簡介,效果律,練習律,Edward L. Thorndike (1874-1949),
愛德華· 桑代克(Edward Lee Thorndike)
愛德華· 桑代克(1874―1949)——生於美國麻省一位牧師家庭,他生性害羞、孤獨,只有在學習中才能找到樂趣,也特別有學習的天賦。桑代克在韋斯里揚大學攻讀文學學士學位,後來在哈佛大學做詹姆士的學生,在那裡,他成為心理學史上第一位用動物來研究學習的人。桑代克未在哈佛大學完成學業,而到了哥倫比亞大學在卡特爾的指導下,繼續他的動物研究。1898年發表了博士論文《動物的智慧:動物聯結過程中的心理學研究》,同年,桑代克成為哥倫比亞大學師範學院心理學講師,1903年升任教授。
桑代克的《動物的智慧:動物聯結過程中的心理學研究》,被認為是動物實驗心理學建立的一個標誌,正如馮特在1879年建立心理實驗室被認為是實驗心理學建立的標誌一樣。桑代克是教育心理學的創始人,在1903年出版的他的《教育心理學》被公認為是教育心理學誕生的標誌。 桑代克的動物實驗心理學的建立在心理學家和動物之間架起了一道新的橋樑。他所做的工作並不只是對實驗方法的使用,也不能用行為主義的先驅來簡單地概括,實際上,桑代克的工作在心理學中開創了一項新的慣例:那就是將動物作為抽象化的工具來介紹人類心理中的一些常見概念。
Edward L. Thorndike (1874-1949)
"The mind is man's connection."
Edward L. Thorndike was born in Williamsburg, MA in 1874. He studied at Wesleyan University and Harvard, and became professor at Teachers College, Columbia (1904-40), where he worked on educational psychology and the psychology of animal learning. He did pioneer work not only in learning theory but also in education practices, verbal behavior, comparative psychology, intelligence testing and the application of quantitative measures to sociopsychological problem. His works include Psychology of Learning (1914) and The Measurement of Intelligence (1926).
Edward L. Thorndike's Theory:
The learning theory of Thorndike represents the original S-R framework of behavioral psychology: Learning is the result of associations forming between stimuli and responses. Such associations or "habits" become strengthened or weakened by the nature and frequency of the S-R pairings. The paradigm for S-R theory was trial and error learning in which certain responses come to dominate others due to rewards. The classic example of Thorndike's S-R theory was a cat learning to escape from a "puzzle box" by pressing a lever inside the box. After much trial and error behavior, the cat learns to associate pressing the lever (S) with opening the door (R). This S-R connection is established because it results in a satisfying state of affairs (escape from the box). The law of exercise specifies that the connection was established because the S-R pairing occurred many times (the law of effect) and was rewarded (law of effect) as well as forming a single sequence (law of readiness). As a result of studying animal intelligence, he formulated his famous "laws of learning".
Law of effect
This law states that the strength of a connection is influenced by the consequences of a response. Before 1930, Thorndike believed that pleasurable consequences strengthened a connection and annoying consequences weakened a connection. After 1930, however, he believed the only pleasurable consequences had an effect on the strength of a connection.