


  • 中文名:湯壽旎
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:日本千葉大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:人間環境系統、地球科學建築與都市科學
  • 職務:武漢理工大學碩士生導師


2009年~2012年 日本千葉大學 人間環境系統、地球科學建築與都市科學專業 工學博士學位
2012年~2014年 日本千葉大學 工學研究科都市計畫研究室博士後研究員 參與東亞公共空間研究工作、日本大地震震災重建工作
2014年至今  武漢理工大學 土木工程與建築學院 建築與城鄉規劃系 副教授
日本建築學會,中國心理學會,Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (JAABE) SCI、A&HCI期刊審稿人。






1、Shouni TANG, Study on the Residential Planning and Design Comparison of Public Rental Housings between Shenzhen and Greater Tokyo Area, the Annual Congress of Architectural Institute of Japan, 2017.8.31, 2017, 1047-1048
2、Shouni TANG, Study on the Public Rental Housings Planning: Comparison of Residential Area between Shenzhen and Greater Tokyo Area, the Annual Congress of Architectural Institute of Japan (Kyusyu), 24, 08, 2016(E-1), pp. 1051-1052
3、Shouni TANG, Study on the Residential Planning and Design: Case Studies of Public Rental Housings in Shenzhen, China, the Annual Congress of Architectural Institute of Japan(Kantou), 04, 09, 2015, pp. 1221-1222
4、Shouni TANG,Dongyun KWAK,Toshio KITAHARA,A STUDY OF PEDESTRIAN PERSONAL SPACE IN A STATION SQUARE: People-to-People Avoidance Behavior in Nishi-Chiba Station Square,Journal of architecture, Planning, Transactions of AIJ (Architectural Institute of Japan),2012,77(681)
5、 Shouni TANG,Dongyun KWAK,Toshio KITAHARA,A STUDY OF A DISTANCE MODEL OF PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR IN A STATION SQUARE: Correlative Factors of People-to-People Avoidance Behavior Distance,Journal of architecture, Planning, Transactions of AIJ(Architectural Institute of Japan),2012,77(679)
6、 Shouni TANG,Dongyun KWAK,Toshio KITAHARA,Study on Pedestrian's Speed and Density under the Mid-low Density: Comparison of Pedestrian Behavior on the Station Square between Chiba, Japan and Shanghai, China,26th Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP)
7、 Shouni TANG,Dongyun KWAK,Toshio KITAHARA,Pedestrians' Pathway and Distance of Avoidance Behavior: Considering Walking Personal Space on the JR Nishichiba Station,the Annual Congress of Kantou Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan,2011,2010(2)
8、 Shouni TANG,Dongyun KWAK,Toshio KITAHARA,Distance of Avoidance Behavior under Mid-low Density: Considering Pedestrian Personal Space on the JR Nishichiba Station,the Annual Congress of Architectural Institute of Japan (Kantou),2011,F-1(2011)


