Li Dongxing, Yu Haiyan, Wang Libing*. Comparative transcriptome combined with morpho-physiological analyses revealed candidate genes potentially for differential cold tolerance in two contrasting apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars. Trees 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-020-01991-y
[1]王少雄, 胡瀟予, 范思琪, 崔藝凡,于海燕,王利兵*. 西伯利亞杏種實性狀地理變異分析. 經濟林研究, 2019, 37(1): 74-79, 86.
[2]于海燕, 胡瀟予, 何春霞, 崔藝凡, 范思琪, 畢泉鑫, 王利兵*. 文冠果不同種源葉片結構對水分脅迫的差異性回響. 北京林業大學學報, 2019, 41 (1) : 57-63.
[3]于丹, 畢泉鑫, 趙陽, 崔藝凡, 句嬌, 傅光輝, 范思琪, 陳夢園, 王利兵*. 文冠果地理種源變異及優良種源篩選. 東北林業大學學報, 2019, 47 (2) : 12-16.
[4]胡瀟予,于海燕,范思琪,畢泉鑫,李迎超,王利兵*. 不同種源文冠果葉片氣孔分布特徵對水分脅迫的回響. 林業科學研究, 2018, 32(1): 169-174.
[5]田夢妮,畢泉鑫,賀曉輝,賽富勒,李鋼鐵*,王利兵*.文冠果葉片解剖結構的抗旱性分析與評價[J/OL].分子植物育種. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/46.1068.S.20190313.1929.015.html
[6]趙陽, 畢泉鑫, 句嬌, 于丹, 范思琪, 陳夢圓, 崔藝凡, 傅光輝, 王利兵*.文冠果種子及苗期生長性狀地理種源變異. 林業科學研究, 2018, 32(1): 160-168.
[7]Bi Quanxin, Zhao Yang, Cui Yifan, Wang Libing*. Genome survey sequencing and genetic background characterization of yellow horn based on next generation sequencing. Molecular Biology Reports, 2019, 46:4303-4312.
[8]句嬌, 畢泉鑫, 趙陽, 于丹, 崔藝凡, 傅光輝, 范思琪, 陳夢園, 于海燕*, 王利兵*. 不同種源文冠果種子及苗期性狀地理變異. 江西農業大學學報,2019, 41(3): 529-540.
[9]Bi Quanxin, Zhao Yao, Du Wei, Lu Ying, Gui Lang, Zheng Zhiming, Yu Haiyan, Cui Yifan, Liu Zhi, Cui Tianpeng, Cui Deshi, Liu Xiaojuan, Li Yingchao, Fan Siqi, Hu Xiaoyu, Fu Guanghui, Ding Jian, Ruan Chengjiang *, Wang Libing *. Pseudomolecule-level assembly of the Chinese oil tree yellowhorn (Xanthoceras sorbifolium) genome. Gigascience, 2019,8,1-11.
[1]Niu Jun, Bi Quanxin, Deng Shuya, Chen Huiping, Yu Haiyan, Wang Libing, Lin Shanzhi. Identification of AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR gene family from Prunus sibirica and its expression analysis during mesocarp and kernel development. BMC Plant Biology 2018, 18: 21.
[1] Yu Haiyan, Fan Siqi, Bi Quanxin, Wang Shaoxiong, Hu Xiaoyu, Chen Mengyuan, Wang Libing*. Seed morphology, oil content and fatty acid composition variability assessment in yellow horn (Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge) germplasm for optimum biodiesel production. Industrial Crops and Products 2017, 97: 425-430.(SCI)
[2]于海燕,陳夢園,范思琪,王少雄,胡瀟予,畢泉鑫,王利兵*.苗木不同繁育方式對文冠果苗木生長的影響. 林業資源管理 2017, (2): 139-142.
[3]王少雄,李鋼鐵,范思琪,于海燕,王利兵*. 不同育苗方式對山杏苗木生長的影響. 林業科技通訊. 2017, (5): 38-40.
