

《涉外護理英語擴展教程2(學生用書)》為學生提供比較系統的課外學習材料,使他們通過大量的閱讀實踐逐步掌握閱讀技能,全面提高英文閱讀能力。《涉外護理英語擴展教程2(學生用書)》堅持循序漸進、先易後難、由淺入深,注重從學生實際水平出發,堅持先易後難、由淺入深、循序漸進;注重趣味性、多樣性、知識性、時代性的統一,課文全部選自英美原稿,略有刪改,選材內容包括生活趣事、名人軼事、體育健身、民情風俗、娛樂休閒、學習策略、科普知識、醫學保健、環境自然、國家地理、工作就業等。 《涉外護理英語擴展教程2(學生用書)》是《涉外護理英語》系列教材的組成部分,供五年制高職高專涉外護理專業英語教學使用,也可供廣大英語愛好者和醫護人員作為學習英語的輔助讀物。


  • 書名:涉外護理英語擴展教程2
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 頁數:165頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:高等教育出版社
  • 作者:徐平 華仲樂
  • 出版日期:2008年2月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787040185195, 7040185199




Unit One Famous People
Passage 1 “Mother” of Harry Potter
Passage 2 The World's First Woman Doctor

Unit Two Customs
Passage 1 British Customs
Passage 2 The Story of St. Nicholas (The Original Santa Claus)

Unit Three Your Body Inside
Passage 1 How Do You Look Inside? ( Ⅰ )
Passage 2 How Do You Look Inside? ( Ⅱ )

Unit Four Health and Exercise
Passage 1 Everyday Activities Are Good for Your Health
Passage 2 Walking for Exercise: Improve Your Health

Unit Five Natural World
Passage 1 Animal Camouflage
Passage 2 Why Leaves Are Green

Unit Six Job Hunting and Getting a Job
Passage 1 Job Interview
Passage 2 The Best Way to Success Is Hard Work

Unit Seven Holidays and Festivals
Passage 1 Some Holidays in the U.S
Passage 2 Saint Valentine's Day

Unit Eight Cities and Countries
Passage 1 Canada
Passage 2 Statue of Liberty

Unit Nine Youth Activities
Passage 1 4-H
Passage 2 Individual Projects of the 4-H Members

Unit Ten Social Relations
Passage 1 Making Friends
Passage 2 Chuck's Friend

Unit Eleven Education and Entertainment
Passage 1 Australia. Homeschooled Children
Passage 2 “9·11” Looks Just Like a Movie

Unit Twelve Doctors and Diseases
Passage 1 U.S. Looks Abroad for Nurses
Passage 2 Risky Business

Unit Thirteen Climate and Weather
Passage 1 Climate Is Changing
Passage 2 You Can Make a Difference

Unit Fourteen Environment and Protection
Passage 1 Controlling the Weather
Passage 2 Water

Unit Fifteen Science and Development
Passage 1 The Happy Space Shuttle
Passage 2 Hearing Magic

Appendix Ⅰ Key to Exercises
Appendix Ⅱ Glossary



In almost every part of Canada there are lakes and rivers.Canada has over 2 million lakes covering 7%of the land.The largest lake is the Great Bear Lake.Jt iS said that Canada jS home to one-seventh of the world’S fresh water.
From east to west,Canada has six time zones.Canada has coastl ines on the Atlantic and Pacific and the Arctic Ocean,giving it the longest coastline of any country.Canada’S southern neighbour country is the United States.Northern Canada’S Arctic islands are within the North Pole.
In northernmost Canada only 1 2 percent of the land is suitable for agriculture because of the rough climate.As a result,most of the population of Canada lives within a few hundred ki lometres of the southern border,Where the CIimate iS milder.
Canada’S climate changes wildly based on geography,frOm the coldest in the north to four different seasons in the south.The temperatvlre can climb uD to 35 degrees Celsius in the summer and go down to a chilly 25 degrees Celsius during the winter.
Canada’s climate is characterized by its changes,as temperature and rainfall differ depending on where you are and what time of the year it is.Other than the North where it's above freezing point for only a few months a year,most Canadian cities are within 300 km of the southern border,where mild springs,hot summers and pleasantly cold and dry autumns are common during the majority of the year.




