十二歲跳級就讀拉斯維加斯高中,由於Reid比同學要年輕和聰明,使得他成為了被欺負的人,在(S3E16)和(S8E12)中,Reid透露了當時他收到了一位可愛女生的字條,女生要求他戴上眼罩,然後當著全年級的面把他的衣服扒了,這件事對還年幼的Reid影響很深。畢業後,Reid進入美國加州理工大學繼續深造。十八歲那一年,黛安娜的病情惡化,生活不能自己,Reid不得已把母親送到本寧頓療養院(S2E15),出於無法經常探望母親的愧疚,他每天都給母親寫信講述遇到的案件,黛安娜把這些信稱作兒子的冒險史(S2E1)。但Reid擔心終有一天他母親的精神分裂症會通過基因遺傳到他,並告訴Morgan"I know what it's like to be afraid of your own mind"(S2E11)
在(S3E2)中,Gideon不辭而別,只是特別為Reid留了一封信解釋,Reid內心非常傷心。在(S3E3)中和Morgan被困在電梯,驚恐萬分。在(S3E6)中第一次為萬聖節特別打扮。在(S3E7)中,Reid被路人嘲笑是一根長了眼睛的竹竿("You're like a pipe cleaner with eyes!"),還被嘲笑配槍的位置就像是求別人快把他的槍奪走。在(S3E12)中被法警埋怨只顧埋頭地理側寫,但最終亦因此最先找到受害人被困的地點。在(S3E14)中,Reid和Hotch到監獄分析一個將要處死刑的連環殺手,誰知他只想利用殺害FBI探員來延長審訊期。危急情況下,Reid急中生智,針對兇手的精神問題講了整整十三分鐘,以分散他的注意,最終才安全無恙。在(S3E16)中,Reid參加FBI互助會,驚訝地發現他的其中一個老上司約翰也在場,約翰借給Reid他戒酒一年的獎勵勳章,以此鼓勵Reid徹底戒毒。Reid從此遠離毒品,即使在第四季感染炭疽病毒也堅持拒絕使用任何麻醉和止痛藥(S4E21),但後來JJ和Hotch向小組成員隱瞞了Emily”死而復生“,Reid對此很受傷,並向JJ賭氣說想過要重新吸毒(S7E1)。在(S3E19)劇情閃回中出現Reid加入FBI後第一次踏足兇案現場的情景。第三季第二集
這一季初,Reid因為Emily的死,脾氣變得暴躁,在(S7E1)中憤怒地對質詢BAU的法務部參議員說“This is calm and it's doctor“)。在(S7E2)中,Reid覺得自己被JJ出賣,不知情下連續十個星期跑到JJ家哭泣失去了一個好朋友,最後經Emily開解,原諒了JJ並愉快地參加了小組在Rosis家的聚會。在(S7E4)中被Morgan玩弄,向媒體公布Reid的電話號碼,使Reid不停被騷擾,更令Reid在極不耐煩之下爆出了粗口("Son of bitch"),但Reid後來在飛機上用尖叫“反擊”Morgan,扳回一局(爆笑)。在(S7E11”真正的天才“)一案中,Reid深深懷疑自己當初加入FBI的原因,認為自己應該能有更大的作為。後來Reid成功解破嫌疑犯隱藏的密碼,救回人質。最後Reid體會到留在FBI和如親人般的組員在一起才是正確的事情,最後小組還給Reid補辦了一個驚喜的30歲生日派對。在(S7E13)中為捉捕一個連環殺手賭徒,在賭場大秀牌技(MGG本集服裝致敬小丑)。第七季第五集
在(S8E10)中,Maeve提出要見Reid,Blake鼓勵Reid去赴約,組員們隱約知道Reid有個神秘女友,都為他感到高興,但當晚約會被臨時取消,Maeve匆忙中留下了一本和Reid將要送給Maeve作見面禮一模一樣的書——柯南·道爾的The Narrative of John Smith《約翰·史密斯的告白》,Maeve還在書的扉頁寫上了出自Thomas Merton的一段話:“Love is our true destiny. We do not find meanings of life by ourselves alone. We find it with another.”(愛是命中注定,我們無法獨自找到人生真諦,需要和愛的人一起)。第八季第十集MGG執導
It was implied that he may have asked for extra-credit work and offered to clean classrooms for teachers (being on extra good behavior) to compensate for his father's absence and mother's mental instability. (In Name and Blood)
Hisfatheris an attorney who works longer hours than the BAU team and has "a very sick cat".(S4E7)
Reid claimed to have improved his social status in school by "coaching" the basketball team. He used mathematics to figure out plays and advise the team, which led to them winning more. (Painless)Reid
He had an Uncle Daniel who died when Reid was young. (Memoriam) He also has/had an uncle who used to take testosterone; it is unknown if it was Daniel or a different uncle. (Strange Fruit)
He has an Aunt Ethel who thinks his hair is too long. (The Lesson)
Yale was his safety school.(S4E7)
His sidearm was a Glock 19. Since the second episode ofSeason Four, he carries a Smith & Wesson Model 65revolverwith a three-inch barrel and wood-colored grips.
His car is a horizon blueVolvo Amazon P130122S circa 1965 with license plate WG S654.
他的車是一輛約1965年出產的藍色沃爾沃亞馬遜p130122s。車牌是:WG S654。
He has killed four unsubs in his career (the first two not with his own sidearm, the last two with his sidearm; the rest of the BAU also shot the third one):Phillip Dowd(using Hotch's backup weapon),Tobias Hankel(using Tobias's own gun after managing to steal it),Chloe Donaghy(with the help of the rest of the BAU), andDaniel Milworth.
He takes equal doses of Riboflavin and Magnesium, in addition to sporadic shots of E2 to prevent his headaches. (God Complex)
He has been shot three times on screen. The first shot was to the left knee while protecting a would-be victim in "Nameless, Faceless". The second shot was in the left arm while trying to rescuehis girlfriendin "Zugzwang". The third shot was to the neck while protecting Blake during a shootout in "Angels".