[1]Wang Puchang, Mo Bentian, Long Zhongfu, Fan Siqi, Wang Huihui, Wang Libing *. Factors affecting seed germination and emergence of Sophora davidii. Industrial Crops and Products 2016, 87: 261-265. (SCI)
[2]FanSiqi, LiangTianyu, YuHaiyan, BiQuanxin, LiGangtie, WangLibing*. Kernel characteristics, oil contents, fatty acid compositions and biodiesel properties in developing Siberian apricot (Prunus sibirica L.) seeds. Industrial Crops and Products 2016, 89: 195-199.(SCI)
[3]Wang PC, Mo BT, Chen Y, Zeng QF, Wang LB*. Effect of karst rocky desertification on soil fungal communities in Southwest China. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2016, 15 (3): gmr.15038460. (SCI)
[4]Fan YJ, Grebenc T, Wei J, Zhao YL, Yan W, Wang LB*. Association of ectomycorrhizal fungi with Picea crassifolia (Pinaceae, Piceoidae) from high-altitude stands in Mount Helan Nature Reserve, China. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2016, 15 (3): gmr.15038640. (SCI)
[1]Guo Jianying, Li Heping, Fan Siqi, Liang Tianyu, Yu Haiyan, Li Jinrong, He Jingli, Li Gangtie, Libing Wang*. Genetic variability of biodiesel properties in some Prunus L. (Rosaceae) species collected from Inner Mongolia, China. Industrial Crops and Products 2015, 76: 244-248. (SCI)
[2]Wang Puchang, Zhao Lili, Mo Bentian, Zhang Yu, Chen Juan, Libing Wang*. Genetic diversity of Ceratoides arborescens, a species endemic to China, detected by inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR). Genetics and Molecular Research, 2015, 14 (2): 5658-5666. (SCI)
[3]Niu Jun, An Jiyong, Wang Libing, Fang Chengliang, Ha Denglong, Fu Chengyu, Qiu Lin, Yu Haiyan, Zhao Haiyan, Hou Xinyu, Xiang Zheng, Zhou Sufan, Zhang Zhixiang, Feng Xinyi, Lin Shanzhi. Transcriptomic analysis revealed the mechanism of oil dynamic accumulation during developing Siberian apricot (Prunus sibirica L.) seed kernels for the development of woody biodiesel. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2015, 8: 29. (SCI)
[4]郭鑫, 周海峰, 盧立娜, 賀曉輝, 李維向, 楊宏偉, 王利兵*.內蒙古大興安嶺興安落葉鬆土壤種子庫研究. 林業資源管理, 2015, (2): 166-170.
[5]侯國華, 馬駿驥, 吳生廣, 呂冬, 盛寶文, 王利兵*. 歐李分株繁殖技術研究初報. 林業科技通訊. 2015, (3): 32-33.
[1]Niu Jun, Zhu Baoqing, Cai Jian, Li Peixue, Wang Libing, Dai Huitang, Qiu Lin, Yu Haiyan, Ha Denglong, Zhao Haiyan, Zhang Zhixiang, Lin Shanzhi. Selection of Reference Genes for Gene Expression Studies in Siberian Apricot (Prunus sibirica L.) Germplasm Using Quantitative Real-Time PCR. PLos One, 2014, 9(8): e103900. (SCI)
[2]王德軍, 王利兵*. 山杏育苗與造林技術試驗初探. 林業實用技術. 2014, (8): 22-24.
[1]Wang Libing. Properties of Manchurian apricot (Prunus mandshurica Skv.) and Siberian apricot (Prunus sibirica L.) seed kernel oils and evaluation as biodiesel feedstocks. Industrial Crops and Products 2013, 50: 838-843. (SCI)
[2Wang Libing. Optimization of biodiesel production from Siberian apricot (Prunus sibirica L.) oil using Response surface methodology. Asian Journal of Chemistry 2013, 25: 2577-2582. (SCI)
[3]李迎超, 王利兵*, 尹傑, 彭建東, 鄒全程. 西伯利亞杏杏核自然變異與類型劃分. 核農學報, 2013, 27(9): 1371-1377.
[4]李迎超, 于海燕, 付甜, 鄒全程, 王利兵*. 中國栓皮櫟資源生產燃料乙醇的潛力及其空間分布. 林業科學, 2013, 49(11): 129-134.
[1]Wang Libing, Yu haiyan. Biodiesel from Siberian apricot (Prunus sibirica) seed kernel oil. Bioresource Technology 2012, 112: 355-358. (SCI)
[2]Wang Libing. Evaluation of variability of Siberian apricot germplasm for biodiesel properties. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 2012, 89: 1743-1747. (SCI)
[3]Wang Libing, Yu Haiyan, He Xiaohui, Liu Ruiying. Influence of fatty acid composition of woody biodiesel plants on the fuel properties. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology 2012, 40: 397-404. (EI)
[4]王利兵, 于海燕, 賀曉輝, 劉瑞英. 生物柴油樹種油脂脂肪酸組成對燃料特性的影響[J].燃料化學學報, 2012, 40(4): 397-404. (EI)
[5]王利兵, 于海燕, 賀曉輝, 劉瑞英. 4種生物柴油樹種燃料特性評價. 林業科學, 2012, 48(8): 150-154.
