

《服務行銷(英文版·原書第7版)》是2018年機械工業出版社出版的圖書,作者是[美]瓦拉瑞爾 A.澤絲曼爾。


  • 中文名:服務行銷(英文版·原書第7版)
  • 作者:[美]瓦拉瑞爾 A.澤絲曼爾
  • 出版社:機械工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年12月
  • 定價:119 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787111614289




第一篇 服務行銷的基礎
第1章 服務導論 2
開篇案例 所有企業都是服務企業 2
1.1 什麼是服務 4
1.2 為什麼要研究服務行銷 8
1.3 服務和技術 14
1.4 服務的特性 19
1.5 服務行銷組合 24
1.6 始終關注顧客 27
小結 29
討論題 29
練習題 29
參考文獻 30
第2章 本書的概念框架:服務
質量差距模型 33
開篇案例 喬氏超市(Trader Joe抯)的服務質量:具有企業精神的專賣店 33
2.1 顧客差距 35
2.2 供應商差距 36
2.3 綜合所有因素:彌合所有差距 45
小結 48
討論題 48
練習題 48
參考文獻 48
第二篇 聚焦顧客
第3章 顧客對服務的期望 50
開篇案例 50
3.1 服務期望 52
3.2 影響顧客服務期望的因素 57
3.3 涉及顧客服務期望的一些問題 66
小結 72
討論題 72
練習題 73
參考文獻 73
第4章 顧客對服務的感知 76
開篇案例 贊恩腳踏車:把服務作為一個戰略差異化因子 76
4.1 顧客感知 78
4.2 消費者滿意 80
4.3 服務質量 87
4.4 服務接觸:顧客感知的基礎 93
小結 104
討論題 104
練習題 105
參考文獻 105
第三篇 了解顧客需求
第5章 通過調研傾聽顧客 113
開篇案例 通過顧客旅程研究提升顧客體驗 113
5.1 套用顧客調查了解顧客期望 115
5.2 有效的服務市場調查計畫要素 121
5.3 分析和研究市場調查結果 132
5.4 使用市場調查信息 137
5.5 向上溝通 137
小結 141
討論題 141
練習題 142
參考文獻 142
第6章 建立顧客關係 144
開篇案例 汽車聯合服務協會(USAA)
聚焦長期關係 144
6.1 關係行銷 146
6.2 顧客關係價值 154
6.3 顧客獲利能力細分 157
6.4 發展關係策略 159
6.5 關係挑戰 166
小結 171
討論題 172
練習題 172
參考文獻 172
第7章 服務補救 178
開篇案例 捷藍航空應對2007年情人節
甘迺迪機場的暴風雪 178
7.1 服務失誤及補救的影響 179
7.2 顧客對服務失誤的反應 183
7.3 服務補救策略:安撫顧客 187
7.4 服務補救措施:解決問題 198
7.5 服務承諾 202
7.6 更換還是接受服務補救 207
小結 209
討論題 209
練習題 210
參考文獻 210
第四篇 服務設計與服務標準的統一
第8章 服務創新與設計 218
開篇案例 服務創新是寵物市場公司(PetSmart)增長的引擎嗎 218
8.1 服務創新與設計的挑戰 220
8.2 服務創新的重要注意事項 221
8.3 服務創新的類型 223
8.4 服務創新和開發步驟 228
8.5 服務藍圖:一種有效描述服務創新和設計的重要技術 235
小結 247
討論題 248
練習題 248
參考文獻 249
第9章 顧客定義的服務標準 254
開篇案例 聯邦快遞使用服務質量指數設定標準 254
9.1 建立適當服務標準的必備因素 256
9.2 顧客定義的服務標準的類型 260
9.3 顧客定義服務標準的開發 266
小結 278
討論題 278
練習題 279
參考文獻 279
第10章 有形展示與服務場景 281
開篇案例 萬豪採用特色的服務場景打造獨特的品牌體驗 281
10.1 有形展示 283
10.2 服務場景的類型 287
10.3 服務場景的戰略作用 289
10.4 服務場景對顧客與員工行為影響的理論框架 293
10.5 有形展示策略的原則 304
小結 307
討論題 308
練習題 308
參考文獻 309
第五篇 傳遞與執行服務
第11章 服務傳遞中的員工角色 315
開篇案例 員工就是服務與品牌 315
11.1 服務文化 316
11.2 一線服務人員的關鍵作用 320
11.3 跨邊界作用 323
11.4 通過人員傳遞服務質量的策略 328
11.5 顧客導向的服務傳遞 340
小結 342
討論題 342
練習題 343
參考文獻 343
第12章 顧客在服務傳遞中的角色 349
開篇案例 客戶作為服務價值的創造者 349
12.1 服務傳遞中顧客的重要性 351
12.2 顧客的角色 356
12.3 自助服務技術:重在客戶參與 363
12.4 增加顧客參與的戰略 365
小結 375
討論題 375
練習題 376
參考文獻 376
第13章 管理需求與能力 382
開篇案例 怎樣在一年365天讓600間房都住滿 382
13.1 根本問題:服務缺乏庫存能力 384
13.2 能力限制 386
13.3 需求波動規律 388
13.4 能力與需求的匹配策略 390
13.5 收益率管理:平衡能力利用率、價格、細分市場和財務回報 398
13.6 排隊等待策略:當需求與能力無法一致時 404
小結 411
討論題 411
練習題 412
參考文獻 412
第六篇 管理服務承諾
第14章 整合行銷溝通 417
開篇案例 整合行銷傳播的跨渠道案例 417
14.1 行銷傳播需要協調一致 419
14.2 服務傳播的關鍵挑戰 421
14.3 匹配服務承諾與服務傳遞的五種戰略 424
小結 442
討論題 443
練習題 443
參考文獻 443
第15章 服務的定價 446
開篇案例 航空公司獲利頗豐,但是費用繁多令旅客困惑 446
15.1 顧客服務價格區別於產品價格的三個主要方面 448
15.2 服務定價的方法 453
15.3 與四種價值定義相關的定價策略 461
小結 469
討論題 469
練習題 470
參考文獻 470
第七篇 服務和回報
第16章 服務的財務及經濟意義 474
開篇案例 474
16.1 服務和盈利性:直接關係 476
16.2 服務的進取性行銷作用:吸引更多更好的顧客 480
16.3 服務的防禦性行銷作用:保留顧客 480
16.4 顧客服務質量感知與購買意願 484
16.5 服務質量、顧客保留及利潤的關鍵驅動因素 488
小結 494
討論題 495
練習題 495
參考文獻 495
Detailed C
About the Authors iv
Preface vii
Chapter 1 Introduction to Services 2
What are Services? 4
Service Industries, Service as a Product, Customer Service, and Derived Service 4
Tangibility Spectrum 6
Trends in the Service Sector 6
Why Service Marketing? 8
Service-Based Economies 8
Service as a Business Imperative in Goods-Focused Businesses 9
Deregulated Industries and Professional Service Needs 10
Service Marketing Is Different 10
Service Equals Profits 10
Exhibit 1.1: Is the Marketing of Services Different? A Historical Perspective 11
But “Service Stinks” 12
Strategy Insight: Competing Strategically through Service 13
Service and Technology 14
Technology-Based Service Offerings 14
New Ways to Deliver Service 15
Technology Spotlight: The Changing Face of Customer Service 16
Enabling Both Customers and Employees 16
