出版社: 高等教育出版社; 第2版 (2011年6月1日)
外文書名: Business English A Reading Course (Second Edition)
叢書名: 全國高等院校商務英語精品教材,全國商務英語研究會推薦教材
平裝: 291頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787040327700
條形碼: 9787040327700
尺寸: 25.2 x 19.4 x 1.4 cm
重量: 522 g
本教材總計4冊,每冊10個單元。每單元分兩個部分。第一部分由課文(text)及相應的練習組成,其中text a可作為主課文使用,text b可作home reading使用,教師亦可根據需要作適當調整;兩篇課文在生詞表後都增加了useful expressions,供學生參考掌握運用。第二部分為快速閱讀(fast reading),每單元都配有兩篇短文及相應的練習,其目的是培養學生在有限時間內快速準確地獲取主要信息的能力,此部分可在課堂規定的時間內完成。本教材每冊各配有期中與期末兩套自測題,用以檢查已學過的辭彙、語言知識、商務知識及閱讀理解能力。每冊書後新增了some important reading strategies and skills,以幫助學生掌握閱讀技巧,提高閱讀速度,增強閱讀能力。此外還附有該冊生詞總表及練習答案,供教師和學生參考。
unit 1
part a text /1
text a business and your life / 1
text b competition in business / 9
part b fast reading / 18
unit 2
part a text / 23
text a marketing is all around us / 23
text b how marketing serves us / 32
part b fast reading / 39
unit 3
part a text /45
text a buying motives / 45
text b how and where people buy / 53
part b fast reading / 64
unit 4
part a text /71
text a selling / 71
text b i've never been able to bargain, even with an armenian rug dealer/ 79
part b fast reading / 88
unit 5
part a text /94
text a american business heroes / 94
text b bill gates / 102
part b fast reading / 11o
test 1
unit 6
part a text / 125
text a types of business organizations / 125
text b the trouble with being a tycoon / 133
part b fast reading / 143
unit 7
part a text / 15o
text a other types of business organizations / 150
text b franchising in china: a dead duck? / 159
part b fast reading / 167
unit 8
part a text / 172
text a the coca-cola company's first hundred years ( i ) / 172
text b the coca-cola company's first hundred years (ii) / 179
part b fast reading / 187
unit 9
part a text / 195
text a brand and brand names(i) / 195
text b brand and brand names (ii) / 205
part b fast reading / 213
unit 10
part a text / 220
text a reaching china's digital consumers / 220
text b environmentally friendly consumers emerge / 231
part b fast reading / 241
test 2 /248
some important reading strategies and skills /256
vocabulary / 269
key / 284