[6]王利兵. 三種山杏種子生物柴油特徵評價. 農業工程學報, 2011, 27(13): 138-142. (EI)
[7]王利兵. 三種山杏資源調查及其分布規律. 林業資源管理2011, (5): 65-70.
[8]王利兵,侯彥飛. 山杏更新復壯技術. 林業實用技術. 2011, (12): 17-18.
[1]王利兵. 我國3種杏屬植物的地理分布和植物學性狀的調查. 林業科學研究, 2010, 23(3):435-439
[2]王利兵,王濤. 新型木本能源植物山杏的調查與研究.第十二屆中國科協年會—非糧生物質能源與高技術產業化研討會論文集.北京:中國農業科學技術出版社,2010.11.37-38
[3]王利兵. 山杏開發與利用研究進展. 浙江林業科技, 2008, 28(6):76-80
[1]王利兵,余偉蒞,楊文斌,胡小龍,李鋼鐵,李佳陶. 額濟納河岸胡楊林天然植被的數量分類與排序.西北林學院學報. 2007, 22(4):45-48
[2]王利兵,李鋼鐵,胡小龍,余偉蒞,姜麗娜,刑利軍,嚴喜斌. 兩種不同人工林樹木個體生長規律的研究.內蒙古農業大學學報.2007,28(1):46-50
[3]王利兵,李鋼鐵, 邢利軍, 嚴喜斌.沙地人工模擬飛播對植物多樣性的影響—以正藍旗科技支撐項目區為例.內蒙古林業科技.2007,(2):1-4
[1]王濤,王利兵,于海燕等著. 中國能源植物山杏的研究[M]. 北京:科學出版社,2013
[2]王濤, 李凌, 厲月橋, 李迎超, 于海燕, 王利兵. 中國能源植物櫟類的研究. 北京:中國林業出版社,2014.
[3]郭建英, 李錦榮, 孫保平, 何京麗, 王利兵. 退耕還林工程建設對縣域的影響. 北京:中國水利水電出版社,2014.
1)套用木本油料加工特性精準預測模型,篩選出文冠果、山杏是北方乾旱區值得開發利用的油料樹種(Guo et al, 2015; Yu et al, 2017)。構建的模型截止2019年,已有57次在SCI收錄論文“Material and methods”部分中直接套用,節省了研究者大量人力、時間及費用,於2014年、2018年榮獲《燃料化學學報》優秀論文獎及特別貢獻獎,2016年獲第六屆梁希青年論文獎三等獎,2019年獲貴州省自然科學獎二等獎;
3)闡明木本油料種子油脂累積規律(Fan et al, 2016),從而篩選出山杏優良無性系5個、授權文冠果新品種10項,完成新品種“中石4號”染色體水平全基因組組裝(Bi et al, 2019),並根據文冠果自交不親和、山杏產量低下的特點,創建了文冠果品種選擇與交配親和性查詢和山杏現有低產林分類經營管理系統,為文冠果、山杏的豐產栽培、科技扶貧奠定良好基礎。
[1]Ma Yunxia,Bi Quanxin,Li Gangtie,Liu Xiaojuan, Fu Guanghui, Zhao Yang, Wang Libing*.Provenance variations in kernel oil content, fatty acid profile and biodiesel properties of Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge in northern China. Industrial Crops and Products 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2020.112487
[2]Mai Yiying, Huo Kaisen, Yu Haiyan, Zhou Nan, Shui Lanya, Liu Yang, Zhang Chengxin, Niu Jun*, Wang Libing*. Using lipidomics to reveal details of lipid accumulation in developing Siberian apricot (Prunus sibirica L.) seed kernels. GCB Bioenergy 2020 DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12693.
[3]Yu Dan, Liu Xiaojuan, Cui Yifan, Bi Quanxin, Zhao Yang, Li Dongxing, Yu Haiyan, Wang Libing*. Comparative transcriptome combined with morpho-physiological analyses revealed candidate genes potentially for differential cold tolerance in two contrasting apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars. Trees 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-020-01991-y
[1]王少雄, 胡瀟予, 范思琪, 崔藝凡,于海燕,王利兵*. 西伯利亞杏種實性狀地理變異分析. 經濟林研究, 2019, 37(1): 74-79, 86.
[2]于海燕, 胡瀟予, 何春霞, 崔藝凡, 范思琪, 畢泉鑫, 王利兵*. 文冠果不同種源葉片結構對水分脅迫的差異性回響. 北京林業大學學報, 2019, 41 (1) : 57-63.