Extending the Global Reach of Services 16
The Internet Is a Service 17
Global Feature: The Migration of Service Jobs 18
The Paradoxes and Dark Side of Technology and Service 19
Characteristics of Services 19
Intangibility 20
Heterogeneity 21
Simultaneous Production and Consumption 21
Perishability 22
Search, Experience, and Credence Qualities 23
Challenges and Questions for Service Marketers 24
Service Marketing Mix 24
Traditional Marketing Mix 25
Expanded Mix for Services 26
Staying Focused on the Customer 27
Exhibit 1.2: Southwest Airlines: Aligning People, Processes, and Physical Evidence 28
Summary 29
Discussion Questions 29
Exercises 29
Notes 30
Chapter 2 Conceptual Framework of the Book: The Gaps Model of Service Quality 33
The Customer Gap 35
The Provider Gaps 36
Provider Gap 1: the Listening Gap 36
Provider Gap 2: the Service Design and Standards Gap 37
Global Feature: An International Retailer Puts Customers in the Wish Mode to Begin Closing the Gaps 38
Provider Gap 3: the Service Performance Gap 40
Technology Spotlight: Technology’s Critical Impact on the Gaps Model of Service Quality 42
Provider Gap 4: the Communication Gap 44
Putting It All Together: Closing the Gaps 45
Strategy Insight: Using the Gaps Model to Assess an Organization’s Service Strategy 46
Summary 48
Discussion Questions 48
Exercises 48
Notes 48
Chapter 3 Customer Expectations of Service 50
Service Expectations 52
Types of Expectations 53
Global Feature: Global Outsourcing of Personal Services: What Are Customers’ Expectations? 54
The Zone of Tolerance 54
Factors that Influence Customer Expectations of Service 57
Sources of Desired Service Expectations 57
Technology Spotlight: Customer Expectations of Airport Services Using Technology 58
Sources of Adequate Service Expectations 60
Sources of Both Desired and Predicted Service Expectations 63
Strategy Insight: How Service Marketers Can Influence Customers’ Expectations 65
Issues Involving Customers’ Service Expectations 66
What Does a Service Marketer Do if Customer Expectations Are “Unrealistic”? 66
Exhibit 3.1: Service Customers Want the Basics 67
Should a Company Try to Delight the Customer? 68
How Does a Company Exceed Customer Service Expectations? 69
Do Customers’ Service Expectations Continually Escalate? 71
How Does a Service Company Stay Ahead of Competition in Meeting Customer Expectations? 71
Summary 72
Discussion Questions 72
Exercises 73
Notes 73
Chapter 4 Customer Perceptions of Service 76
Customer Perceptions 78
Satisfaction versus Service Quality 79
Transaction versus Cumulative Perceptions 79
Customer Satisfaction 80
What Is Customer Satisfaction? 80
What Determines Customer Satisfaction? 81
National Customer Satisfaction Indexes 83
The American Customer Satisfaction Index 83
Outcomes of Customer Satisfaction 85
Service Quality 87
Outcome, Interaction, and Physical Environment Quality 87
Service Quality Dimensions 87
Global Feature: Differences in Service Quality Perceptions and Customer Rage Across Cultures 88
E-Service Quality 91
Customer Effort 93
Service Encounters: The Building Blocks for Customer Perceptions 93
Strategy Insight: Customer Satisfaction and the Bottom Line 94
Service Encounters or Moments of Truth 94
The Importance of Encounters 96
Exhibit 4.1: One Critical Encounter Destroys a 30-Year Relationship 97
Types of Service Encounters 98
Sources of Pleasure and Displeasure in Service Encounters 98
Technology Spotlight: Customers Love Amazon 100
Technology-Based Service Encounters 102
Summary 104
Discussion Questions 104
Exercises 105
Notes 105
Chapter 5 Listening to Customers through Research 113
Using Customer Research to Understand Customer Expectations 115
Research Objectives for Services 115
