在過去幾年中,王一江博士在國際著名期刊Research in Labor Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics等發表多篇論文,並被大量引用;其中"Human capital investment under Asymmetric Information: The Pigovian Conjecture Revisited"多次被Handbook of Labor Economics所引用。
"The Ambiguity of Strike Replacement Legislation and Wages: A Sequential Investment-Bargaining Model." With J. Budd, Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, 1999.
"The Myth of the East Asian Miracle: The Macroeconomic Implications of Soft Budgets." With C. Bai, American Economic Review, May, 1999.
"Bureaucratic Control and Soft Budget Constraint." With C. Bai, Journal of Comparative Economics, 26(1): 41-61, March 1998.
"Towards a Model of China as a Partially Reformed Developing Economy under a de facto Federalist Government." With C. Chang, China Economic Review, Vol. 9, Num. 1, 1998:1-23.
"Some Empirical Implications of a Model of Human Capital Investment under Asymmetric Information." With C. Chang, Research in Labor Economics, 1997, Vol. 16, pp.103-117..
"Enterprise Productivity and Performance: When Is Up Really Down?" With C. Bai and D. Li, Journal of Comparative Economics, 24(1997):265-80.
"Human Capital Investment and Labor Turnover under Asymmetric Information: The Pigovian Conjecture Revisited." With C. Chang, Journal of Labor Economics, 14(1996):505-519.
"A Framework for Understanding Differences in Employment Stability and Human Capital Investment." With C. Chang, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 28(1995):91-105.
"Firm's Information-Sharing Policy and Strike Incidence." Economics Letters, 48(1995):73-76.
"The Nature of the Township and Village Enterprise." With C. Chang, Journal of Comparative Economics, 19(1994):434-452.
"When Privatization Should be Delayed: Organizational and Institutional Legacies of Communism and the Strategy of Transition." With P. Murrell, Journal of Comparative Economics, 17(1993):385-406.
"Eastern Europe and China: Institutional Development as a Resource Allocation Problem." China Economic Review, 4(1993):37-47.
"Optimal Liquidation Rule and Debt in the Principal-Agent Model." With C. Chang, Economics Letters, 40(1992):23-26.
"Economic Reform, Fixed Capital Investment Expansion, and Inflation: A Behavioral Model Based on the Chinese Experience." China Economic Review, 2(1991):3-27.
對於中國學生當下的心態,王一江想起了他剛進哈佛讀書時一位經濟學大師講過的話。“當時,制度經濟學大師加爾布雷斯給我們做報告。他說世界上只有兩種人,一種就是什麼都不懂的人(those who don’t know),一種是並不知道自己不懂的人(those who don’t know they don’t know)。“在中國的企業家裡面,怎樣加強他們的心態教育,應該是長江商學院的一個重點。不管是從長江的內部管理,還是本著對這些有成就的CEO長期負責的角度來講,這種教育一定要下大力氣去做。”