[3]于丹, 畢泉鑫, 趙陽, 崔藝凡, 句嬌, 傅光輝, 范思琪, 陳夢園, 王利兵*. 文冠果地理種源變異及優良種源篩選. 東北林業大學學報, 2019, 47 (2) : 12-16.
[4]胡瀟予,于海燕,范思琪,畢泉鑫,李迎超,王利兵*. 不同種源文冠果葉片氣孔分布特徵對水分脅迫的回響. 林業科學研究, 2018, 32(1): 169-174.
[5]田夢妮,畢泉鑫,賀曉輝,賽富勒,李鋼鐵*,王利兵*.文冠果葉片解剖結構的抗旱性分析與評價[J/OL].分子植物育種. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/46.1068.S.20190313.1929.015.html
[6]趙陽, 畢泉鑫, 句嬌, 于丹, 范思琪, 陳夢圓, 崔藝凡, 傅光輝, 王利兵*.文冠果種子及苗期生長性狀地理種源變異. 林業科學研究, 2018, 32(1): 160-168.
[7]Bi Quanxin, Zhao Yang, Cui Yifan, Wang Libing*. Genome survey sequencing and genetic background characterization of yellow horn based on next generation sequencing. Molecular Biology Reports, 2019, 46:4303-4312.
[8]句嬌, 畢泉鑫, 趙陽, 于丹, 崔藝凡, 傅光輝, 范思琪, 陳夢園, 于海燕*, 王利兵*. 不同種源文冠果種子及苗期性狀地理變異. 江西農業大學學報,2019, 41(3): 529-540.
[9]Bi Quanxin, Zhao Yao, Du Wei, Lu Ying, Gui Lang, Zheng Zhiming, Yu Haiyan, Cui Yifan, Liu Zhi, Cui Tianpeng, Cui Deshi, Liu Xiaojuan, Li Yingchao, Fan Siqi, Hu Xiaoyu, Fu Guanghui, Ding Jian, Ruan Chengjiang *, Wang Libing *. Pseudomolecule-level assembly of the Chinese oil tree yellowhorn (Xanthoceras sorbifolium) genome. Gigascience, 2019,8,1-11.
[1]Niu Jun, Bi Quanxin, Deng Shuya, Chen Huiping, Yu Haiyan, Wang Libing, Lin Shanzhi. Identification of AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR gene family from Prunus sibirica and its expression analysis during mesocarp and kernel development. BMC Plant Biology 2018, 18: 21.
[1] Yu Haiyan, Fan Siqi, Bi Quanxin, Wang Shaoxiong, Hu Xiaoyu, Chen Mengyuan, Wang Libing*. Seed morphology, oil content and fatty acid composition variability assessment in yellow horn (Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge) germplasm for optimum biodiesel production. Industrial Crops and Products 2017, 97: 425-430.(SCI)
[2]于海燕,陳夢園,范思琪,王少雄,胡瀟予,畢泉鑫,王利兵*.苗木不同繁育方式對文冠果苗木生長的影響. 林業資源管理 2017, (2): 139-142.
[3]王少雄,李鋼鐵,范思琪,于海燕,王利兵*. 不同育苗方式對山杏苗木生長的影響. 林業科技通訊. 2017, (5): 38-40.
[1]Wang Puchang, Mo Bentian, Long Zhongfu, Fan Siqi, Wang Huihui, Wang Libing *. Factors affecting seed germination and emergence of Sophora davidii. Industrial Crops and Products 2016, 87: 261-265. (SCI)
[2]FanSiqi, LiangTianyu, YuHaiyan, BiQuanxin, LiGangtie, WangLibing*. Kernel characteristics, oil contents, fatty acid compositions and biodiesel properties in developing Siberian apricot (Prunus sibirica L.) seeds. Industrial Crops and Products 2016, 89: 195-199.(SCI)
[3]Wang PC, Mo BT, Chen Y, Zeng QF, Wang LB*. Effect of karst rocky desertification on soil fungal communities in Southwest China. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2016, 15 (3): gmr.15038460. (SCI)
[4]Fan YJ, Grebenc T, Wei J, Zhao YL, Yan W, Wang LB*. Association of ectomycorrhizal fungi with Picea crassifolia (Pinaceae, Piceoidae) from high-altitude stands in Mount Helan Nature Reserve, China. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2016, 15 (3): gmr.15038640. (SCI)
[1]Guo Jianying, Li Heping, Fan Siqi, Liang Tianyu, Yu Haiyan, Li Jinrong, He Jingli, Li Gangtie, Libing Wang*. Genetic variability of biodiesel properties in some Prunus L. (Rosaceae) species collected from Inner Mongolia, China. Industrial Crops and Products 2015, 76: 244-248. (SCI)
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