Criteria for an Effective Service Research Program 116
Exhibit 5.1: Elements in an Effective Customer Research Program for Services 118
Elements in an Effective Service Marketing Research Program 121
Complaint Solicitation 121
Technology Spotlight: Conducting Customer Research on the Web 122
Critical Incident Studies 124
Requirements Research 124
Relationship and SERVQUAL Surveys 125
Exhibit 5.2: SERVQUAL: A Multidimensional Scale to Capture Customer Perceptions and Expectations of Service Quality 126
Trailer Calls or Posttransaction Surveys 128
Service Expectation Meetings and Reviews 129
Process Checkpoint Evaluations 130
Market-Oriented Ethnography 130
Mystery Shopping 131
Customer Panels 131
Lost Customer Research 132
Future Expectations Research 132
Analyzing and Interpreting Customer Research Findings 132
Strategy Insight: Big Data Provides New Tools to Research Consumers 133
Global Feature: Conducting Customer Research in Emerging Markets 134
Customer Journey and Experience Maps 134
Importance/Performance Matrices 136
Using Marketing Research Information 137
Upward Communication 137
Objectives for Upward Communication 137
Exhibit 5.3: Elements in an Effective Program of Upward Communication 138
Research for Upward Communication 138
Exhibit 5.4: Employees Provide Upward Communication at Cabela’s, “World’s Foremost Outfitter” 140
Benefits of Upward Communication 140
Summary 141
Discussion Questions 141
Exercises 142
Notes 142
Chapter 6 Building Customer Relationships 144
Relationship Marketing 146
The Evolution of Customer Relationships 147
Exhibit 6.1: A Typology of Exchange Relationships 148
The Goal of Relationship Marketing 149
Technology Spotlight: Customer Information Systems Help Enhance the Customer Relationship 150
Benefits for Customers and Firms 150
Relationship Value of Customers 154
Exhibit 6.2: Calculating the Relationship Value of an Intuit Customer 155
Customer Profitability Segments 157
Profitability Tiers—the Customer Pyramid 157
The Customer’s View of Profitability Tiers 158
Making Business Decisions Using Profitability Tiers 158
Relationship Development Strategies 159
Core Service Provision 160
Switching Barriers 160
Relationship Bonds 161
Global Feature: Developing Loyal Customers at Airbnb 164
Relationship Challenges 166
The Customer Is Not Always Right 166
Strategy Insight: “The Customer Is Always Right”: Rethinking an Old Tenet 168
Ending Business Relationships 170
Summary 171
Discussion Questions 172
Exercises 172
Notes 172
Chapter 7
Service Recovery 178
The Impact of Service Failure and Recovery 179
Service Recovery Effects 180
Exhibit 7.1: The Service Recovery Paradox 182
How Customers Respond to Service Failures 183
Why People Do (and Do Not) Complain 183
Exhibit 7.2: The Internet Spreads the Story of Poor Service Recovery: “United Breaks Guitars” 184
Types of Customer Complaint Actions 186
Types of Complainers 186
Service Recovery Strategies: Fixing the Customer 187
Respond Quickly 188
Exhibit 7.3: Service Hero Stories 189
Provide Appropriate Communication 190
Technology Spotlight: Cisco Systems— Customers Recover for Themselves 192
Treat Customers Fairly 192
Exhibit 7.4: Fairness Themes in Service Recovery 194
Global Feature: Service Recovery across Cultures 196
Cultivate Relationships with Customers 198
Service Recovery Strategies: Fixing the Problem 198
Encourage and Track Complaints 198
Learn from Recovery Experiences 199
Strategy Insight: Eliciting Complaints and Reports of Service Failure 200
Learn from Lost Customers 200
Make the Service Fail-Safe—Do It Right the First Time! 201
Service Guarantees 202
Characteristics of Effective Guarantees 203
Types of Service Guarantees 204
Benefits of Service Guarantees 205
