(1)Jinfa Shi,Jianhui Sun. OVERVIEW ON INNOVATION OF TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION IN VEHICLE CAE,2009 International Conference on Electronic Computer Technology (ICECT 2009):457-460 EI索引
(2)Jinfa Shi,Hejun Jao,Jianhui Sun. Research on Collaborative Design System of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises for Networked Manufacturing. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Computer and Industrial Engineering(2008):2146-2153 ISTP索引
(5)Shi Jinfa, Jiao Hejun. Research of Security Detection for Networked Manufacturing based on Optimized Support Vector Machine. 2009 International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics(IHMSC 2009):32-35,Hangzhou,China
(8)Shi Jinfa, Zhou Yuhui. Study on the rapid prototyping manufacturing technique of the vehicle body hull. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Transmissions(2006):1590-1593
(12)胡中艷,宗思生,施進發. RESEARCH AND REALIZATION OF PROGRAM ABOUT ALGORITHM OF BEZIER CURVE’S CONTROL POINTS. Proceedings of the 38rh International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering(2008):ISTP索引
(13)Zhiqiang Jiang, Xilan Feng and Jinfa Shi. Study on Characteristics of Damage Mechanics of Ductile Iron. Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 324-325, 2006, pp. 327-350 EI、ISTP-收錄
(14)Zhiqiang Jiang, Xilan Feng and Jinfa Shi. Influences of Heat Treatment on Structures and Mechanical Properties of Cast Fe-B-C Alloy. Advanced Materials Research (AMR), 2008, Vol. 33-37, pp459-462 EI、ISTP收錄
(17)Jiang Zhi-qiang, Feng Xi-lan, Shi Jin-fa, Zong Xue-wen. Web Service-Based Study on BPM Integrated Application for Aero-Manufacturing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Valume: 3842/2006, pp.1049-1052. (SCI-BDV63收錄,EI-2006279982372收錄,ISTP-BDV63收錄)
(18)Zhiqiang Jiang, Xilan Feng, Jinfa Shi. A CR-Oriented Investigation of PCM Model based on PFSC for Aeronautical Subcontract Production. Proceedings of the 2008 International Symposium on Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling (KAM 2008), December 18-19, 2008, Wuhan, China. EI、ISTP收錄
(19)Xilan Feng, Zhiqiang Jiang, Jinfa Shi and Xuewen Zong. Windows DNA-based Study on the Integrated Application of Manufacturing Information System. Proceedings of the First International Multi-Symposium on Computer and Computational Sciences (IMSCCS 2006), 20-24 June 2006, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. pp.372-377. (EI-20065110322815收錄,ISTP-BEV98收錄)
“信用合作銀行綜合業務處理網路系統”,該項目是為河南省南陽市信用合作聯社研究開發的實用性橫向課題。1998年通過河南省科委鑑定,居國內領先水平,並獲河南省科技進步三等獎。相應的網路版軟體Credit Cooperation Bank System(信用合作銀行系統,簡稱CCBS2.0)獲國家著作權局頒發的計算機軟體著作權證書。該課題的研發奠定了研究異構資料庫接口的技術基礎。