



  • 書名:涉外護理英語綜合教程3
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 出版時間:2006年8月1日
  • 版次:第一版
  • ISBN:9787040189926


叢書名: 教育部職業教育與成人教育司推薦教材
平裝: 207頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 7040189925
條形碼: 9787040189926
尺寸: 25.4 x 18.2 x 1 cm
重量: 381 g




Unit One
Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
Text Going to a Friend's House
Developing Skills
Grammar 直接引語和間接引證(1)
Guided Writing 便條(1)
More Exercises
More Reading Input (A) In the Medicine Cabinet
(B) Netiquette——Knowing Where It's @
Unit Two
Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
Text The School's Green Roof
Developing Skills
Grammar 直接引語和間接引證(2)
Guided Writing 便條(2)
More Exercises
More Reading Input (A) Mean Messages
(B) Classified Advertisements—— Bars and Clubs
Unit Three
Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
Text Acupuncture
Developing Skills
Grammar there與 it 的用法(1)
Guided Writing 通知(1)
More Exercises
More Reading Input (A) Airport Safety Measures
(B) Hua Tuo
Unit Four
Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
Text A Letter from a Parent: My Son Is a Hacker
Developing Skills
Grammar there與 it 的用法(2)
Guided Writing 通知(2)
More Exercises
More Reading Input (A) Learn to Be Grateful
(B) Hi-Rise Recycling
Unit Five
Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
Text A Babysitting Pool
Developing Skills
Grammar 現在分詞 (1)
Guided Writing 便條(3)
More Exercises
More Reading Input (A) Maglev Train
(B) Buying Socks
Unit Six
Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
Text The World Expo
Developing Skills
Grammar 現在分詞(2)
Guided Writing 請假條
More Exercises
More Reading Input (A) Jobs Offered
(B) The Olympics for the Disabled
Unit Seven
Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
Text Empty Desert
Developing Skills
Grammar 現在分詞(3)
Guided Writing 祝賀信
More Exercises
More Reading Input (A) A Trip To Thailand
(B) A Necessary Tool in Australia
Unit Eight
Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
Text The History of Hollywood
Developing Skills
Grammar 現在分詞(4)
Guided Writing 啟事(1):遺失與招領啟事
More Exercises
More Reading Input (A) Open Morning
(B) Special Effects and the Man Behind It
Unit Nine
Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
Text Movement Never Lies
Developing Skills
Grammar 現在分詞(5)
Guided Writing 啟事(2):遷址啟事
More Exercises
More Reading Input (A) Water Safety —— To Rescue a Drowning Person
(B) Robert Owen
Unit Ten
Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
Text Young People and Crime
Developing Skills
Grammar 過去分詞(1)
Guided Writing 操作說明
More Exercises
More Reading Input (A) Are Spike and Tina Guilty?
(B) Criminals Are Getting Younger
Unit Eleven
Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
Text AIDS Still a Big Threat
Developing Skills
Grammar 過去分詞 (2)
Guided Writing 注意事項
More Exercises
More Reading Input (A) Calories in Food
(B) Returns Are Easy!
Unit Twelve
Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
Text Robots
Developing Skills
Grammar 過去分詞(3)
Guided Writing 報告
More Exercises
More Reading Input (A) The Great Wall
(B) The Snow White and Seven Dwarfs Christmas Collection
Unit Thirteen
Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
Text A Credit Card
Developing Skills
Grammar 過去分詞 (4)
Guided Writing 看圖寫故事(1)
More Exercises
More Reading Input (A) Money for Students
(B) Some Art Events
Unit Fourteen
Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
Text To Learn a Language
Developing Skills
Grammar 非謂語動詞複習
Guided Writing 看圖寫故事(2)
More Exercises
More Reading Input (A) Language Study
(B) Missing Person
Unit Fifteen Revision Exercises


