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楊超,男,1993年生,工學博士,講師,2023年畢業於武漢理工大學矽酸鹽建築材料國家重點實驗室。主要從事功能型瀝青基道路材料等方面研究,參與國家重點研發計畫、國家自然科學基金面上項目等國家及省部級科研項目5項。在J. Clean. Prod.、Constr. Build. Mater.等國內外學術期刊發表論文50餘篇,SCI收錄近40篇(第一或通訊SCI論文10餘篇),入選ESI熱點/高被引論文1篇,申請和授權國家發明專利7項。擔任J. Clean. Prod.和Mater. Design.等SCI期刊審稿人,中國公路學會等組織會員。




1) 國家重點研發計畫,2017YFE0111600,瀝青路面高效快速感應加熱自修復技術合作研究,2018-04至2021-03,項目骨幹;
2) 國家自然科學基金面上項目,51778515,瀝青混凝土感應加熱自癒合理論與癒合效果調控方法研究,2018-01至2021-12,項目骨幹;
3) 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,51708437,鋼渣對瀝青選擇性吸收行為與機理研究,2018-01至2020-12,項目骨幹;
4) 國家科技部重大儀器專項,2013YQ160501,多功能路用材料全壽命分析儀的開發與套用,2014-01至2019-12,項目骨幹;
5) 內蒙古自治區科技重大專項,zdzx2018029,內蒙古地區鋼渣全組分資源化成套技術與套用研究,2019-01至2022-06,項目骨幹。


1) Yang C, Huang Z, Wu S, et al. Recycling flue gas desulfurization ash in enhancing the comprehensive moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixtures[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 426: 139062.(SCI中科院1區)
2)Yang C, Wu S, Xie J, et al. Development of blending model for RAP and virgin asphalt in recycled asphalt mixtures via a micron-Fe3O4 tracer[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 383: 135407. (SCI中科院1區,ESI高被引論文)
3) Yang C, Wu S, Xie J, et al. Enhanced induction heating and self-healing performance of recycled asphalt mixtures by incorporating steel slag[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 366: 132999. (SCI中科院1區)
4) Yang C, Wu S, Cui P, et al. Performance characterization and enhancement mechanism of recycled asphalt mixtures involving high RAP content and steel slag[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 336: 130484. (SCI中科院1區,ESI熱點/高被引論文)
5) Yang C, Zhang J, Yang F, et al. Multi-scale performance evaluation and correlation analysis of blended asphalt and recycled asphalt mixtures incorporating high RAP content[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 317: 128278. (SCI中科院1區)
6) Yang C, Xie J, Wu S, et al. Enhancement mechanism of induction heating on blending efficiency of RAP - virgin asphalt in steel slag recycled asphalt mixtures[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 269: 121318. (SCI中科院1區)
7) Yang C, Xie J, Wu S, et al. Revelation and characterization of selective absorption behavior of bitumen to basic oxygen furnace slag[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 253: 119210. (SCI中科院1區)
8) Yang C, Xie J, Wu S, et al. Investigation of physicochemical and rheological properties of SARA components separated from bitumen[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 235:117437. (SCI中科院1區)
9) Yang C, Wang J, Xie J, et al. Investigation on rheological properties of bitumen based on rheological parameters of maltenes[J]. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2022, 23(4): 942-957. (SCI)
10) Yang C, Lei Z , Wang S, et al. Induction Heating and Cooling Performance ofAsphalt Mixture as Recycling Rap and Steel Slag[J]. Sustainability, 2023, 15:14268.(SCI)
11) Yang C, Xie J, Zhou X, et al. Performance evaluation and improving mechanisms of diatomite-modified asphalt mixture[J]. Materials, 2018, 11(5):686-701. (SCI)
12) Wang Z, Wu S*, Yang C*, et al. Quantitative assessment of road performance of recycled asphalt mixtures incorporated with steel slag[J]. Materials, 2022, 15(14):5005. (SCI)
13) Wei M, Yang C*, Xie J, et al. Investigation of permanent deformation behavior of steel slag asphalt mixture under indoor simulation[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2021, 2021: 8842077. (SCI)
14) Xie J,Yang C, Zhang L, et al. Investigation of the physic-chemical properties and toxic potential of Basic Oxygen Furnace Slag (BOF) in asphalt pavement constructed after 15 years[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 238: 117630.(SCI中科院1區)