When to Use (or Not Use) a Guarantee 205
Exhibit 7.5: Questions to Consider in Implementing a Service Guarantee 206
Switching Versus Staying Following Service Recovery 207
Summary 209
Discussion Questions 209
Exercises 210
Notes 210
Chapter 8 Service Innovation and Design 218
Challenges of Service Innovation and Design 220
Important Considerations for Service Innovation 221
Involve Customers and Employees 221
Employ Service Design Thinking and Techniques 222
Technology Spotlight: Facebook: A Radical Service Innovation 224
Service Offering Innovation 224
Innovating around Customer Roles 226
Innovation through Service Solutions 226
Service Innovation through Interconnected Products 227
Exhibit 8.1: Pills with Sensors Track Drug Usage by Patients 228
Stages in Service Innovation and Development 228
Front-End Planning 230
Strategy Insight: Strategic Growth through Services 232
Implementation 234
Service Blueprinting: A Technique for Service Innovation and Design 235
What Is a Service Blueprint? 236
Blueprint Components 238
Service Blueprint Examples 240
Blueprints for Technology-Delivered Self-Service 242
Reading and Using Service Blueprints 243
Building a Blueprint 244
Exhibit 8.3: Blueprinting in Action at ARAMARK Parks and Destinations 246
Exhibit 8.4: Frequently Asked Questions about Service Blueprinting 247
Summary 247
Discussion Questions 248
Exercises 248
Notes 249
Chapter 9
Customer-Defined Service Standards 254
Factors Necessary for Appropriate Service Standards 256
Standardization of Service Behaviors and Actions 256
Formal Service Targets and Goals 257
Strategy Insight: Using Big Data to Define Service Standards and Improve Customer Experience 258
Customer-, Not Company-, Defined Standards 259
Types of Customer-Defined Service Standards 260
Hard Customer-Defined Standards 260
Exhibit 9.1: Examples of Hard Customer- Defined Standards 261
Soft Customer-Defined Standards 262
One-Time Fixes 263
Global Feature: Adjusting Service Standards around the Globe 264
Exhibit 9.2: Examples of Soft Customer- Defined Standards 266
Development of Customer-Defined Service Standards 266
Turning Customer Requirements into Specific Behaviors and Actions 266
Exhibit 9.3: Hard and Soft Standards for Service at Ford Motor Company 267
Exhibit 9.4: Expected Behaviors for Service Encounters at John Robert’s Spa 270
Technology Spotlight The Power of Good Responsiveness Standards 276
Developing Service Performance Indexes 278
Summary 278
Discussion Questions 278
Exercises 279
Notes 279
Chapter 10 Physical Evidence and the Servicescape 281
Physical Evidence 283
What Is Physical Evidence? 283
Technology Spotlight: Virtual Servicescapes: Experiencing Services through the Internet 284
How Does Physical Evidence Affect the Customer Experience? 284
Types of Servicescapes 287
Servicescape Usage 287
Servicescape Complexity 288
Strategic Roles of the Servicescape 289
Package 289
Facilitator 289
Strategy Insight: Strategic Positioning through Architectural Design 290
Socializer 292
Differentiator 292
Framework for Understanding Servicescape Effects on Behavior 293
The Underlying Framework 293
Behaviors in the Servicescape 293
Exhibit 10.1: Servicescapes and Well-Being in Health Care 294
Exhibit 10.2: Social Support in “Third Places” 297
Internal Responses to the Servicescape 298
Environmental Dimensions of the Servicescape 300
Exhibit 10.3: Designing the Mayo Clinic Hospital 302
Global Feature: McDonald’s Adapts Servicescapes to Fit the Culture 304
Guidelines for Physical Evidence Strategy 304
Recognize the Strategic Impact of Physical Evidence 305
Blueprint the Physical Evidence of Service 306 Clarify Strategic Roles of the Servicescape 306
Assess and Identify Physical Evidence Opportunities 306
