



  • 中文名:新編商務英語基礎教程
  • 作者:王錄
  • 出版時間:2007年12月1日
  • 出版社高等教育出版社
  • 頁數:268 頁
  • ISBN:9787040229219 
  • 類別:新編商務英語系列叢書,全國商務英語研究會推薦教材
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 尺寸:22.6 x 17.6 x 3.2 cm
  • 重量:358 g
  • 正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文




Unit 1 Pleased to Meet You
Part 1 Listen and Talk
1.Phonetic Practice
1Sound Recognition
2Listening Comprehension
2.Oral Practice
3.Laughing Time
Part 2 Read and Think
Tcxt A Forms of Addrcss
Text B Introduction
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
Part 4 Extended Activities
Unit 2 Fist Contact
Part 1 Listen and Talk
Part 2 Read and Think
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
Part 4 Extended Activities
Unit 3 Visiting the Company
Part 1 Listen and Talk
Part 2 Read and Think
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
Part 4 Extended Activities
Unit 4 Business Dinner
Part 1 Listen and Talk
Part 2 Read and Think
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
Part 4 Extended Activities
Unit 5 Starying a Business
Part 1 Listen and Talk
Part 2 Read and Think
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
Part 4 Extended Activities
Unit 6 The Quality and Quantity of Customers
Part 1 Listen and Talk
Part 2 Read and Think
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
Part 4 Extended Activities
Unit 7 Advertising
Part 1 Listen and Talk
Part 2 Read and Think
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
Part 4 Extended Activities
Unit 8 E-business
Part 1 Listen and Talk
Part 2 Read and Think
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
Part 4 Extended Activities
Unit 9 Distribution
Part 1 Listen and Talk
Part 2 Read and Think
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
Part 4 Extended Activities
Unit 10 Employment
Part 1 Listen and Talk
Part 2 Read and Think
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
Part 4 Extended Activities


