



  • 中文名:為男人的權利辯護和為女人的權利辯護
  • 作者:瑪麗·沃爾斯通克拉夫特
  • 出版時間:2003年7月
  • 出版社:中國政法大學出版社
  • 頁數:349 頁
  • ISBN:9787562023951
  • 定價:28 元
  • 裝幀:簡裝本


《為男人的權利辯護和為女人的權利辯護》主要內容:Mary Wollstonecraft,often described as the first major feninist,is remenbered principally as the author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792),and there has been a tendency to view her most famous work in islation.Yet Wollstonecraft's pronouncenments atour women grew out of her reflections about men,and her views on the female sex constituted an integral part of a wider moral and politcal critique of her times which she first fully fornulated in a wider moral and political critique of her times which she first fully formulated in A Vindication of the Rithts of Men(1790),Written as a reply to Edmund Burke's Refleciouns on the Revoltion in France(1790),this is an inportant text in its own right as well as a necessary tool for understanding Wollstonecraft's later work.This edition brings the two texts togeher and also includes Hints,the notes which Wollstonecraft made towards a second,never completed,volune of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.
SYLVANATOMASELLI is an intellectual historian specializing in the Enlightenment,She is currently writing a study of Sedduction and Chvilisation:An Enlighteent Perwpetive on the History of Wonmen,to be published by Weidenfeld.


Principal evvnts in Wollstonecraft s life
Bibliographical note
A Vindication of the Rights of Men
A Letter to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
1 The rights and involved duties of mankond considered
2 The prevailing opinion of a sexual character discussed
3 The same subject continued
4 Observations on the state of degradation to which woman is redered by various causes
5 Animadversion on some of the writers who have rendered women objects of pity,bordering on contempt
6 The effect which an early association of ideas has upon the character
7 Modesty,-Comprehensively considered,and not as a sexual virtue
8 Morality undermined by sexual notions of the importance of a good reputaion
9 Of the pernicious effects which arise from the unnatural distinctions established in society
10 Parental affection
11 Duty to parents
12 On national education
13 Some instances of the folly which the ignorance of women generates;with concluding reflections on the moral improvement that a revolution in femane manners might naturally be expected to produce
Hints ,chiefly designed to have veen incorporated in the second part of the Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Biographical notes