Update and Modernize the Evidence 307
Work Cross-Functionally 307
Summary 307
Discussion Questions 308
Exercises 308
Notes 309
Chapter 11 Employees’ Roles in Service 315
Service Culture 316
Exhibiting Service Leadership 317
Developing a Service Culture 317
Global Feature: How Well Does a Company’s Service Culture Travel? 318
Transporting a Service Culture 318
The Critical Role of Service Employees 320
The Service Triangle 321
Employee Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction, and Profits 322
The Effect of Employee Behaviors on Service Quality Dimensions 323
Boundary-Spanning Roles 323
Emotional Labor 324
Sources of Conflict 325
Strategy Insight: Strategies for Managing Emotional Labor 326
Quality/Productivity Trade-Offs 328
Strategies for Delivering Service Quality Through People 328
Hire the Right People 329
Technology Spotlight: How Technology Is Helping Employees Serve Customers More Effectively and Efficiently 330
Exhibit 11.1: Google Quickly Becomes a Preferred Employer in Its Industry 332
Develop People to Deliver Service Quality 334
Exhibit 11.2: Potential Benefits and Costs of Empowerment 336
Provide Needed Support Systems 337
Retain the Best People 338
Customer-Oriented Service Delivery 340
Summary 342
Discussion Questions 342
Exercises 343
Notes 343
Chapter 12
Customers’ Roles in Service 349
The Importance of Customers in Service Cocreation 351
Customers Themselves 351
Strategy Insight: Customer Cocreation of Value: An Important Strategy Frontier 352
Fellow Customers 354
Exhibit 12.1: Client Cocreation of Value in Business-to-Business Services 356
Customers’ Roles 356
Customers as Productive Resources 356
Customers as Contributors to Quality, Satisfaction, and Value 358
Exhibit 12.2: Which Customer (A or B) Will Be Most Satisfied? 359
Global Feature: At Sweden’s IKEA, Customers around the World Cocreate Customized Value 360
Customers as Competitors 361
Self-Service Technologies—The Ultimate in Customer Participation 363
A Proliferation of New SSTs 363
Customer Usage of SSTs 364
Success with SSTs 365
Strategies for Enhancing Customer Participation 365
Define Customers’ Roles 365
Technology Spotlight: Technology Facilitates Customer Participation in Health Care 368
Recruit, Educate, and Reward Customers 370
Exhibit 12.3: Working Together, U.S. Utility Companies and Customers Conserve Energy 371
Exhibit 12.4: Weight Watchers Educates and Orients New Members 372
Manage the Customer Mix 373
Summary 375
Discussion Questions 375
Exercises 376
Notes 376
Chapter 13
Managing Demand and Capacity 382
The Underlying Issue: Lack of Inventory Capability 384
Capacity Constraints 386
Time, Labor, Equipment, and Facilities 387
Optimal versus Maximum Use of Capacity 387
Demand Patterns 388
The Charting of Demand Patterns 388
Predictable Cycles 389
Random Demand Fluctuations 389
Demand Patterns by Market Segment 390
Strategies for Matching Capacity and Demand 390
Shifting Demand to Match Capacity 390
Global Feature: Cemex Creatively Manages Chaotic Demand for Its Services 391
Adjusting Capacity to Meet Demand 394
Combining Demand and Capacity Strategies 397
Strategy Insight: Combining Demand (Marketing) and Capacity (Operations) Strategies to Increase Profits 398
Yield Management: Balancing Capacity Utilization, Pricing, Market Segmentation, and Financial Return 398
Implementing a Yield Management System 400
Exhibit 13.1: Simple Yield Calculations: Examples from Hotel and Legal Services 401
Technology Spotlight: Information and Technology Drive Yield Management Systems 402
Challenges and Risks in Using Yield Management 402
Waiting Line Strategies: When Demand and Capacity Cannot be Matched 404
Employ Operational Logic 404
