| 項目名稱
| 項目性質 及來源
| 起止 年度
| 分子鏈空間次級鍵形成與慢消化澱粉消化特性
| 國家自然科學基金重點項目子課題
| 2013.1 -2015.12
| 美拉德產物中HMF和4-MeI的形成機理
| 國家自然科學基金面上項目
| 2013.1 -2016.12
| 美拉德反應中金屬配合物的形成機理及構效
| 國家自然科學基金面上項目
| 2011.1-2013.12
| 甘蔗酚酸金屬配合物柱上反應機理及產物構效研究
| 國家自然科學基金面上項目
| 2008.1-2010.12
1. Xin-Lan Wu, Shu-JuanYu*,Ke-Ren Kang, et al.. Development of aMonoclonal Antibody-based Indirect Competitive Immunosorbent Assay for4(5)-Methylimidazole Detection in Caramels. Food Chemistry, 2015,170, 354–359.
2. Guan,Y. G.; Chen, M. S.; Shu-Juan Yu*; Tang, Q.; Yan, H., Developing an effective means to reduce 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural fromcaramel colour. Food Chem 2014, 143, 60-65.
3. Xu X B, Liu D B, Guo X M, Shu-Juan Yu*et al.Improvement of sugar analysis sensitivity using anion-exchangechromatography–electrospray ionization mass spectrometry with sheath liquidinterface[J]. Journal of Chromatography A, 2014, 1366: 65-72.
4. Xu X B, Liu D B, Shu-Juan Yu* et al.Separation and determination of 4-methylimidazole, 2-methylimidazole and5-hydroxymethylfurfural in beverages by amino trap column coupled with pulsedamperometric detection[J]. Food chemistry, 2015, 169: 224-229.
5. Xu X B, Liu D B, Shu-Juan Yu*. Short communication: Amino trap columnimproves the separation of methylimidazoles, 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde, andsugars in Maillard reaction[J]. Journal of dairy science, 2014, 97(11):6810-6813.
6. Xu X B, Liu D B, Zhao Y, et al.Simultaneous Analysis of 2-and 4-Methylimidazole in Caramel Color and SoftDrinks Using IC-PAD with Post-Column Addition of Hydroxide[J]. Food AnalyticalMethods, 2014: 1-7.
7. Xiao-mingGuo, Si-ming Zhu, Qiang Tang, Shu-Juan Yu*. Characterisation of the turbid particles in the extractionof sugar beet pectin. Food Chemistry,2014:(162)99-103
8. Xiao-ming Guo, Tao zhang, Shu-Juan Yu*. purifying sugar beet pectinfrom non-petic components by means of metal precipitation. Food Hydrocolloid,2015(51),69-75.
9.Feng Zeng, Fei Ma, Qunyu Gao, Shu-Juan Yu* Debranching and temperature-cycled crystallization of waxy ricestarch and their digestibility, Carbohydrate Polymers,113 (2014) 91–96
10. Feng Zeng, Qunyu Gao, Rana Muhammad Aadil, Shu-Juan Yu*.Structure anddigestibility of debranched and repeatedly crystallized waxy rice starch. Food Chemistry 187 (2015) 348–353.
11.Wang Z, Wang J,Guo S, Xue X, Shu-Juan Yu*. Iron‐ChelatingProperties of Melanoidins and Inducing Effect of Pulsed Electric Field. Journalof Food Engineering 36 (6),786-792, 2013.
12. Xu Xian Bing, MaF, Shu-Juan Yu*, Guan Y-G.Simultaneous analysis of Nε-(carboxymethyl) lysine, reducing sugars, and lysineduring the dairy thermal process. Journal of Dairy Science 96 (9),5487-5493, 2014.
13. Yongguang Guan a, Mingshun Chen a, Shu-Juan Yu*, Developing an effective means toreduce 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural from caramel colour,. Food Chemistry. 143 (2014) 60–65
14. Mingshun Chen, Yi Zhao, Shu-Juan Yu*.Optimisation of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds, antioxidants,and anthocyanins from sugar beet molasses. Food Chemistry. 172 (2015)543–550.
15.Feng Zeng, Fei Ma, Qunyu Gao, Shu-Juan Yu*.Physicochemicalproperties and digestibility of hydrothermally treated waxy rice starch. FoodChemistry. 172 (2015) 92–98.
16.Yongguang Guan, QiangTang, Xiong Fu, Shu-Juan Yu*.Preparation of antioxidants from sugarcanemolasses. Food Chemistry. 152 (2014)552–557.
| 獲獎項目名稱
| 獎勵名稱
| 獎勵等級
| 授獎單位及國別
| 獎勵 年度
| 排名
| 高值化糖品綠色加工關鍵技術及套用
| 廣東省科學技術獎
| 1
| 廣東省政府
| 2012
| 第一
| 強電場處理食品綠色加工技術與裝備
| 教育部科技成果獎
| 2
| 教育部
| 2009
| 第二
| 食品粘稠物系精製新技術及套用
| 廣東省科學技術獎
| 1
| 廣東省政府
| 2005
| 第二
| 天然有色糖品的生產方法
| 中國專利獎
| 優秀
| 中華人民共和國國家知識產權局
| 2014
| 第一
通訊地址 廣州市天河區五山路381號華南理工大學食品科學與工程學院