



  • 軟體名稱:樓盤出售和出租
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:1.50MB
  • 支持版本:iOS5.0及以上
在班伯里代書及Reinger地產代理商提供最大的市場覆蓋面在北牛津郡,北安普敦郡南,南及沃里克郡各類物業在班伯里鎮所有的價格範圍和一個15英里半徑範圍內大約周圍的村莊內。 現在,您可以隨時隨地享受斯科維娜&Reinger物業搜尋在您的iPhone/ iPad的豐富的用戶體驗,隨時隨地。 無論是使用通過郵政編碼/地點或與GPS功能的傳統的搜尋,斯科維娜&Reinger的應用程式將幫助您找到您的夢想家園無論你在哪裡。 當你發現你的夢想財產,具有快速水龍頭,你可以通過電話或電子郵件聯繫劑,保存您的搜尋和完美的性能,讓您在以後的日子回去他們迅速。 有些應用程式的特點: - 基於位置的搜尋 - 在地圖上的搜尋結果 - 媒體的畫廊跟大地產圖像 - 我的最愛搜尋和性質 - 定製搜尋 幸福的家狩獵! Scrivener & Reinger estate agents in Banbury offer maximum marketing coverage for all types of property in North Oxfordshire, South Northamptonshire, and South Warwickshire within all price ranges in Banbury town and surrounding villages within a 15 mile radius approximately. You can now enjoy the rich user experience of Scrivener & Reinger’s property search on your iPhone/iPad anytime, anywhere. Using either conventional search by postcode/place or with the GPS functionality, Scrivener & Reinger’s App will help you find your dream home wherever you are. When you find your dream property, with a quick tap, you can contact the agent by phone or email, save your searches and perfect properties allowing you to go back to them quickly at a later date. Some of the features of the App: - Location based search - Property search results on map - Media gallery with large property images - Favourites searches and properties - Customisable searching Happy home hunting!