Exhibit 13.2: Overflow in the ED: Managing Capacity Constraints and Excess Demand in Hospital Emergency Departments 405
Establish a Reservation Process 407
Differentiate Waiting Customers 408
Make Waiting More Pleasurable 408
Summary 411
Discussion Questions 411
Exercises 412
Notes 412
Chapter 14 Integrated Service Marketing Communications 417
The Need for Coordination in Marketing Communication 419
Key Service Communication Challenges 421
Service Intangibility 421
Management of Service Promises 422
Management of Customer Expectations 422
Customer Education 423
Internal Marketing Communication 423
Five Categories of Strategies to Match Service
Promises with Delivery 424
Address Service Intangibility 424
Strategy Insight: Mobile Advertising—The Key to the Future of Digital 428
Exhibit 14.1: Service Advertising Strategies Matched with Properties of Intangibility 429
Manage Service Promises 430
Global Feature: Virgin Atlantic Airways 433
Technology Spotlight: Internet Expert Mary Meeker Predicts What Companies Most Need to Know 435
Manage Customer Expectations 436
Manage Customer Education 437
Manage Internal Marketing Communication 439
Summary 442
Discussion Questions 443
Exercises 443
Notes 443
Chapter 15 Pricing of Services 446
Three Key Ways that Service Prices are Different for Customers 448
Customer Knowledge of Service Prices 448
Exhibit 15.1: What Do You Know about the Prices of Services? 449
The Role of Nonmonetary Costs 451
Price as an Indicator of Service Quality 453
Approaches to Pricing Services 453
Cost-Based Pricing 453
Competition-Based Pricing 455
Strategy Insight: Pricing Variation in Airlines Offers Strategic Opportunities 456
Demand-Based Pricing 456
Global Feature: Unique Tipping and Pricing Practices around the World 457
Technology Spotlight: Dynamic Pricing on the Internet Allows Price Adjustments Based on Supply and Demand 460
Pricing Strategies That Link to the Four Value Definitions 461
Exhibit 15.2: Pricing for Customer- Perceived Value with Modular Service Pricing and Service Tiering 462
Pricing Strategies When the Customer Means “Value Is Low Price” 463
Pricing Strategies When the Customer Means “Value Is Everything I Want in a Service” 464
Pricing Strategies When the Customer Means “Value Is the Quality I Get for the Price I
Pay” 465
Pricing Strategies When the Customer Means “Value Is All That I Get for All That I Give” 466
Summary 469
Discussion Questions 469
Exercises 470
Notes 470
Chapter 16 The Financial and Economic Impact of Service 474
Service and Profitability: The Direct Relationship 476
Exhibit 16.1: Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, and Firm Performance 478
Offensive Marketing Effects of Service: Attracting More and Better Customers 480
Defensive Marketing Effects of Service: Customer Retention 480
Lower Costs 481
Volume of Purchases 482
Price Premium 482
Word-of-Mouth Communication 482
Exhibit 16.2: Word-of-Mouth Communication and Customer Measurement: The Net Promoter Score 483
Customer Perceptions of Service Quality and Purchase Intentions 484
Exhibit 16.3: Questions That Managers Want Answered about Defensive Marketing 485
Exhibit 16.4: Service Quality and the Economic Worth of Customers: Businesses Still Need to Know More 486
The Key Drivers of Service Quality, Customer Retention, and Profits 488
Effective Nonfinancial Performance Measurements 489
Strategy Insight: Customer Equity and Return on Marketing: Metrics to Match a Strategic Customer-Centered View of the Firm 490
Technology Spotlight: Cost-Effective Service Excellence through Technology 493
Global Feature: Measurement of Customer Satisfaction Worldwide 494
Summary 494
Discussion Questions 495
Exercises 495
Notes 495


