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  • 中文名:旅遊英語
  • 作者:陳金鳳,魯婭妮,李參主編
  • 類別:餐飲旅遊業英語
  • 出版社:北京理工大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2014年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787564084448




Unit 1 Traveling Plan旅行計畫
Situational Conversation 情景對話
Section A Consulting the Travel Agency諮詢旅行社
1. Dialogue 1
2. Dialogue 2
3. Dialogue 3
Section B Applying a Visa辦理簽證
4. Dialogue 1
5. Dialogue 2
6. Dialogue 3
Section C Booking Airline Tickets預定機票
7. Dialogue 1
8. Dialogue 2
9. Dialogue 3
Section D Changing Foreign Currency兌換外幣
10. Dialogue 1
11. Dialogue 2
12. Dialogue 3
Practical expressions實用表達
Unit test
Part 1 Vocabulary
Part 2 Translation practice
Part 3 Reading comprehension
Part 4 Cloze
Culture notes
Unit 2 Departure旅行出發
Situational Conversation 情景對話
Section A At the airport在機場
13. Dialogue 1
14. Dialogue 2
15. Dialogue 3
Section B On the plane在飛機上
16. Dialogue 1
17. Dialogue 2
18. Dialogue 3
Section C Going through customs海關通行
19. Dialogue 1
20. Dialogue 2
21. Dialogue 3
Practical expressions實用表達
Unit test
Part 1 Vocabulary
Part 2 Translation practice
Part 3 Reading comprehension
Culture notes
Unit 3 Accommodation旅行住宿
Situational Conversation 情景對話
Section A Room Reservation預定房間
22. Dialogue 1
23. Dialogue 2
24. Dialogue 3
Section B Checking in登記入住
25. Dialogue 1
26. Dialogue 2
27. Dialogue 3
Section C Checking out結賬退房
28. Dialogue 1
29. Dialogue 2
30. Dialogue 3
Practical expressions實用表達
Unit test
Part 1 Vocabulary
Part 2 Translation practice
Part 3 Reading comprehension
Part 4 Cloze
Culture notes
Unit 4 Sightseeing 旅遊觀光
Situational Conversation 情景對話
Section A Traveling by bus巴士旅遊
31. Dialogue 1
32. Dialogue 2
33. Dialogue 3
Section B Taking a taxi 搭計程車車旅遊
34. Dialogue 1
35. Dialogue 2
36. Dialogue 3
Section C Train and subway乘火車與捷運旅遊
37. Dialogue 1
38. Dialogue 2
39. Dialogue 3
Practical expressions實用表達
Unit test
Part 1 Vocabulary
Part 2 Translation practice
Part 3 Reading comprehension
Part 4 Cloze
Culture notes
Unit 5 Shopping旅行購物
Situational Conversation 情景對話
Section A Buying souvenir購買紀念品
40. Dialogue 1
41. Dialogue 2
42. Dialogue 3
Section B Ready to pay結賬付款
43. Dialogue 1
44. Dialogue 2
45. Dialogue 3
Section C Refund and exchange退貨換貨
46. Dialogue 1
47. Dialogue 2
48. Dialogue 3
Practical expressions實用表達
Unit test
Part 1 Vocabulary
Part 2 Translation practice
Part 3 Reading comprehension
Part 4 Cloze
Unit 6 Asking for help尋求幫助
Situational Conversation 情景對話
Section A Asking the way問路
49. Dialogue 1
50. Dialogue 2
51. Dialogue 3
Section B Bank services 銀行服務
52. Dialogue 1
53. Dialogue 2
54. Dialogue 3
Section C Making a phone call 打電話
55. Dialogue 1
56. Dialogue 2
57. Dialogue 3
Practical expressions實用表達
Unit test
Part 1 Vocabulary
Part 2 Translation practice
Part 3 Reading comprehension
Part 4 Cloze
Keys to the exercises習題答案
Equivalent Chinese Dialogue對話參考譯文


