在另一處,破壞王在泰柏酒吧詢問老闆泰柏如何才能得到獎牌,泰柏說他也無能為力,不如去找找看店內的失物有沒有人遺失獎牌。破壞王去儲藏室翻箱倒櫃的時候,從爛醉如泥的電子遊戲《英雄使命》(Hero's Duty)的士兵口中打聽到《英雄使命》遊戲內可以得到獎牌,於是破壞王決定喬裝成《英雄使命》的士兵潛入該遊戲,期望能在裡面贏得獎牌。但是獎牌沒拿成,反而搞砸了遊戲的進行,還被冷酷女隊長卡爾霍恩(Tamora Jean Calhoun)痛毆了一頓。破壞王不死心,於是偷偷爬上燈塔頂端要拿取獎牌。雖然終於得到獎牌了,但是同時破壞王誤讓燈塔里的一顆機器飛蛾卵破殼而出,脫殼孵出的幼蛾開始糾纏破壞王。他在與幼蛾纏鬥之下無意間開啟逃生艦逃離,逃生艦在一陣混亂的飛行之下又誤闖了糖果賽車遊戲《甜蜜衝刺》(Sugar Rush)的世界。
飛行艦墜毀在糖果森林中,及時逃出的破壞王發現他的獎牌掛在某個糖果樹上,破壞王爬上糖果樹想拿回獎牌,這時出現一位帶有小惡魔性格的小女孩「雲妮洛普」(Vanellope von Schweetz),開始捉弄破壞王。雲妮露搶走破壞王的獎牌並拿去投擲為參加賽車比賽的資金,破壞王在勃然大怒之下追逐雲妮洛普要她還回獎牌。在賽車會場的一陣混亂之中破壞王不但沒抓到雲妮洛普,反而被糖果王(King Candy)逮捕並抓到糖果城內審問,破壞王說明他的來意,糖果王卻指出獎牌已經在優勝獎金的設定中,要拿回獎牌就必須找之後比賽的優勝者商量。破壞王於是趁機逃出糖果城,想找車手們商量獎牌的事,可是當破壞王暗中窺見雲妮洛普受到太妃妲(Taffyta Muttonfudge)為首的車手們欺負排擠,並破壞她的車,看不慣此景的破壞王頓時出現趕走太妃妲與其他車手們。雲妮洛普在與破壞王的爭執中,發現他的破壞能力可能有用處,於是說服了破壞王跟她合作,並一起暗中潛入糖果賽車工廠,製作一輛屬於雲妮洛普自己的新賽車。不過這個行徑立刻被糖果王發現,破壞王與雲妮洛普被糖果王追緝之下逃入了可樂火山。破壞王在可樂火山中看到雲妮洛普非常簡陋的家,在詢問雲妮洛普之下發現雲妮洛普總是夢想著能上場進行賽車比賽,但由於她是糖果王所說的遊戲bug,因此糖果王一直阻止她上場比賽,她時常過著受到遊戲中所有人無情地排擠與欺侮的生活,也無法離開這個遊戲。破壞王看到與自己同樣遭遇的雲妮洛普,於是停止了跟她的爭執並決定幫助她,並在可樂火山中幫她打造一條賽車練習跑道陪伴她練習駕駛。眼看就要與雲妮一起上場比賽了,破壞王遇見糖果王前來歸還給他的獎牌;糖果王告訴他,如果讓雲妮上場比賽,她的bug會讓玩家以為遊戲發生故障,到時候這個遊戲會被送修而銷毀,再加上程式異常的雲妮會被遊戲中央車站的反bug力量隔絕而無法離開這個遊戲世界,到時她會跟這個遊戲一起消失!
2012年所推出的射擊遊戲《英雄使命》中的女上士隊長,負責引導玩家進行遊戲。背景故事設定過去是個普通的女軍人,原本與戀人相愛並舉行婚禮,但婚禮當天自己的伴侶卻被突然闖入的機器飛蛾吃掉,從此便封印自己的感情並以殲滅機器飛蛾為工作。她也是破壞王在《英雄使命》的上司,對下屬極為嚴厲,只要達不到要求的都會被她痛毆。之後為了追逐逃出遊戲的機器飛蛾,而與阿修合作,前進《甜蜜衝刺》的世界。原本對阿修極為厭惡,但後來的行動中漸漸對他心動,最終兩人有情人終成眷屬,成為一對夫妻(結婚當天也有充足戒備防止機器飛蛾再度來襲)。卡爾霍恩(Tamora Jean Calhoun)
Originally, much likeAriel's"Part of Your World" andTiana's"Almost There", Ralph was meant to have what the filmmakers call the "I Want" song. However, the number was eventually dropped from the film. And during its time in production, a running gag involved Ralph never being able to finish the song, as whenever he began to sing, a character or event would interrupt.
Ralph is based on the classic video game characters, Donkey Kongand Bowser.
He may also share aspects of Luigi, Mario's younger brother, as he is the "brother" that is overshadowed by the hero and is trying to earn his fame because of this.
Ralph resembles Darmanitan (Standard Mode), Aggron, Steelix, Golem, Chesnaught, Beartic, Conkeldurr, Machamp, Golurk, Emboar, Electivire, and Regigigasfrom Pokemon.
When Ralph entersHero's Duty, he mentions his mother exclaiming, "I love my mama!" This may be a nod to the person who created his Character Model and Textures.
In early versions of the movie Ralph was not human. Two early designs included him being fur-covered monsters, including one with spikes protruding from his body and another bearing a strong resemblance to thePowerpuff GirlsVillain, Fuzzy Lumpkins.
Despite not being mentioned aloud, Ralph possesses immense speed, shown primarily when Ralph attempts to smash the Mentos' hanging down from Diet Cola Mountain. Another was whenhe made a race track in Diet Cola Mountain in a manner of seconds.
Ralph seems to be able to break anything, from brick walls and carts to steel doors and jawbreakers.
Ralph's near sacrifice by Mentos + Diet Cola explosion is reminiscent of the Iron Giant's "Superman" scene at the end ofThe Iron Giant.
Ralph is the third main protagonist to be barefoot throughout his entire film, the first beingPocahontasand the second beingRapunzel. Interestingly enough, both Ralph and Rapunzel's bare feet have close ups at various points in their movies.
When Ralph is hiding from the police in a lake, the breathing sounds coming from his reed sound likeDarth Vader.
Even though in the movie, he says that he is a video game villain, he is ironically a video game hero in the video games.
According to movie and other character including Ralph himself, Ralph has been doing the same job for 30 years. Interestingly, the movie itself has been in production for exactly 30 years. This may actually be a reference to the film's production.
Wreck-It Ralph is one of the only Disney characters who are inspired by Nintendo characters along withWALL-E, Fix-It Felix, and the Cy-Bugs.
Wreck-It Ralph shares a similar appearance to his voice actor,John C. Reilly.
He is an Anti-Villian.
In the video game his voice actor is different, unlike the rest of the characters that keep their original actors.
Wreck-It Ralph makes a brief cameo in theFuturamaepisode "Murder on the Planet Express" when a truck goes by and his head is on one of the arcade game machines.
This could also be a tribute toWreck-It RalphdirectorRich Mooreas he used to work onFuturama.
With very similar powers and abilities, Ralph could be considered Disney's own Incredible Hulk.
Frozen writer Jennifer Lee once made a tweet jokingly suggesting thatElsaand Wreck-It Ralph would make a good couple during the 2013 D23 Expo. As a nod to that, in Disney INFINITY, if Ralph and Elsa are introduced to one another, Ralph will tell Elsa that she is "really pretty", and Elsa