

《涉外護理英語擴展教程7(學生用書)》旨在提供擴大接觸英語的機會,為學生進一步打開使用英語的窗戶。大量的閱讀材料使學生不僅熟悉語言,更了解各種知識和國外情況。 《涉外護理英語擴展教程》(學生用書)7在第5、6冊的基礎上,依照《涉外護理英語綜合教程》(學生用書)7的難易度進行編寫。本冊書共分為15個單元,以話題為中心按由易到難順序編排。每個單元由A、B課文、辭彙、詞組、注釋、課後練習等幾個部分組成。A課文可用於課堂講授,課文的語言難度、篇幅長度等都有別於B課文,學生需要在教師的幫助下才能更好地領會和掌握。B課文可用於學生課後自學。A、B課文後設計了不同類型的練習,如辭彙擴展訓練,通過前綴、後綴以及詞形變化擴充學生基礎英語辭彙量,特別是醫學英語辭彙量等。為便於教師和學生使用該教材,每單元的辭彙、詞組、注釋等除標註中英文意思外,還以數字上標形式標註該單詞、詞組、注釋等內容在文中出現的段落。另外,書後均附有課文參考譯文以及練習參考答案。


  • 書名:涉外護理英語擴展教程7
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 頁數:224頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:高等教育出版社
  • 作者:盧鳳香 蘇萍
  • 出版日期:2008年6月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787040244571, 7040244578




Unit One
Sectiot A Body Systems
Section B The Difference a Teacher Can Make

Unit Two
Section A Disease and Its Causes
Section B American Hospitality

Unit Three
Section A Disease-Causing Organisms
Section B The Nutrients in Food

Unit Four
Section A What the Skin Does and Tells
Section B Seven Ways to Keep Fit and Trim

Unit Five
Section A The Structures and Functions of Bones and Joints
Section B The Benefits of Keeping Active

Unit Six
Section A Blood
Section B Table Manners That Matter

Unit Seven
Section A Structure of the Heart
Section B U.S.Independence Day

Unit Eight
Section A Pulse and Blood Pressure
Section B The Story of Alfred Nobel

Unit Nine
Section A Liver
Section B American Culture:Culture Shock

Unit Ten
Section A The Stomach and Its Disorders
Section B Become Healthier with Green Tea

Unit Eleven
Section A Lungs
Section B 12 Important Tips to Prevent Cold and Flu Infection

Unit Twele
Section A Ventilation
Section B Nursing Education in U.K.(Part I)

Unit Thirteen
Section A Kidneys and Body Chemistry
Section B Nursing Education in U.K.(Part II)

Unit Fourteen
Section A Thyroid Gland and Thyroxin
Section B Introduction to the American Health Care System(Part I)

Unit Fifteen
Section A Benign and Malignant Tumors
Section B Introduction to the American Health Care System(Part II)


ertainly help athletic performance, they also help reduce the risk of injury. Stronger, limber muscles are less susceptible to strain and sprain. Better posture
Poor posture is a major cause of injury, and often leads to big problems later in life. Exercising in proper form promotes better posture, as well as the strengthening and stretching of muscles that help you stand up straight.
Fat loss Aerobic exercises can result in weight loss when combined with a calorie reducing diet. Without exercise, dieting can cause the loss of muscle as well as fat, An aerobic exercise regimen burns fat, while building muscle. This may mean less dramatic weight loss, but since muscle tissue burns morecalories than fat tissue, the result is longer lasting. Improved heart health
Though the symptoms of heart disease may not surface until middle age, the onset of disease can start taking place as early as the teens. Exercising for 20 to 30 minutes three times a week can reverse years of cardio-neglect. In fact, consistent, regular exercise actually strengthens the heart, resulting in more blood and oxygen flow throughout the body. At the same time, aerobic exercise lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Heightened self-image A fitness regimen offers many psychological benefits, but the biggest payoff
comes from an improved self-image. Achieving fitness goals leads to self !confidence, improved body image, self-awareness and esteem. Athletes often recount the first time they surpassed what they believed the limit of their skills, and how this affected, their opinions of themselves. In addition, the discipline necessary to accomplish personal fitness goals can have a Positive effect on your professional career.




